Content List:Character Sims/F
From SimsWiki
- Fatal Frame 2:
- Itsuki Tachibana: ItsukiandRyozo'sLoveChild at MTS2
- Mayu Amakura: BabyAisha at MTS2
- Mio Amakura: BabyAisha at MTS2
- Rei Kurosawa: flash3389 at MTS2
- Sae Kurosawa: ItsukiandRyozo'sLoveChild at MTS2
- Yae Kurosawa: ItsukiandRyozo'sLoveChild at MTS2
- Fate/Stay Night:
- Tohsaka Rin: matildarose at MTS2
- Final Fantasy:
- Black Mages: razorboi82 at MTS2
- Red Mages: razorboi82 at MTS2
- Final Fantasy VI:
- Celes Chere: Akito at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Locke: Akito at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Sabin: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Terra: Akito at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Aeris/Aerith Gainsborough:
- Cid Highwind: SilverandCold516 at MTS2
- Cloud Strife: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Elena: yangn at MTS2
- Professor Hojo: yangn at MTS2
- Reno: yangn at MTS2
- Rude: yangn at MTS2
- Shiva: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- The Turks: yangn at MTS2
- Tifa Lockhart:
- Tseng: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld, yangn at MTS2
- Final Fantasy VII Advent Children:
- Aeris/Aerith Gainsborough: RafaelNunes23 at InSIMenator, Lenne224 at MTS2
- Cid Highwind: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Cloud Strife:
- Elena: squall17 at NeoSquall Studios
- Kadaj:
- Kadaj, Yazoo, & Loz: Navetsea at MTS2
- Loz:
- Marlene Wallace: Sango_91 at MTS2
- Reno:
- Rude: NessyOriginal at MTS2, squall17 at NeoSquall Studios
- Rufus ShinRa: Dkelley at MTS2, squall117 at NeoSquall Studios
- Sephiroth:
- Sephiroth One Winged Angel version: Sephirayne at Sapphire Sims 2
- The Turks: squall117 at NeoSquall Studios
- Tifa Lockhart:
- Tseng: squall17 at NeoSquall Studios
- Vincent Valentine:
- Yazoo:
- Yuffie Kisaragi: NessyOriginal at MTS2, Sango_91 at MTS2
- Final Fantasy VII Before Crisis:
- Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core:
- Aeris/Aerith Gainsborough: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld, sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus:
- Lucrecia Crescent: sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- Shelke: Sango_91 at MTS2
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- Edea: shannanagins at MTS2
- Ellone: shannanagins at MTS2
- Fujin: shannanagins at MTS2
- Laguna Loire: Mimewhite at The Exchange
- Irvine: Shannanigins at Fantasy LostWorld
- Quistis:
- Raijin: shannanagins at MTS2
- Raine: Akito at MTS2
- Rinoa Heartilly:
- Seifer Almasy: MimeWhite at MTS2, squall17 at NeoSquall Studios
- Selphie Tilmitt:
- Squall Leonhart:
- kittyloaf at MTS2
- MimeWhite at MTS2
- Navetsea at MTS2 (1)
- Navetsea at MTS2 (2)
- shannanagins at MTS2 - (wearing SeeD uniforms)
- Ultimecia/Arutimishia: little chocobo at MTS2
- Zell: Shannanagins at Fantasy LostWorld, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld (wearing SeeD uniform)
- Final Fantasy IX:
- Djidane: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Garnet/Dagger: Lenne224 at MTS2
- Kuja: sforzie at MTS2
- Princess Grenat: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Vivi Oritiner: renzokuken78 at The Exchange
- Final Fantasy X:
- Auron: Hardy boyz at MTS2
- Dona: sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- Elma: sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- Frangin: Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Kimahri Ronso: sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- LuLu:
- Rikku:
- Seymour Guado: Hardy boyz at MTS2
- Shiva: VShevaV at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Tidus:
- Yuna:
- Akito at MTS2
- Cierx at The Exchange
- Ladysims33 at The Exchange
- Lenne224 at MTS2 (v.2)
- little chocobo at MTS2
- mika4216 at The Exchange
- á° at Sims 2 Heaven
- Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Lenne224 at MTS2 (v.3)
- becky_axel at MTS2
- vicvic616 at MTS2
- sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- skye at InSIMenator
- Synthesis at TSR
- Final Fantasy X-2:
- Baralai: Eneyla08 at MTS2
- Brother: plicka at MTS2
- Gippal: Eneyla08 at MTS2, adore184 at MTS2
- Lenne: Lenne224 at MTS2
- Nooj: Eneyla08 at MTS2
- Paine:
- LadyDeath7331 at MTS2
- jneig1tg at The Exchange - (as White Mage)
- Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Rikku:
- Wakka: uncool89 at MTS2
- Yuna:
- Final Fantasy XI:
- Elven Female: meowski at MTS2
- Mithra: meowski at MTS2
- Red Mage: meowski at MTS2
- Tarutaru: meowski at MTS2
- Final Fantasy XII:
- Ashe: shannanagins at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Balthier: adore184 at MTS2
- Basch von Rosenburg: Burn2ash at MTS2
- Fran: SugarPuffSam at Fantasy LostWorld
- Larsa Solidor: adore184 at MTS2
- Penelo: adore184 at MTS2
- Vaan: sugarpuffsam at MTS2
- Vayne Solidor: ChloeL at MTS2, adore184 at MTS2
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Kiyara/Lightning: Sango_91 at MTS2
- Amarao: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- Eri Ninamori: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- Haruhara Haruko: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- Kitsurubama: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- Mamimi Samejima: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- Naota Nandaba: BeautifulAddiction at MTS2
- From Eroica with Love:
- Eroica: Lunar Eclipse at MTS2
- Iron Klause: Lunar Eclipse at MTS2
- Fruits Basket:
- Hatsuharu Sohma: CtEWolfwood at The Exchange
- Kyo Sohma: CtEWolfwood at The Exchange, Louis at SimCribbling (Sims, page 4)
- Shigure Sohma: CtEWolfwood at The Exchange, Louis at SimCribbling (Sims, page 4)
- Tohru Honda: KawaiiTalaMoon at The Exchange, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Yuki Sohma: Louis at SimCribbling (Sims, page 4)
- Full Metal Alchemist:
- Alphonse Elric: troubledrose94 at MTS2
- Armony: kayleehcee at TSR
- Edward Elric:
- Greed: melkoshi at MTS2
- Hohenheim Elric: Arialonomus at InSIMenator
- Izumi Curtis: monagham at MTS2
- Riza Hawkeye: Delphi-chan at MTS2, Litcha at MTS2
- Rose Thompson: Litcha at MTS2
- Roy Mustang: treyka at MTS2, alienkie at MTS2
- Scar: poustouf at The Exchange
- Winry Rockbell:
- Futurama:
- Bender: Dynamic Duo at MTS2
- Turanga Leela: MikeInside