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|Compliments are quite flattering!
|Compliments are quite flattering!
|Appears when Sims receive compliments or being admired. Does not appear on Divas.
|Appears when Sims receive compliments or being admired. Replaced with "Well, Duh!" for Divas.
|[[File:Sims3 icon.png|42px]]
|[[File:Sims3 icon.png|42px]]

Revision as of 17:57, 27 August 2013

List of Moodlets
Needs Life Status Activities Surroundings Pet Moodlets



Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet hungry.png Hungry N/A 3 Hours Low Hunger Need Your Sim's a wee bit peckish. The stomach growling isn't far behind. Changes to "Very Hungry" when timer expires Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet veryHungry.png Very Hungry -40 1 Day Very Low Hunger Need Gnawing hunger is not a good feeling for Sims. Feed regularly to avoid. 12 hours for Toddlers/children and 7 hours for babies. Changes to "Starving" when timer expires. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet starving.png Starving -80 1 Day Critically Low Hunger Need Allowing Sims to starve is quite cruel! Get (Sim Name) some food immediately to avoid an unnecessary death. Death by starvation when timer expires. If timer expires when a Sim is pregnant or outside of a lot, the timer resets to 7 hours. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet meal.png Good Meal +15 8 Hours Yummy Food Yummy! (Sim Name) enjoyed that meal more than the standard fare. Nice quality meal or higher. +25 and lasts for 2 hours for mummies who eat a Mummy Snack. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet meal.png Great Meal +25 8 Hours Yummy Food Great meals can be rare, but when a Sim dines upon such a delicious feast, it will be remembered for some time. Great quality meal or higher. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet meal.png Amazing Meal +40 8 Hours Yummy Food That meal was awesome! The explosion of flavor will be hard to forget. Perfect quality meal. Pizza Appreciators will get this moodlet if they eat pizza. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet divineMeal.png Divine Meal +80 7 Days Ambrosia, Restaurant, Time Traveling (Sim Name) has experienced a meal so exquisite, so divine, that it defies description. Can be found sometimes while eating at the bistro, eating an Ambrosia, or time traveling Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet stuffed.png Stuffed N/A 3 Hours Overeating Forcing Sims to eat when they are not hungry may lead to a loss of appetite and weight gain. Appears when forcing Sims to eat when their hunger isn't less than 55. Causes Sims to gain weight. Doesn't appear if Sims eat the same food before they're getting full. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet unevenCooking.png Uneven Cooking -10 3 Hours Cheap Stove At least the left-most portion was cooked correctly... right? Maybe a nicer stove would burn better. There's a 30% chance for Sims getting this moodlet if they cook their food using a cheap stove. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet wastedFood.png Wasted Food -5 2 Hours Throwing Food Away Don't throw away good food! There are starving children in Strangetown! Appears when Sims throw away unspoiled food. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet tastesLikeFridge.png Tastes Like Fridge -10 2 Hours Cheap Fridge Every bite shouldn't contain flavors from everything else in the fridge. Quality fridges never have this problem! There's a 30% chance for Sims getting this moodlet if they eat leftovers from a cheap fridge. Sims3 icon.png


Energy / Comfort

Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet sleepy.png Sleepy N/A 3 Hours Low Energy Need Get (Sim Name) to bed soon, to avoid the wrath of the truly tired. Changes to "Tired" when timer expires. Vampires learn skills slower when they're sleepy. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet tired.png Tired -40 3 Hours Very Low Energy Need When Sims get too tired, their mood begins to go south. Changes to "Exhausted" when timer expires. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet exhausted.png Exhausted -50 Until Sim sleeps Critically Low Energy Need At this level of sleep deprivation, even the floor looks like a good bed to this Sim. Sims will pass out when their need goes rock bottom. Sims will also get this when Moodlet Manager backfires. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet rudeAwakening.png Rude Awakening -10 1 Hour Interruption while Sleeping Loud noises and ruckuses will disturb sleeping Sims. Keep those stereos off and the conversations somewhere else, and don't light the bedroom on fire. Appears when there's loud noise while Sims are asleep, such as stereo, TV, or crying babies. Does not appear on Heavy Sleepers. -15 for Hot-Headed Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet badSleep.png Bad Night's Sleep -15 6 Hours Cheap Bed Sleeping on a cheap bed would make any Sim grumpy. Sometimes appears when Sims sleep on a cheap bed. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet wellRested.png Well Rested +10 - 30 10 Hours Sleeping It's easy to wake up on the right side of the bed when you got plenty of time in the bed. Higher quality bed grants higher mood. Appears indefinitely after Aliens sleep. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet hadToNap.png Had a Nice Nap +10 5 Hours Napping Having a great, refreshing nap may be just enough to hold back the onset of sleep. Appears after Sims take a nap. Overrides "Sleepy," "Tired," and "Exhausted". Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet cuddleTime.png Cuddle Time +20 5 Hours Stuffed Animal Teddy bears make excellent sleeping companions. Toddlers, Children, and Childish Sims receive this moodlet when they sleep with a teddy bear in their inventory. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet comfy.png Comfy Varied Until Sim stops using comfortable object Comfortable Object Nothing beats a good seat for comfort except perhaps a better seat. The mood effect depends on the quality of the chair. Couch Potatoes give a double mood effect. Sims3 icon.png

