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''This is a list of seriously miscategorised objects in The Sims 3 so far, omitting store content. Some of these objects, like The Lonely Gargoyle, are completely inaccessible to players but complete. Some of the railings are kept inaccessible because they are not CASTable, but they are matches to the existing CASTable fences we have, and without them it is very hard to find good railings to match certain fences.
I've also included three extra sections: Stencils, Buydebug, and CAW.
Stencils lists EA objects that have stencils designed for them that have not been enabled. For example, some of the Pets beds have lovely fish stencils, and dog bowls have bone stencils, etc.
Buydebug lists objects that, given what is in that category at present, should probably be available there. Things like rewards, etc.
CAW lists various neighbourhood objects introduced in various EPs that are not enabled for use in the world builder.
I'd appreciate it if anyone let me know if anything is missing? Serious cases only, I'm not too worried about aesthetic miscategorising. I'm sure I've missed a lot of stuff, though. If I have more time this week, I'll add links to some recategorisers that deal with these. I'll also add pics.''
'''Base Game'''
Cement Railings
StaircaseCement_RailingComp (ID: 3979E9702D5DFDE4)
Sinister Railing
StaircaseDeckQuaintFenceSuite (ID: AAFAD6A16827ff35)
Hardcore Fence
StaircaseIBeamFenceSuite (ID: F1A1EACF7AEA347C)
Kosie Interior Fencing
StaircaseMissionInteriorFenceSuite (ID: AE8DAC59C5697552)
Good Fence
StaircaseTraditionalInteriorFenceSuite (ID: 1ABF086EB37B7EA7)
Brick Stretcher Bond Wall
Wall_Brick_Stretcher (ID: 6569E0315605D0C4)
Brick Stretcher Bond Wall with Deco
Wall_Brick_StretcherRail (ID:3F5603963F9758D4)
Misc Baseboard Rail Wall
Wall_Misc_BaseboardRail_RailThickMild (ID: 0F3D90B8F2FF39B4)
Axe Sculpture
SculptureAxe (ID: 0000000000000AFF)
'''World Adventures'''
Arch of Mystery
doorDoubleAsianArch2x1 (ID: 0000000000989BDC)
Diet Arch of Mystery
doorSingleAsianArch (ID: 00000000009899E7)
Pile of Papyrus
sculptureClutterEgyptScrolls (ID: 0000000000989999)
The Lonely Gargoyle
sculptureFranceGargoyle (ID: 00000000009898A
'''Ambitions '''
Firefighter's Coat
sculptureWallFirefighter (ID: 0000000000989F40)
Brown Swamp Rushes (categorised as landmark not as shrub)
plantSwampRushes (ID: 0000000000989DB3)
Green Swamp Rushes (categorised as landmark not as shrub)
plantSwampRushes02 (ID: 0000000000989DB4)
Shrub (categorised as landmark not as tree)
treeShrub (ID: 0x0000000000989DDD)
Galactic Alien Scanner Sculpture (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureAlienScanner (ID: 000000000098A6E9)
Marco Ceiling Kite (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureCeilingGenBoxKite (ID: 000000000098A74E)
Planes Away! (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureCeilingGenPlane (ID: 000000000098A655)
Little Rawr Plush Dragon (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureTableGenPlaushDragon (ID: 000000000098A65D)
Dr. Tinner's Olde-Fashioned Toy Robot (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureTableGenRobot (ID: 000000000098A65E)
No-man’s-land’s Periscope (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureToyPeriscope (ID: 000000000098A6EA)
Spyglass Decor (visible only in Sort by Room)
sculptureToySpyGlass (ID: 000000000098A6DE)
'''Showtime '''
Table with Flowers
sculptureFloorRgncyConsole2x1 (ID: 000000000098D337)
:'''STENCILS '''
'''Generations '''
Family Portrait
paintingGenAwkwardFamilyPhoto.OBJD (ID: 000000000098A744)
Dream of the Windrunner
paintingGenTeenFantasy.ODJB (ID: 000000000098A743)
'''Pets '''
A Fool From Any Direction
paintingRanchBig2x1 (ID: 000000000098AEFC)
Small Animals
paintingRanchPuppies (ID: 000000000098AEFD)
El Dorado's Destiny
paintingRanchTall (ID: 000000000098AEFE)
Alberta's Lament
paintingWallRusticLuxe2x1 (ID: 0x000000000098AEFF)
Bow Wow Wowzer Pet Bed
petBedLarge (ID: 000000000098AA06)
The Moderate Mayflower
petBowlModerate (ID: 000000000098A99E)
