Tutorials:TS3 Modding Tools

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A categorised list of modding tools.

For a collection of general modding tools, see Tutorials:TS3 ModdingTools.

Meshing Tools for CAS

Geom Plugins for 3d Editor

Delphy's CTU

Allows creation of non-replacement clothing, etc. - stencils, retextures, and new meshes. Includes 3D preview.

Delphy's Acronym Bending Original Output Barber Shop (aka DABOOBS)

Creates non-replacement custom hair mesh packages.

Pooklet's psds and Hair Textures

  • Pooklet psds & textures Pooklet hair textures and psd files on BOX. Scroll down to the pooklet-psds & textures folder.

TSR Workshop

Create non-replacement clothing, hair, make-up and accessories in sims3pack format. Also allows mesh editing. Includes live 3D preview.

UV Templates

Useful tools to create UV maps. Helps you see free areas where you can place your new mesh parts so they don't impinge on existing parts or the horse's skins.

  • Pets - UV Map Template for Horses - Use horse-hide UV template to place new mesh parts like bridles, collars and extra saddle parts.

Meshing Tools for Objects

Import/Export Scripts for your 3d Editor

Sims3Package Editor

Sims3Object Cloner

Sims3 Textures Tool

TSR Workshop

Create non-replacement clothing, hair, make-up and accessories in sims3pack format. Also allows mesh editing. Includes live 3D preview.

Tools for Patterns

Tools for Worlds

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns | Objects | Building | Worlds | Modding | Modding Reference 

Personal tools

game select