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[[Sims 3:Main Page]] -> [[Sims 3:PackedFileTypes]]
Jazz data is a graph representing a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine Finite State Machine], which is processed by the SACS engine in The Sims 3 to handle animation events.  A glimpse at a visual representation of the jazz data can be seen in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_GoaADx2_4 The Sims 3 - Behind the Scenes] video.  At 2:08, a Sim is seen performing the actions associated with the "deathreactions" state machine, traversing from the Enter state through the "Shocked" state into the "Evil" state.  At 3:44 a toddler Sim is seen playing with a teddy bear as controlled by the "stuffedAnimal" state machine.
Jazz data is a graph representing a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine Finite State Machine], which is processed by the SACS engine in The Sims 3 to handle animation events.  A glimpse at a visual representation of the jazz data can be seen in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_GoaADx2_4 The Sims 3 - Behind the Scenes] video.  At 2:08, a Sim is seen performing the actions associated with the "deathreactions" state machine, traversing from the Enter state through the "Shocked" state into the "Evil" state.  At 3:44 a toddler Sim is seen playing with a teddy bear as controlled by the "stuffedAnimal" state machine.

Revision as of 15:56, 24 July 2009

Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes



Jazz data is a graph representing a Finite State Machine, which is processed by the SACS engine in The Sims 3 to handle animation events. A glimpse at a visual representation of the jazz data can be seen in The Sims 3 - Behind the Scenes video. At 2:08, a Sim is seen performing the actions associated with the "deathreactions" state machine, traversing from the Enter state through the "Shocked" state into the "Evil" state. At 3:44 a toddler Sim is seen playing with a teddy bear as controlled by the "stuffedAnimal" state machine.


Follows the RCOL format, with its own custom chunks. All data is aligned on DWORD boundries. These chunks have a lot of filler data(0xDEADBEEF) which is a "serialization sentinel" according to enum definitions. There are two types of chunks, definition chunks and decision graph node chunks. The definition chunks form a simple structure with data about the state machine. Decision graph nodes form a recursive data structure. References to decision graph node indexes can validly refer to any decision graph node.

Definition Chunks

S_SM - State Machine Definition

DWORD Version    // 0x202
DWORD Name       // Hashed state machine name (Typically same as filename w/o path or extension)
DWORD count1     // Actor definitions
REP count1
  DWORD [S_AD index]
DWORD count2     // Property definitions
REP count2
  DWORD [S_PD index]
DWORD count3     // States
REP count3
  DWORD [S_St index]
REP count4
  DWORD filename //Hash of a .ma filename with extension
  DWORD actor1   //hash of actor name - animation parameter?
  DWORD actor2   //hash of actor name - animation parameter?
DWORD Properties // State machine properties
DWORD Priority   // Automation priority
DWORD            // Value that's 0-5

S_St - State Definition

DWORD version        // 0x101
DWORD Name           // Hashed state name
DWORD Flags          // State Flags
DWORD [S_DG index]   // State decision graph
DWORD count          // State transitions
REP count
  DWORD [S_St index] // Valid transitions out
DWORD // Values 0-6

S_PD - Parameter Definition

DWORD version // 0x100
DWORD hash    // Hashed parameter name
DWORD hash    // Default value

S_AD - Actor Definition

DWORD version // 0x100
DWORD Name    //hashed actor parameter name
DWORD Empty   //null in all JazzData.package cases

S_DG - Decision Graph

DWORD version         // 0x101
DWORD blank           // In all cases in JazzData.package
DWORD count1
REP count1
    DWORD [DGN index] // List of all decision graph nodes descendant from this S_DG
DWORD count2
REP count2
    DWORD [DGN index] // Root of the decision graph

Decision Graph Node Chunks

SoPn - Select on Parameter Node

DWORD version             // 0x101
DWORD index               // Parameter to select on
DWORD count               // Possible cases to select
REP count
    DWORD Value           //hashed value to compare
    DWORD indexcount
    REP indexcount
        DWORD [DGN index] // Action to take on match

SNSN - Next State Node

DWORD version             // 0x101
DWORD S_St index          // Next state
DWORD '/DGN' (end entry)

Rand - Random Node

DWORD 'Rand'
DWORD version             // 0x101
DWORD count               // Possible outcomes
REP count
    FLOAT                 // Random weight
    DWORD subcount
    REP subcount
        DWORD [DGN index] // Action on selection
DWORD flags               // Random node flags

Play - Play Animation Node

If the string value below is defined, it a UTF-16 value null terminated, padded to the next DWORD boundry after the null termination. If the string length is 0, there is no data at all for the string, including no null termination.

When the animation name string is set, the CLIP and TkMk resource references are set to 00000000:00000000:6b20c4f302d5df12 and the string is hashed to get the animation ID after parameter substitution. Parameters are the named parameters defined by S_PD, and a substitution inside the string is indicated by enclosing a parameter name between curly braces ("{" and "}").

DWORD 'Play'
DWORD version     // 0x105
TGI64 (TkMk)
DWORD count1
3 DWORDS blank     // Blank in all existing jazzdata.package entries
REP count1
  DWORD Empty      // 0 in all 1 entry this count is non-zero in
  DWORD Empty      // 0 in all 1 entry this count is non-zero in
  DWORD Actor      // Hashed actor parameter name
  DWORD Slot       // Hashed slot name (Only one instance of this in jazzdata.package)
DWORD count2
REP count2
  DWORD actor      // Hashed actor name
  DWORD suffix     // Hashed parameter name for IkSuffix
4 DWORDS blank     // In all instances in existing jazzdata.package
DWORD len          // Length of the following string - a value of 0 indicates no data
WSTRING animation  // Animation name to play.  See above notes on this value.
VAR WCHAR (0) pad  // As needed for string (If len > 0) - see above note on string padding
DWORD Flags        // Animation node flags
DWORD Priority     // Animation Priroity
FLOAT              // Always 0
FLOAT              // Always 1
DWORD [S_AD Index] // Actor to animate
DWORD Priority     // Animation Priroity
DWORD              // Always 16
5 DWORDS Empty
DWORD count3
REP count3
  DWORD [DGN Index] // Additional actions (On animation complete?)

Prop - Create Prop Node

The catalog resource ID references type 0x139f7591 (CatalogObjectResourceID) which does not exist in any packages. However, the instance does reference a valid catalog object ID.

Current speculation is that the blank values may be object create parameters, since the prop is created with no script intervention. However, none of the values are set in existing jazz data.

DWORD 'Prop' 
DWORD version       // 0x100
DWORD [S_Ad Index]  // Prop actor to create
DWORD blank
TGI64 propobject    // Catalog reference of prop to create
5 DWORDS blank
DWORD count
REP count
    DWORD [DGN index]

AcOp - Actor Operation Node

DWORD version // 0x100
DWORD index   // Actor to operate on
DWORD 1       // Count? Always 1 in jazzdata.package, but there is also only one defined operation
DWORD op      // Actor operation
3 DWORDS blank
DWORD count
REP count
  DWORD [DGN index]

Stop - Stop Animation Node

The fields in a Stop node are structurally identical to the end part of a Play node.

DWORD 'Stop'
DWORD version      // 0x104
DWORD Flags        // Animation node flags
DWORD Priority     // Animation Priroity
FLOAT              // Always 0
FLOAT              // Always 1
DWORD [S_AD Index] // Actor to stop animating
DWORD Priority     // Animation Priroity
DWORD              // Always 16
5 DWORDS Empty
DWORD count
REP count
  DWORD [DGN index]
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