Sims 3:CTU Guide Designing

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A little commitment goes a long way in the CTU. It is important that you click this button after changing anything. If you don't, your changes won't be saved.


Find a CAS Part

Before adding any designs to your CAS part, you have to chose which mesh you wish to use.

RightArrow.gif Parameters

Use the age, gender and type parameters to dial up a mesh category. Then select the mesh you want to use from the drop down list. The thumbnail to the right of the screen allows you to preview the mesh.

RightArrow.gif Quick Find

Once you dial up the age, gender and type, Quick Find allows you to scroll through thumbnails to pick which mesh you wish to use.

Part Details

Part Details is for information purposes only. More advanced users can use this list to help locate specific files and details of the package.

Part Category

The Part Category tab allows you to change the categorization of the CAS part. Most of these are pretty self-explanatory.

Changing the age and/or gender of a CAS part can cause some pretty wacky results. So don't be shocked if you get something weird.

RightArrow.gif Extended Category
Valid for Maternity Check if you want to allow pregnant sims to wear the CAS part.
Valid for Random Check if you want townies to be able to wear the CAS part.
Is Hat Check if the CAS part to be considered a hat.
Is Revealing Check if the CAS part is considered to be revealing.
Hidden In CAS Check if you want the CAS part to be hidden in Create-A-Sim.
RightArrow.gif Other
Left Handed Check if you want to allow pregnant sims to wear the CAS part.
Right Handed Check if you want townies to be able to wear the CAS part.
Human Check if the CAS part to be considered a hat.


Designs are a collection of stencils, textures, and other pattern information grouped together. Each design appears as a new thumbnail in a row in Create-A-Sim. Adding multiple designs will put them all in the same row (scroll-box).

The following is simply a list and descriptions of what each file/texture does to the CAS part. To learn how to add/replace the file, follow the provided link.

Adding New Designs

By default a new design (Design #1) has already been started. To add another one, simply click Add New Design, and Delete Design to delete one. Remember to click the almighty Commit button before starting a new design.


A stencil is a design that appears on top of the base texture of the CAS part. The stencil itself is not recolorable in Create-A-Sim.

Stencil Pool

The stencil pool is where you import any stencils you may have created.

RightArrow.gif For more information on how to add a stencil see: Applying Stencils


Patterns are the recolorable regions in Create-A-Sim. Here you can set the colors/patterns you want displayed on your CAS part by default.

RightArrow.gif Enabled/Linked
Enabled Tick this to allow the different regions (defined with the mask) to be recolored.
Linked  ????
RightArrow.gif Type

Sets the type of color or pattern you want to use. To change the color, click the little colored squares at the bottom of the screen.

Solid A solid color.
Pattern (Coloured) ????.
Pattern (HSV) ????
  • BG Image - ????
  • Channel - ????
RightArrow.gif Pattern Browser

You can use the Pattern Browser to browse through the in-game patterns.

Use the Import Custom Pattern button to add a custom pattern to the pattern pool. To view custom patterns you have to pick the "*" from the drop-down Category list.

RightArrow.gif Tiling


RightArrow.gif RGB Mask


RightArrow.gif Specular




Base Texture The base texture--sometimes called the multiplier---maps out what parts of the mesh are used (via the alpha layer) and it gives texture (wrinkles and folds) to the CAS part.
Clothing Ambient  ????
Clothing Specular The specular uses grey-scale colors to define the "shininess" of certain parts of the CAS part.
Mask The mask uses the Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels to define the different regions (patterns) that are recolorable using the Create-A-Sim tool.
Overlay An overlay is similar to a stencil except it can be placed anywhere, whereas a stencil is confined to the perimeter of the mesh. Necklaces that are attached to a clothing item are usually overlays.
Part Mask  ????
Skin Ambient  ????
Skin Specular  ????
RightArrow.gif For more information on how to replace a texture, see: Replacing Textures

Other Details



If you want your own custom thumbnail (good for really tiny creations) then import it here. It must be in .png format and 256x256.

3-D Preview

(coming soon)


(coming soon)

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