Game Help:Userstartup.cheat
Userstartup.cheat file- Activating your favourite cheats when the game runs.
What is a userstartup.cheat file?
This useful information was originally written by infamy and Bairy, and only slightly altered by myself. All credit goes to Bairy and Infamy.
The userstartup.cheat file is where you can put custom settings that you want turned on each time you start the game. You can also create ‘aliases’ (shortened commands) to run cheat commands. Anything which is in your userstartup.cheat file will be activated when you run the game.
Because the file lives in your "My Documents" folder - it allows you to have different custom settings for different user accounts. Handy if you'd like to remove the pixellation from your version, but leave it on when your kids play.
NEW! A handy utility has been created by Lucas of Aussie Topenders- which allows you to assign a cheat to a key on your keyboard. Be sure not to assign it to any of the keys currently used in the game (c, t, tab, control etc)! Get 'Easy Sims 2 Cheats' HERE!