Low Country Living Pet House
petHouseCheap (ID: 000000000098AA00)
Pet Plates by Tack-EE Inc.
sculptureWallRanchPlates (ID: 000000000098AF02)
:'''BUYDEBUG '''
'''Base Game '''
Body Sculptor
BodySculptor (ID: 0000000000000EA3)
Food Replicator
FoodReplicator (ID: 0000000000000E9
Collection Helper
CollectionHelper (ID: 0000000000000EEE)
Moodlet Manager
MoodletManager (ID: 0000000000000E96)
MinusOne Kelvin Refrigerator
RefrigeratorDrawerReward (ID: 0000000000000ECD)
Freezer Bunny Toy
ToyStuffedAnimalFreezerBunny (ID: 000000000000086E)
Teleporter - (ID: 0000000000000E95)
Picnic Blanket Spawner
PicnicBlanketPublic (ID: 0000000000000EF0)
'''World Adventures '''
Sim Scouts' Classic Camper (Permanent)
TentCheapPermanent (ID: 000000000098992E)
Colesim 2br Edition Tent (Permanent)
TentExpensivePermanent (ID: 000000000098992F)
The Sultan's Tabernacle
TentSultansTabernacle (ID: 6C320A2F418A30C6)
'''Late Night '''
Apartment Letter Box
mailboxWallLetter (ID: 000000000098A182)
Food Truck Parking
foodTruckFootprint (ID: 000000000098A33B)
Food Truck
carTruckFood (ID: 000000000098A305)
'''Showtime '''
HomeAromaInator (ID: 000000000098D13C)
6x7 Stage
ShowStage6x7 (ID: 000000000098D191)
Proprietor Marker
proprietorPlacement_ftp (ID: 000000000098D3E6)
Simfest Trophy
sculptureRewardTrophySimFest (ID: 000000000098D245)
Genie Lamp
GenieLamp (ID: 0x000000000098D122)
:'''CREATE-A-SIM '''
'''Late Night '''
Monocle (hidden & not set for teen-elder)
amAccessoryEP3 Monocle (ID: 68D60DC8FD2136
'''Showtime '''
Elder Jacket (version for elders not available in CAS)
Elder Singlet (version for elders not available in CAS)
'''World Adventures'''
Broken Ruins Thingie
xxxxx (ID: )
'''Ambitions '''
Abandoned Train Bridge
bridgeTrainBroken (ID: 0000000000989EEB)
Lost Ruins
ruinsStation (ID: 0000000000989F7A)
Ground Fog Effect
FX_EP2_fogGroundSwamp (ID: 000000000098A000)
Wooden Barn
barnWOVane (ID: 0000000000989FE2)
Train Track - Straight Medium
trainTracksStraightMed (ID: 0x0000000000989DEC)
Train Track - Subtle Curve
trainTracksSubtleCurve (ID: 0x0000000000989DEE)
Train Track - Straight Large
trainTracksStraightLarge (ID: 0000000000989DEA)
Train Track - Ninety°
trainTracksNinety (ID: 0000000000989DE7)
Train Track - Small
trainTracksStraightSmall (ID: 0000000000989DED)
Train Track - S Curve
trainTracksSCurve (ID: 0000000000989DE5)
Train Track - Switch
trainTracksSwitch (ID: 0000000000989DEF)
Train Tracks Broken End
trainTracksBrokenEnd (ID: 0000000000989DE9)
Fence Chain Link - Medium
fenceChainLink_medium (ID: 0000000000989F81)
Fence Chain Link
fenceChainLink (ID: 0000000000989F7E)
Fence Chain Link - Post
fenceChainLinkPost (ID: 0000000000989F7D)
Fence Chain Link - Long
fenceChainLink_long (ID: 0000000000989F80)
Fence Chain Link - Half Span
fenceChainLink_halfSpan (ID: 0000000000989F7F)
Spillway - Small
spillwaySingle (ID: 0000000000989DC9)
seawall (ID: 0000000000989DCB)
Seawall Medium
seawallMed (ID: 0000000000989E27)
Water Tower Redux
towerWaterIndustrial (ID: 0000000000989EF6)
Seawall Large
seawallLarge (ID: 0000000000989E26)
spillwayLarge (ID: 0000000000989DC
Railroad Crossing
signRailRoadCrossing (ID: 0000000000989E89)
Factory Drain Pipes
factoryDrainPipes (ID: 0000000000989FF9)
Wooden Base Water Tank
waterTankOldWoodBase (ID: 0000000000989FE1)
Launch Assembly
vehicleAssemblyEP2 (ID: 0000000000989F44)
Streetbrite (version without flag)
lightingOutdoorStreetCountryNoFlag (ID: 0000000000989FDE)
Waylon's Water Tower
waterTowerWood (ID: 000000000098AA27)
Rustic Ranch Fence
fenceRanchNatural (ID: 000000000098AA79)
Rustic Ranch Fence Long
fenceRanchNaturalLong (ID: 000000000098AA8B)
White Ranch Fence Post
fenceRanchNaturalPost (ID: 000000000098AA8C)
White Ranch Fence
fenceRanchWhite (ID: 000000000098AA7
White Ranch Fence Long
fenceRanchWhiteLong (ID: 000000000098AA89)
White Ranch Fence Post
fenceRanchWhitePost (ID: 000000000098AA8A)
Brick and Mortar Fence
fenceWallBrick_rail (ID: 000000000098AF3E)
Rustic Ranch Fence (actually Brick and Mortar Fence Post)
fenceWallBrick_post (ID: 000000000098AF3F)

