Sims 3:0x05FF6BA4
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Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
Height map data for lots
DWORD version (1) DWORD count1 DWORD count2 count2 rows by count1 columns, typedepending on group If group 0x00FF2067 FLOAT Terrain height, corresponding to the locations of the major grid intersections in the terrain editor Range seems to be around -30 to +30 with 0 corresponding to the level of a flattened lot. If group 0x00958344 BYTE
On the byte data for 0x00958344, there are four times as many columns as there are in the float table, so the files are roughly the same size. However, while the float data is on grid intersections, the byte data is on grid squares. Each of the four bytes in a sequence seem to correspond to a different direction, unclear if that is N-E-S-W or NE-SE-SW-NW. The data also seems to be in bits, with bit 0 corresponding to terrain that is steep enough that rocks show through the painted texture, and bit 1 serving some unclear purpose. I have not seen bits 2-7 set in any of the lots I looked at.