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|[http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=497926 Widespot]
|[http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=497926 Widespot]
|Peni Griffin
|Peni Griffin
|Mod The Sims
|[Link Coming Soon! Garden Heights (aka Best in Show)]
|Hood Building Group
|Mod The Sims
|[Link Coming Soon! Arbor Falls (aka Free Play)]
|Hood Building Group
|Mod The Sims
|[Link Coming Soon! Mesa Flats (aka Midnight Masquerade)]
|Hood Building Group
|Mod The Sims
|Mod The Sims

Revision as of 15:37, 11 May 2018

Neighborhoods have to have unique numbers in game. When creating a new hood for upload please do not use any of these numbers. If/when your hood is approved, your number will be added to this list.

Hoods use 4 digits to be recognized in game. You may use any four digits, but we prefer the game standard. Regular hoods use the letter N in front of their number, Universities use U, Downtowns use D, Sub-hoods use B, and Vacation hoods use A (asian), M (mountain), and T (beach). Other EPs gave us hidden subhoods which we don't create.

N Number Main Neighborhoods Creator Site
0-40 Reserved for Normal Game Play
N001 Scotia Madame Mim Genensims
N001 Weivtnasaelp Marhis MoreAwesomeThanYou
N004 Riverside thsms204 FreeWebs
N004 Sims 1 Magic Town Voleste LiveJournal
N007 Beacon Falls Sims Team Blogspot
N008 Crystal Heights Joshy! Insimenator
N008 Old School Final Unknown MediaFire
N009 Morewood Simmer Group Blogspot
N010 Meadow Lawns cwykes MoreAwesomeThanYou
N010 Prosperity Fellowship The Prosperity Challenge Yahoo group ASimWen
N010 Geoff Military Estate Mike FreeWebs
N011 Corpus Noor Nana My.Opera
N016 Fellowship III Edgewood Terrace The Prosperity Challenge Yahoo group ASimWen
N020 Valley Dale LadyAngel Sim Fans UK
N042 Larksville jfade N99ForumPaks
N045 Monopoly Game Town d_dgjdhh Mod The Sims
N050 Baliwag NickM406 Mod The Sims
N064 Puempelines Neupümpeldorf Ursula BlackyPanther
N073 Pirripirri Beach keef1973 Mod The Sims
N099 Seagull Island SparkySim2 Sparkys Simsations
N106 Golden Creek himawara106 Mod The Sims
N107 Riverside The Riverside Group Mod The Sims
N110 The Beginning of Pleasantview marka93 Mod The Sims
N127 Twisted Valley LindaWing NeighborlySims2
N155 City of Carnen zaxis Mod The Sims
N156 Carnen zaxis Mod The Sims
N157 Portland zaxis Mod The Sims
N158 Mayhaven zaxis Mod The Sims
N174 Acorn Bend QBuilderz Mod The Sims
N207 Riverside with out Sims The Riverside Group Mod The Sims
N294 The Past Of Pleasantview Preußen Snooty Sims
N299 Black Mesa HugeLunatic Mod The Sims
N300 Boomerang Valley HugeLunatic Sims2Artists
N327 West Weasels Phaenoh Mod The Sims
N334 The Beginning of Veronaville marka93 Mod The Sims
N340 The Beginning of Desiderata marka93 Mod The Sims
N341 The Beginning of Riverblossom marka93 Mod The Sims
N372 Megahood HystericalParoxysm Mod The Sims
N373 Uber-Megahood HystericalParoxysm Mod The Sims
N432 Polgannon maxon Mod The Sims
N463 Fully Renovated Pleasantview Phaenoh Mod The Sims
N464 Fully Renovated Pleasantview with Families Phaenoh Mod The Sims
N491 Port White Water Qbaliki Mod The Sims
N513 Baskerville plasticbox Mod The Sims
N514 Middleground plasticbox Mod The Sims
N515 Elsewhere plasticbox Mod The Sims
N532 Orville The Sim Supply Mod The Sims
N624 Crowborough Klaartje Mod The Sims
N634 Megahood City GneissGuy Mod The Sims
N742 Bonito Flabaliki Mod The Sims
N849 Pleasantview v3.5 Flabaliki Mod The Sims
N999 St. Hubert seren Mod The Sims
BF01 Bayside Flats Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
EH01 Emerald Heights (BG) With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
EH02 Emerald Heights (BG) Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
EH03 Emerald Heights (AL) With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
EH04 Emerald Heights (AL) Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
EUR0 Europa Kat's Simming Adventures Tumblr
FI40 Felicity Island DJ. Mod The Sims
G999 SimVille MaryLou Mod The Sims
LSR1 Four Corners (aka Riley's Story) Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
LSV1 Bitville (aka Vincent's Story) Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
MC01 Meadow Creek With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
MC02 Meadow Creek Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
MOO1 Mooville marka93 Mod The Sims
MV01 Mountainside Valley Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
MV02 Maple Valley lechapeau Blogspot
PGWS Widespot Peni Griffin Mod The Sims
PSA1 [Link Coming Soon! Garden Heights (aka Best in Show)] Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
PSF1 [Link Coming Soon! Arbor Falls (aka Free Play)] Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
PSS1 [Link Coming Soon! Mesa Flats (aka Midnight Masquerade)] Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
SE01 Sedona With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
SE02 Sedona Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
SIM1 Old Town with Sims marka93 Mod The Sims
SIM2 Old Town without Sims marka93 Mod The Sims
SS01 Shady Shores Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
QU01 Quadington University (BG) With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
QU02 Quadington University (BG) Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims

Work for Wikiers! These neighborhoods require a login to access the forum. As such, we do not have their N numbers recorded currently. If you have access to these forums, please find out the N###s.

N Number University Subhoods Creator Site
MooU Brainania University Mootilda Mod The Sims
U612 Caelestis University Fifteen Dozen Sims Tumblr
UPGL Land Grant University Peni Griffin Mod The Sims
UQU1 Quadington University With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
UQU2 Quadington University Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
UQU3 Quadington University With Sims + Custom Dormies/NPCs Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
N Number Downtown Subhoods Creator Site
D201 Bustlin' Beaches Bemused Sims Asylum
D813 Sims 1 Magic Town Voleste LiveJournal
D999 Maxis Belladonna Cove as Downtown Tarlia LiveJournal
DBF1 Bayside Flats as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DEH1 Emerald Heights (NL) as a Downtown With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DEH2 Emerald Heights (NL) as a Downtown Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DEH3 Emerald Heights (NL+AL) as a Downtown With Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DEH4 Emerald Heights (NL+AL) as a Downtown Without Sims Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DLSR Four Corners (aka Riley's Story) as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DLSV Bitville (aka Vincent's Story)as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DMC1 Meadow Creek With Sims as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DMC2 Meadow Creek Without Sims as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DMV1 Mountainside Valley as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DGBC [Link Coming soon! Bigg City] Peni Griffin Mod The Sims
DSE1 Sedona With Sims as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DSE2 Sedona Without Sims as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
DSS1 Shady Shores as a Downtown Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
N Number Shopping or Business Subhoods Creator Site
B002 Sedona cwykes Mod The Sims
B201 Bucolic Peace Bemused Sims Asylum
B202 Mystica Bemused Sims Asylum
B624 Crowborough Klaartje Mod The Sims
B628 Balloth lechapeau BlogSpot
B994 Maxis Pleasantview as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
B995 Maxis Strangetown as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
B996 Maxis Veronaville as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
B997 Maxis Riverblossom Hills as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
B998 Maxis Desiderata Valley as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
B999 Maxis Belladonna Cove as a Suburb Tarlia LiveJournal
BBF1 Bayside Flats as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BGWS Widespot RFD Peni Griffin Mod The Sims
BLSR Four Corners (aka Riley's Story) as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BLSV Bitville (aka Vincent's Story) as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BMC1 Meadow Creek With Sims as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BMC2 Meadow Creek Without Sims as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BMV1 Mountainside Valley as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BSE1 Sedona With Sims as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BSE2 Sedona Without Sims as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
BSS1 Shady Shores as a Suburb Hood Building Group Mod The Sims
N Number Asian Vacation Subhoods Creator Site
AMA1 [Link Coming Soon! Moonbase Apollo With Sims] Jawusa Mod The Sims
AMA2 [Link Coming Soon! Moonbase Apollo Without Sims] Jawusa Mod The Sims
N Number Mountain Vacation Subhoods Creator Site
DMD1 EA's Downtown as a Vacation Destination M.M.A.A. Mod The Sims
M409 Isle St. Croix lechapeau Mod The Sims
MWW1 Winter Wonderland With Sims Jawusa Mod The Sims
MWW2 Winter Wonderland Without Sims Jawusa Mod The Sims
N Number Tropical Vacation Subhoods Creator Site
TFI4 Felicity Island (Tropics) DJ. Mod The Sims
T609 Prometedor lechapeau BlogSpot
TLV1 [Link Coming Soon! Levubu Valley With Sims] Jawusa Mod The Sims
TLV2 [Link Coming Soon! Levubu Valley Without Sims] Jawusa Mod The Sims
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