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(Primitive Types)
Line 239: Line 239:
DWORD Reference to a System.String of the method name<br>
DWORD Reference to a System.String of the method name<br>
DWPRD Reference to an array of parameter types<br>
DWPRD Reference to an array of parameter types<br>
Optional DWORDS Type ID of generic type parameters (One for each generic type parameter)
DWORD Reference to an array of generic argument types<br>
DWORD null
|  Serialization of System.Reflection.MethodInfo
|  Serialization of System.Reflection.MethodInfo

Revision as of 23:28, 24 June 2009

OBJS - Serialized script objects
By Tiger

The data is divided into four sections


Data sections

Header (28 bytes)

DWORD version		- currently 0x00000500
DWORD magic value	- ("OBJS")
DWORD count1		- Count of defined object types
DWORD count2		- Count of number of saved instances
(IF version >= 0x200)
DWORD			- Offset of the type definitions
DWORD			- Offset of the instance pointer table
(IF version >= 0x500)
DWORD			- Offset of the header to a TGI index


count2 (above) entries:

BYTE - Data type

See below for the types of data and the format of the data. Most common here are 0x10 and 0x11, but boxed value types can appear here as well, for example when a number or enum is added to a System.List<System.Object> collection.

Instance index

count2 repeats of
DWORD - Pointer to the start of the serialized instance data

This index is 1 based, with the first entry referenced as entry 1.  0 is reserved to indicate null references

Type definitions

Very loosely structured data, with lots of flags and optional values including count1 entries

Each entry consists of





ANONYMOUS_FLAG = 0x04 (Type name will be the base type)




GENERIC_PARAMETERS = 0x20 + generic parameter count - 1

GENERIC_DEFINITION = generic parameter count (GENERIC_PARAMETERS - 20 + 1) repeats of


BYTE [BYTE] (7 bit LSB order bytes, with the high bit indicating continuation)


BYTE [BYTE] (7 bit MSB order bytes, with the high bit indicating continuation and bit 7 in the first byte sign extended)


BYTE (See section below)

0x7F (Decodes as a sign extended value to -1)

Generic parameter definitions can be nested in the data structure, as would be required by System.Dictionary<System.UInt32,System.List<Sims3.CAS.SimDescription>>
Some types do not list any fields even though they have them. In general, types listed with fields are any generic type serialized using reflection. Some types have special serialization handlers, in which case the format is hard coded rather than described. An example of hard coded types is delegates, or the root type ScriptCore.


(IF version >= 0x500)
DWORD count5 - count of TGI entries
TGI entries, in standard order

Primitive Types

Defined in ScriptCore.PersistedTypeCode

Byte Type of data Data format Notes
0x00 Null
0x01 Reference DWORD of instance ID
0x02 Boolean BYTE 0 for false, 1 for true
0x03 Byte BYTE
0x04 Char Unknown
0x05 DateTime QWORD System.DateTime FromBinary() and ToBinary() format
0x06 Decimal BYTE[16] See MSDN for the binary representation of a Decimal type.
0x07 Double QWORD
0x08 Short WORD
0x09 Int DWORD
0x0A Long QWORD
0x0B SByte BYTE Signed byte
0x0C Single DWORD Single precision floating point number
0x0D Ushort WORD Unsigned
0x0E Uint DWORD Unsigned
0x0F Ulong QWORD Unsigned
0x10 Object DWORD type

Various data

Type references a defined structure, with the fields for that object immediately following

Usually appears as the type of an instance, but it can appear in the middle of formatted data to represent a non-system defined value type (IE a struct)

0x10 Object DWORD type

Count * DWORD instance reference

When in the context of an array (Type 0x11)
0x11 Array DWORD Length

BYTE Primitive type
Length * format appropriate for data type
Data type 0x10 is treated as an object reference rather than the direct formatted data

Referenced by most single member collection classes as well (List, ArrayList, Queue, Stack, etc)
0x12 Type Zero based Like Type One Based, but indexed starting at 0. Not written by current TS3 build.
0x13 Broken Protected Object Like protected object, but with a different encoding for the length. Not written by current TS3 builds.
0x14 External Object Various
0x15 Broken Enum Like Enum but with a different encoding for the type number. Not written by current TS3 builds.
0x16 Protected Object BYTE length

[BYTE] Additional length bytes
DWORD type
BYTE x (length - 4)

Stores "protected" objects in an opaque manner. Currently only seen referring to DriverHandleWrapper class.
0x17 Enum BYTE+ Type of enum

(BYTES) optional additional as needed for the size of the type ID
BYTE Numerical primitive type (3, 8, 9, 10, etc)

The length is encoded as 7 bits, with the high bit indicating the value continues to further bytes. The value is in MSB order (Opposite normal byte order)
0x18 Method DWORD Type ID of the declaring type

DWORD Reference to a System.String of the method name
DWPRD Reference to an array of parameter types
DWORD Reference to an array of generic argument types

Serialization of System.Reflection.MethodInfo
0x19 ResKey DWORD Index into the TGI table. Corresponds to Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey
0x1A Type One Based BYTE+

(BYTE)s as needed for the type ID

Corresponds to System.Type, and references the type by ID

Same format used for Enum definition where it encodes the type of the enum
For example, 0x82 0x0A would encode the value 266. This indexes the types starting at 1 rather than 0, so the actual type value is one less than the number (So the type number in the exampe would be 265). A value of 0 indicates null.

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