Content List:Holidays
From SimsWiki
Content for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, birthdays, New Year, etc.
Currently under construction, see list at S2C for now.
Autumn, Fall, Harvest and Thanksgiving
Body Shop Content
- Autumn Clothing: Parsimonious
- Casual Fall Outfits: hrekkjavaka astarkort at MTS2
- Cute Fall Dresses: hrekkjavaka astarkort at MTS2
- Fall Collection Dresses: GMO at MTS2
- Fall Collection Set 2 (Teen): GMO at MTS2
- Native American Theme: Sapphire Sims 2
- Native and Pilgrim clothing: Pico's Multiware Sims 2 Fashion, All About Style
- Senior Male Fall Casuals pages 2 and 3 under senior wear: All About Style
- Thanksgiving Family Costumes: All About Style
- Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Double Bed: JohnBrehaut1 at MTS2
- Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Single Bed: JohnBrehaut1 at MTS2
- Autumn Set: (1) Amber1981 at InSIM, (2) Amber1981 at InSIM
- Autumn Trees & Groundcovers: Linda Sims 2
- Autumn Wonderland Apple Basket: boblishman at MTS2
- Autumn Wonderland Table: boblishman at MTS2
- Autumn Wonderland Tree Stump: boblishman at MTS2
- Indian Corn: Linda's Sims 2 Torials
- Pile O'Leaves (Playable): SnowStorm at MTS2
- Pumpkin Rug: Dincer Hepguler
- Roman Style Stone Garden Seat: boblishman at MTS2
- Stately Lion: gromit at MTS2
- Stone BBQ: tigger at SS2
- Stone Dining Set and Bench: tigger at SS2
- Thanksgiving Turkey (Deco): buntah at MTS2
- Autumn Wonderland Tribute Set by JWoods at MTS2 - Decorative Pumpkin (new mesh), Decorative Apple bobbing barrel (new mesh), Cornucopia (new mesh), Barrel of cornstalks (new mesh), Small pile of leaves that sims will walk through (new mesh), 10 outfits all autumn themed (one for all ages both genders), Large ANIMATED pile of leaves for your sims to jump in. (new mesh), Flat Placable leaves in 4 styles to cover the ground (new mesh), Pile of leaves fully PLAYABLE for toddlers (new mesh), 3 Autumn toned terrain paints, 4 floor tiles with leaves
- Celebration of Autumn Set: Spiffy Sims
- Stone Set: Blackys Sims2 Zoo
- Thanksgiving Objects - Table with thanksgiving table cloth, matching chairs, candles, and place mat: simfantastic2 at MTS2
- Thanksgiving Set (with recolors) - Pumpkin, Big fruit basket, Breads, Vase with flowers, Beer set, and Decorated cow. All objects are decorative only: feeEssen at MTS2
Body Shop Content
- Bobtail Cap Mesh (Adult/YA/Elder female): 2-f0r-u with Christmas recolour by sherrieyoumans at MTS2
- Christmas Cap (recolour of Maxis hat for female): SeluXereZ at MTS2
- Christmas Earrings (Adult female): martyk at MTS2
- Christmas Scarves (Adult female): pink_pixie at MTS2
- Hide holiday clothes and hats: Morague at MTS2, updated by jordi at MTS2
- Santa Hat:
- DLMulsow at InSIM - (Adult male and female)
- spmjcom at MTS2 - (Adult male and female)
- varicev at MTS2 - (Adult female)
- Black suit with red vest (Adult male): crosieramanda at MTS2
- Burgundy Velvet Christmas Dress (Adult female): LadyFe at MTS2
- Christmas Clothing Pack (All ages, both genders!): cee at MTS2
- Christmas Coat (Adult female): SeluXereZ at MTS2
- Christmas Outfit (Adult female): Raika at MTS2
- Christmas Pajamas (Adult Female): LadyFe at MTS2
- Christmas Pajamas (Teen Female): LadyFe at MTS2
- Christmas Tee Shirts (Adult/YA male): Deeney at MTS2
- Christmas Tee Shirts (Child male/female): Deeney at MTS2
- Christmas Tee Shirts - Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph (Child Female): Rosa Negra at MTS2
- Christmas Tops (Adult Female): Xenonia at MTS2
- Grandma's Christmas Outfit (Elder Female): Halloweenscorpio at MTS2