Brain Power


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet hasToPee.png Has to Pee N/A 2 Hours Low Bladder Need Your Sim needs to go. Like, "go." Changes to "Really Has to Pee" when timer expires. Steel Bladder Lifetime Reward eliminates this Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet hasToPee.png Really Has to Pee -30 1 Hour Very Low Bladder Need The bladder situation really has only gone from bad to worse, find a bathroom soon! Sims will wet themselves when timer expires. It will cause them to get embarrassed when another Sim is around and lower hygiene. Sims3 icon.png

Hygiene / Hydration

Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet grungy.png Grungy -5 4 Hours Low Hygiene Need Yuck! That layer of grime growing might mean it's time for a bath or shower. Changes to "Smelly" when timer expires. Lasts longer with Dirt Defiant Lifetime Reward. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet smelly.png Smelly -10 Until Sim takes a bath Very Low Hygiene Need Sims don't like to stink. More importantly, Sims don't like other Sims that stink. No mood effect for Slobs. Nearby Sims will get "Disgusted" moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet coldShower.png Cold Shower -10 3 Hours Cheap Shower Freezing jets of water will dull any mood. Perhaps it's time to upgrade the shower. There's a 20% chance for Sims getting this moodlet if they use cheap shower. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet exhilaratingShower.png Exhilarating Shower +20 4 Hours Nice Shower It makes sense that if a Sim uses quality plumbing, they get quality showers. Sometimes appears after Sims use an expensive shower. Overrides "Cold Shower" moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet squeakyClean.png Squeaky Clean +10 7 Hours High Hygiene Need Experience the clean sensation of practicing personal hygiene! Lasts longer with Dirt Defiant Lifetime Reward. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet duckTime.png Duck Time +15 5 Hours Rubber Ducky Rubber Duckies make hygienic cleansing fun! Appears if Sims take a bath that has Ducksworth of Bathington placed on it. The rubber ducky can be purchased from the grocery store. Sims3 icon.png


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet strained.png Strained -15 Max 2 Days Low Fun Need (Sim Name) could stand a few hours of fun to iron the stress. Changes to "Stressed Out" when Fun need gets too low. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet stressed.png Stressed Out -40 Until Sim has fun Very Low Fun Need (Sim Name) is in desperate need of some entertainment. The daily grind has ground the enjoyment of life to a halt! Will remain until Sims have fun. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet amused.png Entertained +25 Max 6 Hours High Fun Need (Sim Name) is having quite a good time and is keeping stress down. Lasts 12 hours for Sims with No Sense of Humor. Timer will freeze if Sims have "Sugar Rush" moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet delighted.png Having a Blast +40 Max 8 Hours Very High Fun Need (Sim Name) is having so much fun it's almost criminal. Changes to "Entertained" when timer expires. The timer lasts longer for Sims with No Sense of Humor and shorter for toddlers, children, and Childish Sims. Timer will freeze if Sims have "Sugar Rush" moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet antiTv.png Technophobia -10 25 Minutes Using Electronics For some Sims, using technology is an unsettling experience. Technophobes will get this moodlet whenever they're using electronics or nearby a turned television. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet staticSignal.png Bad Reception -10 Until Sim stops watching Cheap TV Cheap television sets don't always provide the most pristine picture. Randomly appears if Sims watch a cheap TV. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet pristinePicture.png Pristine Picture +15 Until Sim stops watching Expensive TV The pixels are dancing daintily on the television, perfectly within the highest resolutions money can buy. Appears if Sims watch an expensive TV. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet greatAdventure.png Great Adventure +20 3 Hours VR Goggles, Time Traveling (Sim Name) had such an amazing time! How could this adventure possibly be topped? Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet VRVictory.png Virtually Victorious +25 8 Hours VR Goggles Success! Sims love the (virtual) taste and smell of (virtual) victory. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet VREmpowered.png Virtually Empowered +15 5 Hours VR Goggles Muscles... mind... matter... so very strong! Some Sims feel quite the audio/visual adrenaline rush from a good VR Adventure. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet VRNausea.png Virtually Nauseous -25 2 Hours VR Goggles The ups and downs and lefts and rights and sudden free-fall plummets and rolling seas of VR don't always leave the stomach at ease. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet frightenedByVR.png Virtually Terrified! -25 3 Hours VR Goggles Yikes! That snaggle toothed monster looked far more realistic than expected. Who knew monster breath would be so... fragrant... in virtual reality. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet disappointed.png Failed at VR -15 1 Day VR Goggles Game over! The binary highways of Virtual Reality are fraught with peril. Luckily your Sim didn't lose in the real world. Sims3 icon.png


