Content List:Super Mario
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Super Mario
Custom content relating to the video game/anime series Super Mario. If you're looking for Sims from this series, see: Content List:Character Sims/S.
Body Shop Content
- Hammer: Mercury Sims
- Mustache on a stick with pose box: Ice-9 at sirens_of
- Newsea punk headband TS3 to TS2 conversion: Martini at MyB Sims, FreezerBunny at Garden of Shadows (lowered)
- Star bracelet: Screaming Mustard at TSR
- Star choker: by Yagi at Sims Cave
- Star earrings: Sophy at Sims Cave
- Star hair ornaments: Sophy at Sims Cave
- Star wand: Pronupsims
- Bomb Boo: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Boo Daisy and Boo Peach: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Boo Luigi: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Boo Mario: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Daisy's princess dress: bridhntr at InSIMenator (removed)
- Ella's outfit (Mario Golf): Yitzin at TSR (top), Yitzin at TSR (bottom)
- King Boo and the other boos: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Lady Bow: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Mario graphic tees and more: TSR
- Mario shirts: Plum at MTS2
- Mario underwear:
- Mushroom dress: MetraGnome at TSR, auracyan at TSR
- Mushroom Pirate and Nintendo logo ringer tees: Lostprincessofoz at MTS2
- Mushroom pjs: Plum at MTS2
- Mushroom swimsuit: ayale at TSR
- Mushroom shirts:
- Nintendo Princess Dresses For Girls!: Grangerpup at MTS2
- Princess Peach's hair:
- Princess Peach's hair converted for all ages (NewSea): Trapping at Garden of Shadows (Pooklet & Io)
- Mario Superstar career: 4amMist at MTS2
Default Replacements
- Fruit Juice bar/water bottles: delonariel
- Colorful bar drinks & glasses with cute stirrers (stars, lightning, hearts, etc.): delonariel
- Star Plumb bobs: mutants_r_us at MTS2
- Toadstool weeds: VampireKiss6661 at Plumb Bob Keep
- Toadstool weeds V2.0: VampireKiss6661 at Plumb Bob Keep
- Goomba Meal! Yummy!: The_French_Sim at MTS2
- Mario bento box lunches: jasmyu at CottonHouseSim (site down), or jasmyu at XM Sims
- Giant Mushroom trees: Retail Sims
- Mario style trees: Retail Sims
- Club 64: Lord DragonBlood at TSR
- Egg house: Numenor at MTS2
- GameCube home: asdf at MTS2
- Goomba home (in the shape of a goomba): rubenwashere at MTS2
- Handheld houses: asdf at MTS2
- Hotel Delfino (Super Mario Sunshine): Ultimah at MTS2
- Mario Bros. starter home (Paper Mario): asdf at MTS2
- Mario Pinball home (in the shape of a Mario pinball machine): asdf at MTS2
- Mushroom houses:
- Nintendo Mart (in the shape of Mario): rubenwashere at MTS2
- Princess Peach's castle:
- Super Mario Bros. castle home: asdf at MTS2
- Super Mushroom home (in the shape of a super mushroom): rubenwashere at MTS2
- Dolphin Bay: cloisonne at TSR
- MoonStar Island: kitanazworld at TSR, or kitanazworld at MTS2
- TurtleIsle: cloisonne at TSR
Neighborhood Objects
- Rainbow: Retail Sims, or Retail Sims
- Baby Peach portrait: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Beanstalk column: Kate at Parsimonious
- Brick garden set: Buggybooz at BB's Retreat
- Character iPod bedsheet sets: Rapsheba555 at MTS2 (set1), Rapsheba555 at MTS2 (set2)
- Cute shrubs and trees: Retail Sims (page 1), Retail Sims (page 2)
- Dome roofs: Sims2Collage
- Emulation Station ultimate pc gamers desk (animated glass and cd scan): asdf at MTS2
- Festive paper star lamps: BabaYaga at MTS2
- Flagpoles:
- Fruit: kativip at Garden of Shadows
- Fungus shelves: Retail Sims
- Hammer: Mercury Sims
- Hammer Bro.: Jennifer at JenniSims
- Harvestable mushrooms:
- joninmobile at MTS2
- bienchen83 at MTS2 or
- sim2me (Downloads >> Plants >> Pre-Seasons Plants >> page 3)
- Karting Classics - 5 posters inspired by classic Mario Kart tracks: Romantic Roulette
- Luigi gelato cart: Retail Sims
- Mario Universe Set: Retail Sims
- Mario World picture: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Mario World Set: Jennifer at JenniSims
- Mushroom animated garden flag: sim_man123 at TSR
- Mushroom and flower nursery set: cemre at TSR
- Mushroom chairs:
- Mushroom desk and chair set: HeartDeco at Affinity Sims, HeartDeco at Affinity Sims (recolor)
- Mushroom desk set: Retail Sims
- Mushroom house animated fountain: eletrodj at MTS2
- Mushroom lights:
- Mushroom logic toy: aimaddict99 at TSR
- Mushroom mirror: MagTCloud at TSR
- Mushroom pet bed: billygirl at TSR (basket), billygirl at TSR (pillow)
- Mushroom rug: evi at TSR
- Mushroom table: smithycpl at Affinity Sims, or smithycpl at MTS2
- Mushroom toilet: Kate at Parsimonious
- Mushrooms (clutter):
- Mushrooms (giant):
- Mushrooms (medium):
- Mushrooms (small):
- Peach's small stained glass window from SM64: william2003306 at MTS2
- Princess Daisy portraits: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Princess Peach portraits: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Rainbows: Retail Sims
- Simlish Super Mario posters: Simgaroop at Garden of Shadows, or Simgaroop at MTS2
- Star bedroom set: MissWendy at MTS2
- Star crib: Ogularama
- Star sofa: Ogularama
- Star windows:
- Super Mario 64 Sun Rug: Rapsheba555 at MTS2, william2003306 at MTS2
- Super Mario Galaxy bedroom set: Solloby at MTS2
- Super Mario Sunshine game case: Retail Sims
- Super Mario plush toy: OoGaBbErZiCkEoO at MTS2, ChazDesigns at TSR ($$$)
- Super Mushroom and Vegetable plush toys: OoGaBbErZiCkEoO at MTS2
- Super Mushroom:
- Quade4315 at MTS2 (removed) (can be found in the lot: Super Mario Sunshine: Hotel Delfino at MTS2)
- Rythela at MTS2 (recolors)
- The Toads portraits: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- TS3 Faire Folk Jar for TS2: untidyfan at The Big Tradeoff
- Vegetable: Quade4315 at MTS2 (removed)
- Welcome board (wedding reception of Mario and Peach): GIGO(Garbage in, garbage out)
- Yoshi Lifestyle bedroom set: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Yoshi portraits: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
- Peach's castle roof: Rapsheba555 at MTS2
Walls & Floors
- Mario brick wall: Retail Sims
- Mushroom tile: ericnsue at TSR
- Mushroom wallpaper: Anniz at MTS2, footzoul at TSR
- Super Mario 64 Walls & Floors: darkwolfstar at MTS2
- Super Mario Bros. walls: thomas0r at MTS2 (1), thomas0r at MTS2 (2)