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DWORD - Size of the Chunk
DWORD - Size of the Chunk
''PommesTSR note on DataType -
For most objects DataType is 0x1 but for Rugs (as an example) DataType is 0x2. When DataType is 0x2 the VRTFIndex/VBUFIndex seems to be 1-based instead of 0 for the MLOD-chunks in the MLOD RCOL. Dont know if this is valid for any other index references.''

Revision as of 14:29, 19 August 2009

Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes



Format used by various resources in the Scenegraph.


DWORD - Version
DWORD - DataType (changes between filetypes)
DWORD - Index3 (unused)
DWORD - Index1
DWORD - Index2

//Internal Chunks: These are the TGIs that identify each chunk
-Repeat Index2 Count Times

//External Resources: These are TGIs of referenced items (e.g. DDS Image)
-Repeat Index1 Count times 

-Repeat Index2 Count times
DWORD - Position of the Chunk (absolute)
DWORD - Size of the Chunk

PommesTSR note on DataType - For most objects DataType is 0x1 but for Rugs (as an example) DataType is 0x2. When DataType is 0x2 the VRTFIndex/VBUFIndex seems to be 1-based instead of 0 for the MLOD-chunks in the MLOD RCOL. Dont know if this is valid for any other index references.


The Type ID will also be the first chunk after the header.

Resource Types

These are the possible resource types, they are named by their first chunk.

Type ID Name Description
0x015A1849 GEOM Body Geometry
0x01661233 MODL Object Geometry
0x01D0E75D MATD Material Definition
0x01D10F34 MLOD Animated Texture

used to be Object Geometry LOD, defined by EA as animated texture: const unsigned int kAnimatedTextureResourceID = 30478132;

0x02019972 MTST
0x021D7E8C TREE Speed Tree Data
0x02D5DF13 S_SM Jazz state machibe
0x033260E3 TkMk Track Mask
0x0355E0A6 Slot Adjusts
0x03B4C61D LITE Lighting Data
0x63A33EA7 ANIM Animated Texture
0x736884F1 VPXY Model Links
0xD3044521 RSLT Slot Definition
0xD382BF57 FTPT Model Footprint

Model Chunks

Possible chunks embedded in MODL and MLOD resources.

Type ID Name Description
0x01661233 MODL Object Geometry
0x01D0E6FB VBUF Vertex Buffer
0x01D0E70F IBUF Index Buffer
0x01D0E723 VRTF Vertex Format
0x01D0E75D MATD Material Definition
0x01D0E76B SKIN Joint Definitions
0x01D10F34 MLOD Object Geometry LODs
0x02019972 MTST

Jazz Chunks

Possible chunks embedded in jazz S_SM resources

Type ID Name Description
0x02D5DF13 S_SM State Machine
0x02EEDAFE S_St State
0x02EEDB18 S_DG Decision Graph
0x02EEDB2F S_AD Actor Definition
0x02EEDB46 S_PD Parameter Definition
0x02EEDB5F Play Play Animation Node
0x02EEDB70 Rand Random Node
0x02EEDB92 SoPn Select on Parameter Node
0x02EEDBA5 SoDn Select on Destination Node (Unused)
0x02EEEBDC SNSN Next State Node
0x02EEEBDD Prop Create Prop Node
0x02EEEBDE AcOp Actor Operation Node
0x0344D438 Stop Stop Animation Node

Sims 3:Main Page

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