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(Created page with "=Sims 3 Pets= ==Introduction== Created a lovely cat, dog, or horse that you want to share? Please read the following guidelines carefully so you know what we expect for uploadi...")
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[[Image:Sookie-Closeups.jpg|right|300x300px|thumb|A collage of 4 different face closeups with fairly neutral expressions.]]
At least one '''face closeup''' of the pet wearing a neutral expression.  This means no wide open mouth, frowns, etc. - just a basic "mugshot"
At least one '''face closeup''' of the pet wearing a neutral expression.  This means no giant smiles, frowns, etc. - just a basic "mugshot"
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[[Image:Sookie-FullBody.jpg|right|300x300px|thumb|A good full-body shot of a sim, from head to toe, in a basic standing pose.]]
At least one '''full body shot''' from head to toe, from the side.  Please try for a basic pose - walking, standing, etc., rather than something that doesn't show the full body very well.  We need to be able to see the sculpting you have done to the body, and what you've done with the animal's coat.
At least one '''full body shot''' from head to toe, from the side.  Please try for a basic pose - walking, standing, etc., rather than something that doesn't show the full body very well.  We need to be able to see the sculpting you have done to the body, and what you've done with the animal's coat.
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When you save your sim in-game, please use the button to save your sim to the bin and then upload the .sim file which is created in your My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder - NOT the .sims3pack created in Exports when you "share sim".
When you save your pet in-game (in the Create-a-Pet screen), please use the button to save your pet to the bin and then upload the .sim file which is created in your My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder - NOT the .sims3pack created in Exports when you "share pet".
Why? The .sim file is about half the size, and can just be tossed into SavedSims when people download it rather than having to double-click and run the launcher to install.  The Launcher doesn't work for many people!
Why? The .sim file is about half the size, and can just be tossed into SavedSims when people download it rather than having to double-click and run the launcher to install.  The Launcher doesn't work for everyone!
{| class="collapsible collapsed wikitable" style="width:100%"
! style="text-align:left" | Custom Content (*)
If your sim is shown with ANY custom content, then you will need to provide links and credit for ALL pieces of custom content shown on your sim!  This is not optional!  Downloaders will need to follow the links you give as a "shopping list" to get your sim to look as it should in-game.
Make sure to provide links and credit for any:
* Hair
* Skintones
* Eyes
* Clothing
* Patterns
* Custom Sliders
* Makeup
* Eyebrows or Beards
A link and credit means writing something like: "Everyday hair by Anubis360: http://www.modthesims.info/d/402962" - it states the item (hair, lipstick, whatever), the creator's name, and gives a direct link to where it can be found.
You may use content from the EA Store on your sim, but again, you need to link and credit it as such, so people can get it.
{| class="collapsible collapsed wikitable" style="width:100%"
! style="text-align:left" | Package WITHOUT Hair and Skin (*)
If you are using custom hairstyles and/or non-default skintones in your game, make sure that when you save your .sim file to the sim bin, that you REMOVE any custom skintones or hairstyles and use default, base game hairstyles and skintones.
<big>You MUST state specifically in the text of your post: '''"This sim is packaged without custom hairstyles or non-default skins!"''' as we do not download your sim to check it in-game.</big>
This is because if the downloader cannot or does not download a custom hairstyle, then clicking on the sim in the bin can cause their game to crash; with some major hair creators disappearing, removing their content, or going pay, their hair may be unavailable for download - making your sim that is packaged with it completely useless and crashy because people can't get the hair.
Additionally, non-default skintones are not meant to be packaged with sims and can cause issues.  If you are using a non-default skin in your pictures, you still need to link and credit it so people can apply it to the sim in-game, but do not package it with your sim, please!
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* If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=492 Creator Issues].
* If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=492 Creator Issues].
* If you're not sure whether your sim is ready for uploading, use the [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=473 Creator Feedback Forum] to get feedback on it.
* If you're not sure whether your pet is ready for uploading, use the [http://www.modthesims2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=473 Creator Feedback Forum] to get feedback on it.
[[Category:MTS2 Creator Guidelines]]
[[Category:MTS2 Creator Guidelines]]
[[Category:Sims 3]]
[[Category:Sims 3]]

Revision as of 10:23, 21 October 2011


Sims 3 Pets


Created a lovely cat, dog, or horse that you want to share? Please read the following guidelines carefully so you know what we expect for uploading your animal to MTS.


