Sims 3:0xB1CC1AF6

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Game Version:The Sims 3


Movies strangely enough seem to be the easier of these to decode since there's a known spec for them. They are basically a general EA container format with encoded pieces of data stored in them using (luckily) known codecs.

The movies are VP6 video encoded with SCxl/GSTR/adpcm_ea_r3 audio. Overall, the format differs from the standard "VP6" in that the audio stream (SCxl) chunks appear before the video stream (MVxx) chunks, making use of standard CODECs difficult for encoding.

Further information may be found here:

Above based on contributions from Karybdis.

Based on looking at 0xB1CC1AF6-0x00000000-0x799AE80054CEE156:

DWORD	tag	// 'SCHl' (that's a lower case L on the end, not a digit 1)
DWORD	pos	// offset from start of resource to MVhd section
DWORD	gstr	// 'GSTR'
BYTE[]		// fill to MVhd
DWORD	mvhd	// 'MVhd'
DWORD		// extra DWORD not mentioned in above wiki pages (I think)
BYTE[]		// ... remainder of MVhd
BYTE[]		// ... futher audio and video chunks
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