MTS2:Creator Guidelines/Majors/Sandbox

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Creating a custom major involves a lot of writing and a fair amount of creativity. As such it's a shame to let all that effort go to waste - so it's important that you ensure your upload meets the following criteria for approval; otherwise you'll just end up depriving downloaders of what may be a brilliantly written custom major due to mere technical details


  • Theme : The subject matter of a custom major need not be within the realms of possibility. We have magic majors, hoodlum majors, majors on how to be a ninja... no sense of reality required. However, whatever theme you choose must make sense as a major.
  • Making majors based around games, films, books, TV shows or celebrities is very popular - but it has to be done carefully. People, and sims, go to university to learn how to be or do something. They don't go to university to learn about a TV show or a celebrity. Using a TV show or a game world as a base is fine, but a sim studying your major should have some chance of learning something they might actually care about.
  • The key is immersion - is anyone likely to create a sim who would want to follow this major? Someone has probably made a Buffy sim, they probably haven't made a sim who is Sarah Michelle Gellar's #1 fan. To illustrate, some acceptable and unacceptable class titles:
Avada Kedavra! And Other Phrases You Should Rarely Use
Advanced Mechanics: Smack It Wiv' Yer Spanner!
Why Stargate + Black Hole = Do not Want
Dumbledore Dies on Page 596!
Is Paris Hilton Really Straight?
The Hidden Message of the Fast Food Rockers

  • Uniqueness and Grammar : Description, title, and classes must be new, unique, and inventive. They must also be double-checked for spelling and grammar.
  • Clear All Languages : Make sure to hit "Clear All Languages" before you upload, or your file will not work properly with non-US English games!
  • Overwriting : Unless your major is specifically intended to overwrite a Maxis major, it absolutely must have a registered custom GUID.
  • Skill Requirements : If you use BCONs to alter skill requirements, test them thoroughly before you upload. Incorrectly modified BCONs can cause game crashes, so test them.
  • Custom Icons : They should meet the standards laid out in this mini-tutorial - that is; be the roughly right colour (if it's a single-colour silhouette), NOT be a random photo, and have a transparent background. You may use an EA icon if it is appropriate; the main purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the UI looks neat when your major is in use.


  • Icon: You must include your major's icon, or a picture of it in-game.


Title & Description
Give your upload a descriptive title and write a text description for your upload, describing what you're uploading. Your title and description must be in English or provide an English translation. If you are not a native English speaker, using Google Translate is okay. You can also ask for help writing your description in the Creator Feedback Forum.

Additional Stuff

  • If your upload is rejected or marked as changes required and you're not sure why, ask in Creator Issues.
  • If you're not sure whether your neighborhood is ready for uploading, use the Creator Feedback Forum to get feedback on it.
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