Difference between revisions of "Category:Modding Tools for Sims 4"

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* [http://i.imgur.com/mh8tQlI.png Hair overview – names/models (CAS Demo, YA) by xox_sugarlips_xox]
* [http://i.imgur.com/mh8tQlI.png Hair overview – names/models (CAS Demo, YA) by xox_sugarlips_xox]
* [https://app.box.com/shared/5ey3dglxevqsernrx5dr Pooklet's psds & textures] Pooklet's hair textures and psd files. Scroll down to the ''pooklet-psds & textures folder''.
* [https://app.box.com/shared/5ey3dglxevqsernrx5dr Pooklet's psds & textures] Pooklet's hair textures and psd files. Scroll down to the ''pooklet-psds & textures folder''.

Revision as of 04:54, 28 January 2015

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 



A categorized list of modding tools.

For a collection of general modding tools, see Tutorials:TS4 ModdingTools.

CAS Tools

Meshing Tools

Pose & Animation Tools

Wall & Other Buy/Build Mode Item Recoloring Tools


  • Sims 4 Extracted bodies by sintiklia If you are meshing hair, glasses, clothing, etc., wavefront body objects really help to make sure the body does not poke through the mesh.  :)

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

This category currently contains no pages or media.

Personal tools

game select