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LUA is an imperative programming language, designed in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes, members of the Computer Graphics Technology Group (Tecgraf) at PUC-Rio, the Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. "Lua" means "Moon" in Portuguese.

There is a wikipedia entry on Lua: Lua (programming language).

General LUA Text

Specific Types (Simcity4) (by Karybdis)

Instance by: CRC24Polynomial = 0x01864cfb, CRC24Seed = 0x00b704ce, return (CRC24(from, false) | 0xFF000000)

LUAAdvice LUADefs LUAAdvisors LUAMission LUAObject LUASystem LUATutorials


Here are the first things I found out about the .objLua and .globalObjLua

general Format:

	DWord: 1b 4c 75 61   (ID)
	Byte: Version    
	16-Bytes: Header
	    ---> Root "Function Block"

Function Block:

	Dword: Character count n
	n-Byte: Name of the Function (null terminated)
	5-Byte: unknown
	Byte: argument Count
	Byte: unknown
	Byte: stack Size
	12-Byte: 00

	4-Byte: constant counter 
	    ---> Loop Constant Block
	4-Byte: functions counter
	    ---> Loop Function Block

	4-Byte: instruction counter
	    ---> Loop Instruction Block

Instruction Block (a=Operand a, b=Operand b, c=Operand c, o=Opcode):

	Dword: aaaa aaaa bbbb bbbb bccc cccc ccoo oooo    

This Document lists the available opcodes:

Constant Block:

	Byte: ConstantType
	    ----> Constant Data

List of know Constant Data Types

-0x00 = Empty, Null This seems to mark an empty block -0x03 = Number

	DWord: Unknown
	DWord: Unknown

-0x04 = Strings

	DWord: Length n of the following PString
	n-Bytes: Instruction Name, null-terminated
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