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**Aeris'/Aerith's staffs: [http://fantasylostworld.online.fr/Sims2/Vetementaccessoire/Sims2Armes.htm Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld]
**Aeris'/Aerith's staffs: [http://fantasylostworld.online.fr/Sims2/Vetementaccessoire/Sims2Armes.htm Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld]
**Buster Sword: [http://rosesims2.net/sims2/magic/sims2magic_6.htm RoseSims2], [http://fantasylostworld.online.fr/Sims2/Vetementaccessoire/Sims2Armes.htm Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld]
**Buster Sword: [http://rosesims2.net/sims2/magic/sims2magic_6.htm RoseSims2], [http://fantasylostworld.online.fr/Sims2/Vetementaccessoire/Sims2Armes.htm Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld]
**Hat-on-the-back accessory for Nibelheim Tifa: [http://zanki99.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/20/ 残機×99]
**Masamune: [http://rosesims2.net/sims2/magic/sims2magic_18.htm RoseSims2]
**Masamune: [http://rosesims2.net/sims2/magic/sims2magic_18.htm RoseSims2]
**Materia circling head (for certain materia obsessed Sims): [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=249452 Akabarl at MTS2]
**Materia circling head (for certain materia obsessed Sims): [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=249452 Akabarl at MTS2]
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**Genesis' earrings: [http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=324179 Taure at MTS2]
**Genesis' earrings: [http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=324179 Taure at MTS2]
**Genesis' wing: [http://sakihutomiti.okunohosomichi.net/ StrawberrySims]
**Genesis' wing: [http://sakihutomiti.okunohosomichi.net/ StrawberrySims]
**Hat-on-the-back accessory for Nibelheim Tifa: [http://zanki99.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/20/ 残機×99]
* Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII:
* Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII:
**Shalua's closed eye: [http://taure.unixdaemons.com/FinalFantasySims/shalua.html Taure at Taure's Sims Odds 'n Ends]
**Shalua's closed eye: [http://taure.unixdaemons.com/FinalFantasySims/shalua.html Taure at Taure's Sims Odds 'n Ends]
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***[http://www.rosesims.org/hair/rosehair_15.htm RoseSims2]
***[http://www.rosesims.org/hair/rosehair_15.htm RoseSims2]
***[http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=313734 Taure at MTS2 (authentic twist instead of braid)]
***[http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=313734 Taure at MTS2 (authentic twist instead of braid)]
**Sephiroth-like hair: [http://hi.baidu.com/juiceshine/blog/item/b1d013833d6754a50df4d2d9.html Yu at NewSea Sims2], [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=9008.0 (recolors) CrabOfDoom at Garden of Shadows]
**Tifa's hair: [http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=320868 Taure at MTS2]
**Tifa's hair: [http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=320868 Taure at MTS2]
**Tifa-like over-the-shoulder hair: [http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=8856.0 Doraemon at Sims Cave]
**Tseng's hair: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=54642 yangn at MTS2]
**Tseng's hair: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=54642 yangn at MTS2]
* Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
* Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
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* Final Fantasy VII:
* Final Fantasy VII:
**The Turks' face marks: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2]
**Tseng's forehead mark: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2], [http://silverwindclub.web.fc2.com/index.html Tomoko at Silver Wind] (removed)
**Reno's face marks:
**Reno's face marks:
***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=107938 Alixen at MTS2]
***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=107938 Alixen at MTS2]
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***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=140047 squall117 at MTS2]
***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=140047 squall117 at MTS2]
***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2]
***[http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2]
**The Turks' face marks: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2]
**Tseng's forehead mark: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=148079 Without Wings at MTS2], [http://silverwindclub.web.fc2.com/index.html Tomoko at Silver Wind] (removed)
**Widow's peak face masks: [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=10075.0 CrabOfDoom at Garden of Shadows]
* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII:
* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII:
**Angeal's forehead wrinkles: [http://silverwindclub.web.fc2.com/index.html Tomoko at Silver Wind] (removed), [http://taure.unixdaemons.com/FinalFantasySims/angeal.html Taure at Taure's Sims Odds 'n Ends]
**Angeal's forehead wrinkles: [http://silverwindclub.web.fc2.com/index.html Tomoko at Silver Wind] (removed), [http://taure.unixdaemons.com/FinalFantasySims/angeal.html Taure at Taure's Sims Odds 'n Ends]
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**Final Fantasy pose box: [http://www.xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/simerobj/simermisc07.htm# duma at XM Sims]
