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{{OldWikiEntry}} ===Exemplars===
Exemplars are data files that are structured as an XML or Compressed Property (CPF) document, and commonly store things like settings and modifiers.
Exemplars are data files that are structured as an XML or Compressed Property (CPF) document, and commonly store things like settings and modifiers.
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[[EBFEE342]] - Game Package Version - What version of the exe this package was made with
[[EBFEE342]] - Game Package Version - What version of the exe this package was made with
[[EBFEE345]] - Audio Test - Test file for the audio content handling subsystem
[[EBFEE345]] - Audio Test - Test file for the audio content handling subsystem
[[ED7D7B4D]] - Want - An individual want or fear used by the games' want simulator and want trees [[Category:Modding]]
[[ED7D7B4D]] - Want - An individual want or fear used by the games' want simulator and want trees
[[Category:Sims 2 Modding]]

Latest revision as of 20:09, 17 September 2012

This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/Exemplars

[edit] Exemplars

Exemplars are data files that are structured as an XML or Compressed Property (CPF) document, and commonly store things like settings and modifiers.

0B9EB87E - Track Settings - Settings for SFX and Voice audio tracks 0C1FE246 - Mesh Overlay - Meshed objects attached to the body, such as sunglasses, beards 0C560F39 - Object Link - Objects in object collections 0C93E3DE - Face Modifier - Modifiable parts of the face 2C1FD8A1 - Texture Overlay - Face overlays, such as makeup, stubble, lipstick 2CB230B8 - Fences - Fence types, properties, and descriptions 4C158081 - Skin Tone - A skintone, its name, and whether it is choosable or not 4C697E5A - Model Material - Different material overlays for an object 4DCADB7E - Terrain Paint - Lot terrain textures 6C4F359D - Collection - Object collection details, such as their icons 6C93B566 - Face Neutral - Neutral unmodded base faces for an age and gender. Archetypes are based off these 6D619378 - Neighbourhood Object - Objects usable in Neighbourhood view 8C1580B5 - Hair Tone - A hairtone, its name and whether it's selectable or not 8C93BF6C - Face Region - Face areas that have effects, or for which overlays can be applied 8C93E35C - Face Archetype - Base Face models AC598EAC - Current Sim Data - Current state of a sim, such as age, skin, hair, species ACA8EA06 - Roof - Roof texture options, as opposed to the Roof style itself CCA8E925 - Wall/Floor - Wall and floor styles, including descriptions and properties EBCF3E27 - Skin - Applyable skins including skintones, hair, clothing, and hats EBFEE33F - DNA/Sound Mapping - Sim DNA, or maps properties of a sound to an ingame event EBFEE342 - Game Package Version - What version of the exe this package was made with EBFEE345 - Audio Test - Test file for the audio content handling subsystem ED7D7B4D - Want - An individual want or fear used by the games' want simulator and want trees

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