This is by far the most important factor in uploads, but also the hardest to quantify.


People want to see what they're downloading! Your screenshots sell your upload - if people don't like the look of your screenshots, they're not going to download - and if your screenshots are too bad, you won't get your upload approved.

Big Enough
The larger your pics, the better! Tiny pics won't show enough detail to see what you've made.
  • Minimum Size: 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall is a good size for the smallest pic you would want to upload. You may have smaller pics for thumbnails and the like, but for your required screenshots, please go as big as you can!
  • Maximum Size: MTS allows pictures up to 2560 pixels wide by 1440 pixels tall, and a file size limit of 800 kbs - so you can have nice, big, pretty pics. You may have to resize your pictures or apply compression to get them to fit within that limit.

Please don't just take a small pic and size it up in your graphics program to get bigger pics - this only makes the dimensions larger but doesn't add any detail and just gives you a blurry, pixellated larger pic, not a nice clear one.

Maximum Number of Inline/attached screenshots
  • Inline screenshots are images that appear in the text of the upload that load for the viewer along with the rest of the text. Inline screenshots can either be linked from the attached screenshots, or from an external hosting site like Tinypic, Photobucket, or Flickr.
  • Attached screenshots are screenshots that have been attached to the upload using the "manage attachments" feature on MTS. They display as small thumbnails until clicked on.

You may host your inline screenshots elsewhere like Photobucket, Tinypic, or Flickr - however, these screenshots hosted elsewhere must be additional "bonus" screenshots. All of the screenshots we actually require for your upload need to be attached to the thread itself. If your Photobucket account runs out of bandwidth or you delete the pics, people still need to be able to get the required screenshots on your thread.

You may now upload up to 100 pics! Of course, please keep it to a reasonable quantity... only things like huge sets, full worlds, etc. should have that many pics! Remember, you can always collage several different images together into one image if you have a bunch of stuff to show off, or want to show multiple angles of an item.

For the bonus photos, we recommend you use a spoiler tag to hide the images, then people can click on it to see them. Their pages will load faster if all the images aren't downloading at once. [spoiler=interior rooms]http:// wheveremypictureis/picture.jpg[/spoiler] The 'interior rooms' can be replaced by whatever grouping you want to present, 'hidden garden', 'pool views', 'master suite', 'kids room', etc.

You may place as many photos within a spoiler grouping as you'd like.

Required Screenshots

We require certain screenshots for pet uploads - if you do not include these screenshots, your animal(s) will not be approved!

RightArrow.gif Note: All required pictures must be taken in game and not in Create-a-Pet! If you only include CAS pictures, your animal will not be accepted!


Once you have your creation made and screenshots taken, you need to make sure you have all the fiddly bits in order when uploading.

Zip, Rar, or 7z
To upload your file(s) to MTS, you will need to compress them into an archive file, which makes them smaller and allows you to include many files in one download. The archive file formats we currently accept are .zip, .rar, and .7z.

For instructions on compressing your files into an archive, please see: Creator Guidelines: Creating Archive Files.

  • Do not include multiple archives with the same contents - that is, please don't put your files in both a .zip as well as a .rar because some people only want .zip files. Choose one format.
  • Do not double-compress your files... a .rar file inside another .rar file (or any other archive inside another) doesn't compress it anymore, and it makes it so we can't see the contents without downloading, and also just makes an extra step for the people downloading.
  • The file size limit on MTS is 50 mb. If you exceed this limit you will need to split your archives. This should probably never come up except for large worlds for The Sims 3, or huge sets of smaller items.

Additional Stuff

  • If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in Creator Issues.
  • If you're not sure whether your pet is ready for uploading, use the Creator Feedback Forum to get feedback on it.
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