Revision as of 16:21, 16 September 2012

This Is Just To Say

Matty is a n00b

who has eaten the miso

that was in

the fridge

and that

you were probably


for snacks in mugs

Forgive me

it was delicious

and flagrantly



This is a list of seriously miscategorised objects in The Sims 3 so far, omitting store content. Some of these objects, like The Lonely Gargoyle, are completely inaccessible to players but complete. Some of the railings are kept inaccessible because they are not CASTable, but they are matches to the existing CASTable fences we have, and without them it is very hard to find good railings to match certain fences.

I've also included three extra sections: Stencils, Buydebug, and CAW.

Stencils lists EA objects that have stencils designed for them that have not been enabled. For example, some of the Pets beds have lovely fish stencils, and dog bowls have bone stencils, etc.

Buydebug lists objects that, given what is in that category at present, should probably be available there. Things like rewards, etc.

CAW lists various neighbourhood objects introduced in various EPs that are not enabled for use in the world builder.

I'd appreciate it if anyone let me know if anything is missing? Serious cases only, I'm not too worried about aesthetic miscategorising. I'm sure I've missed a lot of stuff, though. If I have more time this week, I'll add links to some recategorisers that deal with these. I'll also add pics.


Base Game

Cement Railings StaircaseCement_RailingComp (ID: 3979E9702D5DFDE4)

Sinister Railing StaircaseDeckQuaintFenceSuite (ID: AAFAD6A16827ff35)

Hardcore Fence StaircaseIBeamFenceSuite (ID: F1A1EACF7AEA347C)

Kosie Interior Fencing StaircaseMissionInteriorFenceSuite (ID: AE8DAC59C5697552)

Good Fence StaircaseTraditionalInteriorFenceSuite (ID: 1ABF086EB37B7EA7)

Brick Stretcher Bond Wall Wall_Brick_Stretcher (ID: 6569E0315605D0C4)