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet newFriend.png New Friend +20 8 Hours New Friend Meeting someone new and hitting it off well enough to call them a friend is spiffy! Sims will get this moodlet only once per new friend. It will be lost if their relationship is immediately reduced below 40. Sims will not get this moodlet back again even if they become friends again after losing one. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet lostAFriend.png Lost a Friend -25 1 Day Losing Friend The loss of a friend hurts, but can be easily rectified by giving them a call and rekindling the friendship. Appears after a relationship with a friend is damaged below 40. The moodlet will be eliminated if the friendship is made back up. Sims will not get this if they slowly become distant friends, though. Stone Hearted Lifetime Reward eliminates this. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet lonely.png Lonely -15 Max 14 Hours Low Social Need Communication is a must for Sims. A quick chat will fix things right away. Lasts longer for Loners. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet desolate.png Desolate -50 Until Sim socializes Very Low Social Need When Sims get really, really lonely, they need to talk to somebody. Anybody. Children and toddlers will be taken away by social workers unless this moodlet goes away. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet mourning.png Mourning -50 2 Days Witnessing Death The death of a loved one affects those closest to them. Sims can mourn at a tombstone or move it to a graveyard to feel more at peace. The mood effect can be lowered by half per each of these events: getting consoled, mourning, and placing the tombstone in the graveyard. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet excited.png Excited +15 3 Hours Meeting Friends, Catching Fish Excitable Sims get, well excited. Excitable Sims will get this moodlet when they invite over a friend or lover, or when they catch a new or bigger fish. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet impressed.png Impressed +10 3 Hours Tour Touring public places sometimes reveals unexpected and impressive sights. Possible outcome from taking a tour in a rabbit hole. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet hilariousConversation.png Hilarious Conversation +10 3 Hours Socialization Some Sims should be stand-up comedians with the humor they're dishing out. Sims will get this when they use funny social until hilarious conversation. Sims will immediately be in hilarious conversation by using hilarious greet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet intrigued.png Intrigued +10 3 Hours Socialization Juicy gossip satisfies eager ears! Appears when Sims listen to gossip, celebrity gossip, or shared secret. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet flattered.png Flattered +10 3 Hours Socialization Compliments are quite flattering! Appears when Sims receive compliments or being admired. Replaced with "Well, Duh!" for Divas. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet brightenedDay.png Brightened Day +10 3 Hours Socialization Good Sims know exactly what to say to make someone's day better. Appears when Sims get "brightened day" by a Good Sim. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet cheeredUp.png Cheered Up +15 3 Hours Socialization Gobs of sobs are stopped by the kind words of others. Appears when sad Sims get cheered up. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet letOffSteam.png Let Off Steam +10 3 Hours Socialization Having a friendly ear to complain to helps when you need to vent. Appears when Sims complain to other Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet calmedDown.png Calmed Down +15 3 Hours Socialization Sometimes all an Angry Sim needs is an understanding voice to help them get through a bad mood. Appears when angry Sims get consoled. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet comforted.png Comforted +15 3 Hours Socialization A quick cry on the shoulder helps the sadness go away. Appears when Sims get comforted, or cry on shoulder. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet rudeGuest.png Rude Guest -10 4 Hours Guest Behaving Inappropriately Sims don't like it when other Sims are rude, especially houseguests! The moodlet appears when visiting guests behave inappropriately, such as using showers, eating from fridge, or being mean to the host. -15 for Hot-Headed Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet bored.png Boring Conversation -5 3 Hours Socialization, Tour Yawn! Will they ever stop talking? Appears when Sims receive the same social interaction repeatedly. More likely to appear if the speaker has No Sense of Humor. Possible outcome from taking a tour in a rabbit hole. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet embarrassed.png Embarrassed -20 3 Hours Various Embarrassing Situations Situations like this should be avoided at all costs... they're hard to live down. This moodlet can be caused by various situations, such as peeing self, walking in on Sims in the middle of WooHoo, or failed tricks. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet humiliated.png Humiliated -15 3 Hours Socialization, Losing Fight Humiliation tends to rear its ugly head just behind the heap of insulting comments. Appears when Sims get insulted or lose a fight. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet offended.png Offended -15 3 Hours Socialization Offense, when given, will require a healthy dose of time to forgive and forget. Or the dreaded apology. Appears when Sims receive mean interactions. Sims with this moodlet are more likely to get relationship damage when involved in negative interactions. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet upset.png Upset -15 3 Hours Socialization It's hard to endure the rough patches with those you care about. Appears when Sims receive negative interactions. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet disappointed.png Disappointed -15 1 Day Forum Posting, Socialization Some Sims just hate it when they blow a chance to impress others. Appears when no one answers on the inappropriate or troll forum posting, or when Sims get rejected from giving mixology advice to a mixologist. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet creepedOut.png Creeped Out -10 3 Hours Socialization, Brain Freeze a la Mode Ewww! (Sim Name) sure is acting creepy! Appears when Sims get intimate too soon or receive repeated actions. Also appears when Sims around see another Sim eating Brain Freeze a la Mode. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet enemy.png Enemy! -10 Until Sim gets away from enemy Enemy The presence of garbage would be preferred to that of a hated enemy! Appears when Sims are around enemy. -15 for Hot-Headed Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet enemy.png Enemy! +10 Until Sim gets away from enemy Enemy Ha! Enemies are pathetic. The mere sight of such pitiful mortals brings joy to your Sim. A positive moodlet for Mean Spirited Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet charitable.png Charitable +10, +15, +30 1 Day Donating to Charity It feels great to help other Sims, especially when they are in need. From donating to charity with the mailbox by Good Sims. Bigger donation gives higher mood effect. Sims cannot donate again until the moodlet expires. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet fiendishlyDelighted.png Fiendishly Delighted +15 6 Hours Forum Posting, Donating to Undermine Charity, Watching Sims Suffer Sims of the evil persuasion take pleasure in the misfortune of others. Appears when Sims successfully troll in the forum, or when Evil Sims watch other Sims' misfortune. Also from donating to undermine charity by Evil Sims, similar effect to "Charitable" moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet scared.png Scared -25 3 Hours Various Scary Situation Scaredy-cats are scared of pretty much everything, but they really show it when their life flashes before their eyes. Shows more often on Cowards. This moodlet can be caused by various situations, such as scary computer prank, scary movie on TV, seeing the Grim Reaper, ghost, or mummy. Does not appear on Brave Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet theLifeOfParty.png The Life of Party +15 3 Hours Socialization, Drinking Juice, Party Statue Not only do party animals love to party, but other Sims love to party with them. Woooo! Appears when Party Animals woo with 3 Sims at a party. Also appears on Sims when ordering a juice from a proprietor, or turning on the party statue from University Life bonus limited content. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet awesomeParty.png Awesome Party +20 3 Hours Socialization Party plus party animal equals Awesome Party. It's simple math! Sims will receive this moodlet when they get wooed with a Party Animal. Also appears if the host has the Legendary Host lifetime reward. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet throwAGreatParty.png Threw a Great Party +30 1 Day Great Party Sims love a great party and the host that throws them. From having a great party. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet throwLameParty.png Threw a Lame Party -15 8 Hours Lame Party Some Sims throw awesome parties. Others throw parties that compare roughly with a stomach virus. From having a lame party. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet sweetVenueParty.png Sweet Venue Party +15 Until the party is over Party at a Community Lot The choice in venue for this party is excellent. It sure beats the standard house party. Moodlet remains as long as Sims are at the party or until the party ends. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet enjoyingSolitude.png Enjoying Solitude +15 Until someone is within the range of the Sim Being Alone Introverted Sims like it best at times when others completely and utterly stay away. Appears when Loners are alone. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet tooManyPeople.png Too Many People -15 Until Sim stays away from the crowd Being in a Crowd Certain Sims may not feel too comfortable around large groups Appears when Loners are around 3 or more Sims. Sims3 icon.png
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