**Final Fantasy pose box: [http://www.xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/simerobj/simermisc07.htm# duma at XM Sims]
**Final Fantasy pose box 2: [http://www.xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/simerobj/simermisc10.htm duma at XM Sims], or [http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=6780.0 duma at Sims Cave]
**Final Fantasy pose box 2: [http://www.xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/simerobj/simermisc10.htm duma at XM Sims], or [http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=6780.0 duma at Sims Cave]
**FF VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII games as decorative clutter: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jyzjw5mmnnv CrabOfDoom]
**Floating islands: [http://www.retailsims.com/MovieProps/MovieProps3.htm Retail Sims]
**Floating islands: [http://www.retailsims.com/MovieProps/MovieProps3.htm Retail Sims]
**Floating islands (Neighborhood objects): [http://www.retailsims.com/NHObjects/NHObjects2.htm Retail Sims]
**Floating islands (Neighborhood objects): [http://www.retailsims.com/NHObjects/NHObjects2.htm Retail Sims]
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**Moogle plush toy: [http://www.exnemsims.com/forum/showthread.php?t=444&highlight=moogle Izzmit at Exnem's Sims] ($$$)
**Moogle plush toy: [http://www.exnemsims.com/forum/showthread.php?t=444&highlight=moogle Izzmit at Exnem's Sims] ($$$)
**Shiva hanging lantern: [http://thesimsresource.com/downloads/sims2/objects/furnishing/lighting/hanginglamps/373746/ Leda-d at TSR]
**Shiva hanging lantern: [http://thesimsresource.com/downloads/sims2/objects/furnishing/lighting/hanginglamps/373746/ Leda-d at TSR]
**Simlish posters for VI, VII, VIII, and X: [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=9641.0 Simgaroop at Garden of Shadows]
**Tonberry plush toy: [http://www.exnemsims.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2067 Exnem at Exnem's Sims] ($$$)
**Tonberry plush toy: [http://www.exnemsims.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2067 Exnem at Exnem's Sims] ($$$)
* Final Fantasy VII:
* Final Fantasy VII:
**Buster Sword trophy: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=164341 Wille at MTS2]
**Buster Sword trophy: [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=164341 Wille at MTS2]
**Buster Sword (wall mounted): [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=164341 Wille at MTS2]
**Buster Sword (wall mounted): [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=164341 Wille at MTS2]
**Shin-Ra Company flags/banners: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/8599.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
**Shin-Ra Company wall hangings: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/5366.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
**Shin-Ra Company wall writings: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/8599.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
* Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
* Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
**Jenova boxes: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/4281.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
**Jenova boxes: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/4281.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
**Shin-Ra Electric Power Company logo painting: [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/sims2/objects/furnishing/decorative/241828/ Strifedaniel at TSR]
**Shin-Ra Electric Power Company logo painting: [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/sims2/objects/furnishing/decorative/241828/ Strifedaniel at TSR]
* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII:
* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII:
**Project G - decorative feathers: [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=12800.0 CrabOfDoom at Garden of Shadows]
**Shin-Ra Company wall hangings: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/5366.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
**Shin-Ra Company wall hangings: [http://crabofdoom.livejournal.com/5366.html CrabOfDoom at Mouse and Snake] (18+)
* Final Fantasy VIII:
* Final Fantasy VIII:

Revision as of 07:24, 21 June 2009

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Body Shop Content  | Building and Construction  | Business and Financial  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related Objects | Corrections, Fixes and Tweaks | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | Fantasy  | Food  | Hacks and Hacked Objects  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Maxis Match  | Medical  | Neighborhoods  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | School  | Sci-Fi  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage


Final Fantasy

Custom content relating to the video game/anime series, Final Fantasy. If you're looking for Sims from this series, see: Content List:Character Sims/F. See also Content List:Kingdom Hearts for more Final Fantasy custom content, and Content List:Character Sims/K for Final Fantasy Sims from this series.

If you're looking for custom content for Final Fantasy sims and it is not listed here, it might be included with a Final Fantasy Character Sim.

Body Shop Content




Facial Hair





Bedroom Sets

CAS Screens








Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Body Shop Content  | Building and Construction  | Business and Financial  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related Objects | Corrections, Fixes and Tweaks | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | Fantasy  | Food  | Hacks and Hacked Objects  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Maxis Match  | Medical  | Neighborhoods  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | School  | Sci-Fi  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage

Personal tools

game select