From SimsWiki
Alphabetically Sequenced List
[under construction/ work in progress/ still underdevelopped] much more to come!
- alphaRefValue
- appInDebugMode
- baseColor
- blendStrength
- blurFactor
- bumpMapping
- bumpMultiplier
- colorScalar
- cubeMapEnabled (?)
- cutoutPass
- deprecatedstdMatInvDiffuseCoeffMultiplier
- finalAlphaScale
- flagSkinnedObjects
- floorGridAlpha
- floorHighlightIntensity
- floorHighlightOn
- floorLayer
- floorRenderStyle
- forceHighQualitySkinning
- gridLayer
- lightMapAvailable
- mirrorReflectionsEnabled
- modifiyEachFrameHintFlag
- previewLayer
- reflectionMapFlag
- reflectivity
- reflectStrength
- refractionWeights
- stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingU
- stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingV
- stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingW
- stdMatCutoutTextureName
- stdMatCutoutTextureParam
- stdMatLightingEnabled
- stdMatMinLightRangeHint
- stdMatMorphState
- stdMatReduceBoneWeights
- stdMatShadowColor
- stdMatShapeColorIndex
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingU
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingV
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingW
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureEnabled
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureName
- stdMatSpecMaskTextureParam
- stdMatSpecPower
[some predefined in stdMat and lighting modes shaders]
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransStartY (Unknown usages)
- steamLayer1Rotation
- steamLayer1RotationSpeed
- steamLayer2RotationSpeed
- steamLayer2RotationX
- steamLayer2RotationY
- tsNoShadow
- useSWVertexShaderPath
- updateEachFrameFlag
- vs2LoopsFunctional
- waterSpeed