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tras wont exactly kill your sims if its a  elecrtical trap your sims will simple get electricuted and you will have to wait awhile before yor sim will actally want do do something (gettng ack into te mood)so be careful of those tricky traps there are alot of them.
'''tip:traps are mainly floor traps the can eiher be little whole wih mak a circle or they will be covered up (the will be a black circleon the floor) to make your sim secure all you need to do is click on the floor and click inspect then once inspected if its a elecrtical trap there is no way for your sims to manualy (using there hands) disarm it unles you find a object tha can cover the holes there ae some traps wich your sim can disalarm by themselves.'''
Traps don't kill your sims. However, they can ''injure'' your sim. When a trap is activated it will have a partiuclar effect on your sim, depending on what trap you activate. Your sim will receive a negative moodlet and will have to wait a given period of time before they want to do something.
==Types of Traps==
There are many types of traps, these include:
! Type
! Description
| Fire Trap
| ...
| Lightning Trap
| ...
==Disalarming Traps==
It is possible to avoid a trap. For example, to avoid a fire trap, you can jump in water first.
It is also possible to disarm traps, using certain objects within the game. (eg. pushable statues)
A trap can also be inspected, if noticed. For example, an electrical trap cannon be disarmed manually, but you can find an object that will cover the hole. There are some draps your sim can disarm by themselves.

Revision as of 02:00, 27 November 2009

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Traps don't kill your sims. However, they can injure your sim. When a trap is activated it will have a partiuclar effect on your sim, depending on what trap you activate. Your sim will receive a negative moodlet and will have to wait a given period of time before they want to do something.

Types of Traps

There are many types of traps, these include:

Type Description
Fire Trap ...
Lightning Trap ...

Disalarming Traps

It is possible to avoid a trap. For example, to avoid a fire trap, you can jump in water first.

It is also possible to disarm traps, using certain objects within the game. (eg. pushable statues)

A trap can also be inspected, if noticed. For example, an electrical trap cannon be disarmed manually, but you can find an object that will cover the hole. There are some draps your sim can disarm by themselves.

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