Sims 3:0xD063545B
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Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
Lot File Research by Karybdis
These files specify the lots in the game, as well as linking their descriptions, names, etc.
WORD version (31 or 32) QWORD GUID (name) QWORD GUID (desc) QWORD GUID (lotname) DWORD count WORD[count] character (descriptor) (if version 32)8 BYTES FLOAT X (upper left corner in world coordinates) FLOAT Y (upper left corner in world coordinates) FLOAT Z (upper left corner in world coordinates) FLOAT Heading (Radians) DWORD Width (Grid squares) DWORD Height (Grid squares) LONG (0 or -1) DWORD FLOAT FLOAT DWORD DWORD DWORD strlen WORD[strlen] character (name) DWORD strlen WORD[strlen] character (description) DWORD strlen WORD[strlen] character (lotname) DWORD Lot type (0 = residential, 1 = community/commercial, 2 = tutorial) FLOAT Beautiful vista mood buff (Debuff also in, but ignored by the game) FLOAT Lot value modifier DWORD Furnished lost value (Only in library lots, not an exact value but close)