- Hide holiday clothes and hats: Morague at MTS2, updated by jordi at MTS2
- Lady Christmas Undies (Adult Female): gbourn at MTS2
- Lady Santa Undies (Adult Female): gbourn at MTS2
- Mommy and Me Christmas Nightgowns (Adult/Toddler Female): Halloweenscorpio at MTS2
- Mrs. Claus Coat (Adult Female): spmjcom at MTS2
- Nana's Christmas Dress (Elder Female): Halloweenscorpio at MTS2
- Red, black and gold Christmas dress (Adult Female): Kaikou at MTS2
- Sexy Santa Dress: varicev at MTS2
- Sexy Santa Outfit (Adult Female): roxxy at MTS2
- Three Christmas Outfits (Adult Female): cgcg1 at MTS2
- X-mas Lingerie: play girl at MTS2
- Rosy red cheeks for santa: Bizkit at MTS2
Build Mode
- Xmas Doors (decorated with wreaths and frosted windows): Simplan-X ($$$)
Walls, Floors, and Ground Cover
- Christmas Wallpapers: simsmomma at MTS2, Swtness2 at MTS2
- Gothic Christmas Wallpaper: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Holiday Garland Wallpapers: GracieSimll at MTS2
- Reindeer: MissWendy at MTS2
- Snow and Ice Ground Cover: Erjot7 at MTS2
- Snowflake Tile: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Snowflake Wallpaper: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Stockings with Mouse and Squirrel: crazy_frog at MTS2
- Christmas Windows: Claireh82 at Sapphire Sims 2
CAS Screens
- Christmas CAS Screen: elfoffire at MTS2
- Blue Christmas Holiday House: flamingo57 at Sapphire Sims 2
- Chalet Noel: by Brighten at MTS2
- Christmas in the Country: Sim_me at MTS2
- Christmas Victorian II: GoldenSimmer at MTS2
- Go for Christmas Shopping Community Lot: gbourn at MTS2
- Holly Jolly Christmas House: flamingo57 at SS2
- Holy Night Nativity Scene residential: by Solgaya at MTS2
- Kringle Court Christmas House: skooter at MTS2
- White Christmas ll: by Corvidophile2 at MTS2
- Christmas Tree Neighborhood: Dewbyz at MTS2
- Advent Wreaths (Fully animated w/ special light): MaryLou & Numenor at MTS2
- Balloons: Lezibeth at MTS2
- Bar in Green crazy_frog at MTS2 and Pink: crazy_frog at MTS2
- Berry Christmas Living Room: McAlli at MTS2
- Buyable Holiday Gift and Display: Carrigon at S2W
- Candle Decor: Sims2Me (ep objects, page 3)
- Candy Cane (Edible): Carrigon at S2W
- Candy Cane Lawn Lights: The Well Dressed Sim
- Candy Cane Mailbox: i_like_rubber_ducks at MTS2
- Christmas Candles: Simplan-X (free), Ogularama
- Christmas Candles and Angel Lamp: 4ESF
- Christmas Card Maker: Carrigon at S2W
- Christmas Decorative Goodies (Towels, rugs, paper towels, potholders, tables and tableclothes): mizmugs at MTS2
- Christmas Garden Decor: Ogularama
- Christmas Lights/Twinkle Lights:
- capt.nemo at MTS2
- DBCAB at MTS2 - Longer versions of Holiday pack lights, for over windows
- simfantastic2 at MTS2 - Icicle Lights
- The Well Dressed Sim ($$$)
- Christmas Needlepoint Sewing Machine: Carrigon at S2W
- Christmas Presents (Decorative): Travis187 at MTS2, Ogularama
- Christmas Presents Bed and Bath Set: simdebster at MTS2
- Christmas Set (Decorative lighting object): XTS at MTS2
- Chrismas Special - Glühwein Lethe_s at MTS2
- Christmas Tree: Part of the Holiday stuff pack, also available from MaxoidMonkey at the Exchange, Hacked: Carrigon at S2W
- Realistic recolour:purplepaws at MTS2
- Ice blue recolor:McAlli at MTS2
- Unnatural recolours: Lezibeth at MTS2
- Natural and red recolours: rgiles at MTS2
- Ornament and present replacements: Miss Puff at MTS2
- Christmas Tree (Snowy and Potted): Simplan-X ($$$)
- Christmas Wreaths and Cards: Simplan-X ($$$)
- Clutter: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Collection for Holiday Pack: Simdebster at MTS2 plus the mini pack by Carrigon at S2W
