Difference between revisions of "Category:Modding Tools for Sims 4"

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(CAS Tools)
(Wall & Other Buy/Build Mode Item Recoloring Tools)
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** [http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/244/mini-tutorial-wall-speculars-painless Painlessly Edit Wall Bump & Specular Maps]
** [http://sims-studio.proboards.com/thread/244/mini-tutorial-wall-speculars-painless Painlessly Edit Wall Bump & Specular Maps]
* [http://sims4.the-prof.net/?page_id=455 WallEz by Granthes] Make walls for Ts4  
* [http://sims4.the-prof.net/?page_id=455 WallEz by Granthes] Make walls for Ts4  
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=211 WallEz wall forum]
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=211 WallEz wall forum] closed due to spamming
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=337 WallEz floor forum]
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=337 WallEz floor forum] closed due to spamming
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=336 WallEz - creating thumbnails]
** [http://forums.sims4.the-prof.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=336 WallEz - creating thumbnails] closed due to spamming
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=533094 Maxis CC Documentation v1.0 by SimGuruModSquad] EA has published technical documentation on best practices for Custom Content and Mods and details about how the game works. They are happy to announce that this can now be found here. [http://cdn-assets-ts4.pulse.ea.com/Guide/TS4_Custom_Content_Guide.zip  TS4 Custom Content Guide zip]
* [http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=533094 Maxis CC Documentation v1.0 by SimGuruModSquad] EA has published technical documentation on best practices for Custom Content and Mods and details about how the game works. They are happy to announce that this can now be found here. [http://cdn-assets-ts4.pulse.ea.com/Guide/TS4_Custom_Content_Guide.zip  TS4 Custom Content Guide zip]

Revision as of 22:06, 26 December 2014

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 



A categorized list of modding tools.

For a collection of general modding tools, see Tutorials:TS4 ModdingTools.

CAS Tools

Meshing Tools

Wall & Other Buy/Build Mode Item Recoloring Tools


Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

This category currently contains no pages or media.

Personal tools

game select