Brick Stretcher Bond Wall with Deco Wall_Brick_StretcherRail (ID:3F5603963F9758D4)

Misc Baseboard Rail Wall Wall_Misc_BaseboardRail_RailThickMild (ID: 0F3D90B8F2FF39B4)

Axe Sculpture SculptureAxe (ID: 0000000000000AFF)

World Adventures

Arch of Mystery doorDoubleAsianArch2x1 (ID: 0000000000989BDC)

Diet Arch of Mystery doorSingleAsianArch (ID: 00000000009899E7)

Pile of Papyrus sculptureClutterEgyptScrolls (ID: 0000000000989999)

The Lonely Gargoyle sculptureFranceGargoyle (ID: 00000000009898A


Firefighter's Coat sculptureWallFirefighter (ID: 0000000000989F40)

Brown Swamp Rushes (categorised as landmark not as shrub) plantSwampRushes (ID: 0000000000989DB3)

Green Swamp Rushes (categorised as landmark not as shrub) plantSwampRushes02 (ID: 0000000000989DB4)

Shrub (categorised as landmark not as tree) treeShrub (ID: 0x0000000000989DDD)


Galactic Alien Scanner Sculpture (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureAlienScanner (ID: 000000000098A6E9)

Marco Ceiling Kite (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureCeilingGenBoxKite (ID: 000000000098A74E)

Planes Away! (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureCeilingGenPlane (ID: 000000000098A655)

Little Rawr Plush Dragon (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureTableGenPlaushDragon (ID: 000000000098A65D)

Dr. Tinner's Olde-Fashioned Toy Robot (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureTableGenRobot (ID: 000000000098A65E)

No-man’s-land’s Periscope (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureToyPeriscope (ID: 000000000098A6EA)

Spyglass Decor (visible only in Sort by Room) sculptureToySpyGlass (ID: 000000000098A6DE)


Table with Flowers sculptureFloorRgncyConsole2x1 (ID: 000000000098D337)



Family Portrait paintingGenAwkwardFamilyPhoto.OBJD (ID: 000000000098A744)

Dream of the Windrunner paintingGenTeenFantasy.ODJB (ID: 000000000098A743)


A Fool From Any Direction paintingRanchBig2x1 (ID: 000000000098AEFC)

Small Animals paintingRanchPuppies (ID: 000000000098AEFD)

El Dorado's Destiny paintingRanchTall (ID: 000000000098AEFE)

Alberta's Lament paintingWallRusticLuxe2x1 (ID: 0x000000000098AEFF)

Bow Wow Wowzer Pet Bed petBedLarge (ID: 000000000098AA06)

The Moderate Mayflower petBowlModerate (ID: 000000000098A99E)

Low Country Living Pet House petHouseCheap (ID: 000000000098AA00)

Pet Plates by Tack-EE Inc. sculptureWallRanchPlates (ID: 000000000098AF02)


Base Game

Body Sculptor BodySculptor (ID: 0000000000000EA3)

Food Replicator FoodReplicator (ID: 0000000000000E9

Collection Helper CollectionHelper (ID: 0000000000000EEE)

Moodlet Manager MoodletManager (ID: 0000000000000E96)

MinusOne Kelvin Refrigerator RefrigeratorDrawerReward (ID: 0000000000000ECD)

Freezer Bunny Toy ToyStuffedAnimalFreezerBunny (ID: 000000000000086E)

Teleporter Teleporter - (ID: 0000000000000E95)

Picnic Blanket Spawner PicnicBlanketPublic (ID: 0000000000000EF0)

World Adventures

Sim Scouts' Classic Camper (Permanent) TentCheapPermanent (ID: 000000000098992E)

Colesim 2br Edition Tent (Permanent) TentExpensivePermanent (ID: 000000000098992F)

The Sultan's Tabernacle TentSultansTabernacle (ID: 6C320A2F418A30C6)

Late Night

Apartment Letter Box mailboxWallLetter (ID: 000000000098A182)

Food Truck Parking foodTruckFootprint (ID: 000000000098A33B)