- Curtains: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Edible St. Nick Candy: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Garland for Doors: simfantastic2 at MTS2
- Gift Box Wrapping Paper (Pastel): onespiceybbw at MTS2
- Gift/Present Packages:
- Around the Sims 2
- Part of the Holiday stuff pack, with recolours by purplepaws at MTS2
- Gingerbread Cookie Jar (Hacked): Carrigon at S2W
- Golden Christmas Forest Bedroom, Bath, and More Set: simdebster at MTS2
- Golden Christmas Forest Dining Set: simdebster at MTS2
- Gothic Christmas Beds and Bedding Swtness2 at MTS2
- Gothic Christmas Lighting: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Gothic Christmas Rugs: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Lamps (Maxis Recolours): Swtness2 at MTS2
- Lighted Christmas Hedge: DBCAB at MTS2
- Living Room Set: McAlli at MTS2
- Mask of Playfulness: Carrigon at S2W
- Mistletoe: Ogularama
- Nativity Scene: worship4ever0227 at MTS2
- Openable Gifts: Paladin's Place, with recolors by: earl2blue at InSIM
- Outdoor Christmas Decorations (candle, candy cane, lollipop): simfantastic2 at MTS2
- Paintings: justmoi at MTS2
- Pale Blue Living Set: McAlli at MTS2
- Plant: Bitzybus at MTS2
- Plate with Christmas Cookies: bienchen83 at MTS2
- Polar Bear (Kimba the Christmas Bear) in Large: Holy Simoly page 18 and Small: Holy Simoly page 17
- Quilts: Persephone at InSIM
- Recolours of Red Holiday Bow: Angelcookie51 at MTS2
- Reindeer Radio: Carrigon at S2W
- Santa Gnome: Crammyboy at MTS2
- Santa/Snowman Outdoor Floor Lamps: simscorner at MTS2
- Santa Sets: Sims2 Studio
- Scratchable Xmas Tree for Cats (PETS): Carrigon at S2W
- Snow Globes:
- Blizzardous Biosphere (Hacked Version): Carrigon at S2W
- Hacked Snowglobe: Carrigon at S2W
- Reigndeer (Animated): Carrigon at S2W
- Cazkiwi at MTS2
- Snowman Arch: MissWendy at MTS2
- Snowman Construction Set: MaxoidMonkey at the Exchange
- Snowmommy and Mrs. Santa: simsistic at MTS2
- Snowy Wall/Fence w/Lights: feeEssen at MTS2
- Stars Mobile: Holy Simoly page 19
- Stockings: Ogularama
- Stockings: Part of the Holiday stuff pack or by capt.nemo at MTS2, Simplan-X (free)
- Sugarplum Express Christmas Nursery: Swtness2 at MTS2
- Tapestries:
- Cactus Christmas Tree Tapestry: Carrigon at S2W
- dhevynstarr at MTS2
- Neriana at MTS2
- Nutcracker Wall Tapestry: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- crazy_frog at MTS2
- Very Bad Christmas Tree (Gives evil/bad presents): Carrigon at S2W
- Wreaths for Doors:
- Part of the Holiday stuff pack.
- simfantastic2 at MTS2
- Winter Extras (Frosty the Snowman lighted lawn decoration, cut firewood and more): FSMCDesigns and Sims Connection ($$$)
- Winter Outdoor Fun Set: Retail Sims
- Winter Sledge: Ogularama
- Winter Wonderland Mesh Set: MizzesSimmer at MTS2
- Winter Wood Set:
- Bathroom: Kate at Parsimonious
- Bedroom: Kate at Parsimonious
- Dining Room: Kate at Parsimonious
- Living Room: Kate at Parsimonious
- Study: Kate at Parsimonious
- Xmas Gift (Hacked - will spawn coke pinball machine, coke fridge, and more): Carrigon at S2W
- Xmas Bears Bedding: Luthien at MTS2
- Xmas Kitty Bedding: Luthien at MTS2
- Xmas Shrub: Carrigon at S2W
- Drivable Sleigh with Reindeer: hexameter at MTS2
- One Horse Open Sleigh: Hexameter at MTS2
- Lara Croft's Merry Christmas: SynapticSim at MTS2
- Miss Christmas: Leonesse at MTS2
- Santa Claus: Annoree at MTS2

Featured Item: Easter Bunny NPC by Echo at MTS2. The easter bunny visits your sims while they sleep and leaves yummy eggs for them to eat!
