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Sound Playback (Freshness Score) LEVels Files (Originally from Simcity3000)

LEV Headers


  1. -Begin Global Block

vol - Global Volume for the Files group pri - Sound Priority min - Optimum Min Tracks to play at a time (target #) max - Optimum Max Tracks to play at a time (target #) rows - Usable Active Lev Rows (seems to control if all lines in a lev can be used) cols - Usable Active Lev Cols (doesnt seem to work) tempo - Tempo to play these sounds at bpb - Beats per bar (determines frame reference for sound) selx - Selective Processing (how far sound is heard) Horizontal sely - Selective Processing (how far sound is heard) Vertical quanx - Quantization Modifier (horizontal) quany - Quantization Modifier (Vertical) difx - Diffusion Modifier for Horizontal dify - Diffusion Modifier for Vertical

--Individual Per Entry

  1. - Begin Entry Block

vol - Volume for this sound rand? - random volume? - bool 1/0 LR - split amount for left right channels out of 1024 FB - front and back channels split of 1024 (standard for both LR and FB is 512 rand? - random left right front and back channel splitting? bool 1/0 fin - fade in time in ms fout - fade out time in ms dly - Starting delay ms rand? - random starting delay? bool 1/0 loop - Number of times to loop the sound loop? - Loop sound infinitely quant - Audio Quantization Value prob - Playing probability of this sound as opposed to others in the file. pitchL - Low Pitch sound modifier (value to modify low pitch sound by) pitchH - High Pitch Sound modifier (value to modify high pitch sound by) fast? - Do fast play of sound? bool 1/0 groupID - Control Group ID stereo? - play sound in stereo? bool 1/0 filename - The true filename for this sound (lost with dat but still has IID) exclusion cells - Sound Exclusion Cell Coordinates. Format : (x,z) (x,z) etc

Normally blank rows are left between either groups of sounds inside a levels file or at the end of the file to mark out various grouping types. Properties are in a table format under a line for their respective block header and column text labels.

Levels are linked to their respective XA files by groupid. Before compilation of the SC4 engine, files were linked via filenames inside the levels file.

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