Game Help:TS3 PatchingEPSP
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Revision as of 06:10, 17 February 2010 by EllaCharm3d (Talk | contribs)
Back to: Patching Introduction
- If you're also reinstalling Expansion Pack(s) and/or Stuff Pack(s),
- reinstall base-game,
- test load the unpatched base-game first (via the TS3.exe),
- then patch base-game to 1.7
- WA needs base game to be at 1.5 or higher
- after some experiments, found that patching 1.5 then install WA do not have the DeltaBuild packages introduced in 1.3/1.4
- this is also the last known good version with a working Launcher (as of Feb 17, 2010)
- test load the patched base game first
- install WA Expansion Pack
- test load the unpatched Expansion Pack game (via the TS3EP01.exe),
- then patch the Expansion Pack (you can go from retail to current patch version directly eg. 2.2.x_from_2.0.x)
- at this point of time your gameversions are:
- Base GameVersion =
- WA GameVersion =
- if you want to install Sims3Pack content, do it at this point
- only Sims3Pack compatible with version 1.7/2.2 or lower will be installed successfully
- Sims3Pack compatible with versions higher than 1.7/2.2 will pop-up an error:requires latest update blah blah blah
- test load the patched Expansion Pack game (via the TS3EP01.exe) and verify installed content
- install HEL Stuff Pack (the installer will auto-patch base game to 1.9)
- if the auto-patch is not triggered, cancel the install process and then patch base-game to 1.9 manually (ie run TS3_1.9.22.00400x_Update.exe from <DVD drive>:\Support\Updates) or from the direct download link below
- test load the unpatched Stuff Pack game (via the TS3SP01.exe)
- at this point of time your gameversions are:
- Base GameVersion =
- WA GameVersion =
- HELS GameVersion =
- then patch the Stuff Pack to current patch version (eg.3.x.x_from_3.0.x) and
- then patch the Expansion Pack to current patch version (eg.2.x.x_from_2.2.x)
- finally, patch base game to current patch version (eg.1xx.x_from_1.9.x)
- test load a final time before installing CC framework and adding CC
- CC can still be maintained in base-game's Mods path, if things do not appear verify the framework & CC version compatibility and then try them in the <last-installed EP or SP> (HELS, for now) Mods path