Food Truck carTruckFood (ID: 000000000098A305)


HomeAromaInator HomeAromaInator (ID: 000000000098D13C)

6x7 Stage ShowStage6x7 (ID: 000000000098D191)

Proprietor Marker proprietorPlacement_ftp (ID: 000000000098D3E6)

Simfest Trophy sculptureRewardTrophySimFest (ID: 000000000098D245)

Genie Lamp GenieLamp (ID: 0x000000000098D122)


Late Night

Monocle (hidden & not set for teen-elder) amAccessoryEP3 Monocle (ID: 68D60DC8FD2136


Elder Jacket (version for elders not available in CAS) efTopEP6JacketGraphic

Elder Singlet (version for elders not available in CAS) efTopEP6LooseGraphic


World Adventures

Broken Ruins Thingie xxxxx (ID: )


Abandoned Train Bridge bridgeTrainBroken (ID: 0000000000989EEB)

Lost Ruins ruinsStation (ID: 0000000000989F7A)

Ground Fog Effect FX_EP2_fogGroundSwamp (ID: 000000000098A000)

Wooden Barn barnWOVane (ID: 0000000000989FE2)

Train Track - Straight Medium trainTracksStraightMed (ID: 0x0000000000989DEC)

Train Track - Subtle Curve trainTracksSubtleCurve (ID: 0x0000000000989DEE)

Train Track - Straight Large trainTracksStraightLarge (ID: 0000000000989DEA)

Train Track - Ninety° trainTracksNinety (ID: 0000000000989DE7)

Train Track - Small trainTracksStraightSmall (ID: 0000000000989DED)

Train Track - S Curve trainTracksSCurve (ID: 0000000000989DE5)

Train Track - Switch trainTracksSwitch (ID: 0000000000989DEF)

Train Tracks Broken End trainTracksBrokenEnd (ID: 0000000000989DE9)

Fence Chain Link - Medium fenceChainLink_medium (ID: 0000000000989F81)

Fence Chain Link fenceChainLink (ID: 0000000000989F7E)

Fence Chain Link - Post fenceChainLinkPost (ID: 0000000000989F7D)

Fence Chain Link - Long fenceChainLink_long (ID: 0000000000989F80)

Fence Chain Link - Half Span fenceChainLink_halfSpan (ID: 0000000000989F7F)

Spillway - Small spillwaySingle (ID: 0000000000989DC9)

Seawall seawall (ID: 0000000000989DCB)

Seawall Medium seawallMed (ID: 0000000000989E27)

Water Tower Redux towerWaterIndustrial (ID: 0000000000989EF6)

Seawall Large seawallLarge (ID: 0000000000989E26)

Spillway spillwayLarge (ID: 0000000000989DC

Railroad Crossing signRailRoadCrossing (ID: 0000000000989E89)

Factory Drain Pipes factoryDrainPipes (ID: 0000000000989FF9)

Wooden Base Water Tank waterTankOldWoodBase (ID: 0000000000989FE1)

Launch Assembly vehicleAssemblyEP2 (ID: 0000000000989F44)

Streetbrite (version without flag) lightingOutdoorStreetCountryNoFlag (ID: 0000000000989FDE)


Waylon's Water Tower waterTowerWood (ID: 000000000098AA27)

Rustic Ranch Fence fenceRanchNatural (ID: 000000000098AA79)

Rustic Ranch Fence Long fenceRanchNaturalLong (ID: 000000000098AA8B)

White Ranch Fence Post fenceRanchNaturalPost (ID: 000000000098AA8C)

White Ranch Fence fenceRanchWhite (ID: 000000000098AA7

White Ranch Fence Long fenceRanchWhiteLong (ID: 000000000098AA89)

White Ranch Fence Post fenceRanchWhitePost (ID: 000000000098AA8A)

Brick and Mortar Fence fenceWallBrick_rail (ID: 000000000098AF3E)

Rustic Ranch Fence (actually Brick and Mortar Fence Post) fenceWallBrick_post (ID: 000000000098AF3F)

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game select