Body Shop Content
- Easter clothing (Toddler): Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Ariel Easter Bedroom Set: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Disney Easter Bedding: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Easter Set (big pack with tons of cute objects): simfantastic2 at MTS2, Simfantastic2
Other and Miscellaneous
- Easter Bunny NPC: by Echo at MTS2
Walls and Floors
- Easter Wall Tapestry: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
Halloween and Horror
- This content is focused on items and hacks relating to Halloween and Horror. See: Content List/Halloween and Horror.
New Years
Body Shop Content
- Happy New Year Outfit (AF): butterfly at Enchanted Forest
- New Years Bathing Suit: butterfly at Enchanted Forest
- New Years Eve Dresses: Misiak at SMB
- New Years Party Dress: butterfly at Enchanted Forest
- Baby New Year Wall Tapestry: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Disney New Years Bedroom Set: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- New Years Eve Party Objects:
- Champagne Cooler: feeEssen at MTS2
- Champagne Glasses with Tray: feeEssen at MTS2
- Cracker (Decorative): feeEssen at MTS2
- Floor Balloons: feeEssen at MTS2
- Fondue (Decorative): feeEssen at MTS2
- Lead Pour Set (Decorative): feeEssen at MTS2
- Table/Floor Streamers: feeEssen at MTS2
- Wall Streamers: feeEssen at MTS2
St. Patrick's Day
Body Shop Content
- Guinness T-Shirts: Simcastic Designs
- Irish T-Shirts: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- Happy St. Patricks Day Paintings: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
- St. Patrick's Day Wall Tapestry: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
Walls and Floors
- Clover Floor: Enchantress at Enchanted Forest
Valentine's Day
Body Shop Content
- St. Valentine's "Lil' Devil" Red Horns: Pontiac1979 at MTS2
- Be My Valentine Dress & Underwear Set: Milano at MTS2
- Happy Valentine Day Earth T-Shirts (Toddler - Adult): Dragonfly Fairy at MTS2
- Red Heart Valentine Undies (AF): LadyFe at MTS2
- Red Valentine Formal Gown: LadyFe at MTS2
- Valentine Date Clothing Set: oLLewoor at MTS2
- Valentine Gown Collection: Rock Chick at MTS2
- Valentine Outfit (AF): karialSim at InSIM
- Valentine Pink Lace Lingeries: LadyFe at MTS2
- Valentine Project 2007: Besen's Sims2
- Valentine Tank Top: karialSim at InSIM, OpenHouseJack at MTS2
- Valentine Tee (for 34DDenh): karialSim at InSIM
- Valentine Underwear (AF): KiaraRawks at MTS2
- Valentine's Nighties Pajamas Set: megnuttikihut at MTS2
- 68 Lovers Lane: longdaysend at MTS2
- Be My Valentine Shop: Kitcat at Melon Fresh
- Park for Valentines Day: CamyLee Jinn at MTS2
- Sweet Heart Spa Hotel: starry8t2 at MTS2
- Champagne Cooler with Tray: Birgit43 at MTS2
- Chocolate Box (with edible chocolates!): Echo at MTS2
- Class Glass Diamond: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Date Stuff Buyable - Dream date rose bouquet: ShadowTerra13 at MTS2
- Date Stuff Buyable - Love letter, angry letter, bag of poo): ShadowTerra13 at MTS2
- Date Stuff Buyable - Single rose: ShadowTerra13 at MTS2
- Floating Love Tap Candles: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Heart-Shaped Pillows: PG's Sims2
- Heart-Shaped Red Satin Bed: Birgit43 at MTS2
- Heartz End Table: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Love On A Block Bow and Arrow Statue: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Love Tree Valentine's Pine Tree: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Lover's Lounge Living Room Set: SimsConnection
- Potted Hearts on a Stick: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Rose Petals Strewn on Floor: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Valentine Project 2007: Besen's Sims2
- Valentine's Day Collection (flower cake, card, & love potion 8.5): webmessia at MTS2
- Valentine's Day Balloons: TS2 DownUnder
- Valentine's Day Balloons (that never pop): Tazmanoregon at MTS2
- Valentine's Day Set: Retail Sims (Part 1), Retail Sims (Part 2)
- Valentine's Specials: SIMcredible Designs 2
- Wall Heart Wreath: simfantastic2 at The Exchange
- Angel of Love and Romance: BundizMum at SS2
Walls and Floors
- Heart On Hearts Wall & Floor Set: riosmom at MTS2
- Valentine Walls and Floor Set 01: riosmom at MTS2