The Sims

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The Sims was first released on February 4, 2000.



Expansion Packs

There were seven expansion packs created for The Sims. The Sims Complete Collection included all of them.

Livin Large

Livin Large included new characters and new neighborhoods. New characters included the Maid, the Genie, the Gardener, and the Grim Reaper. For the first time, players could use more neighborhoods, and with the second neighborhood, the Mashuga family was introduced. This expansion pack also introduced roach infestations whenever food was left out, or the house was left dirty for prolonged periods of time. New objects included a home slots game, a guinea pig in cage, a mad scientist home chemistry set, a vibrating Love Bed, the genie lamp, a backyard telescope, a woodworking table, garden gnomes, a crystal ball, the Tragic clown painting, party balloons, Servo the home robot, a dangerous Fireworks kit, the Beejaphone guitar, and a Voodoo dolly. The Sims Deluxe included the basic game and Livin Large expansion pack.

House Party

Before this expansion pack, the police automatically came over to fine the household for excessive noise should the party last longer than around 1am or 2am. This expansion cancels the automatic fine for parties lasting into the night, and adds party items like neon-colored inflatable sofas, a punch fountain, a buffet table, a DJ turntable/stereo, a costume trunk, a cake with pop-out NPC entertainer, and dance floor tiles. Other new objects include a tiki-themed set, a card game, a campfire, a bubble blower, and a farm-themed set with a mechanical bull. The Sims Double Deluxe included the Sims, Livin Large, and House Party.

Hot Date

This expansion pack added new Downtown lots that adult sims could visit for a flat fee of 50 simoleons. It also introduced for the first time, two relationship scores: one for daily relationship score, and one for lifetime relationship score. Before this expansion pack, you could use the same interaction many times on the same Sim, but with Hot Date, Sims now tired of more than 3 interactions of the same kind. More interactions were added, as well, such as the Entertain with Puppet interaction. New objects added included cash register, restaurant booth, restaurant podium, hooded restaurant stove, wall speakers, shop signs, clothing racks, dressing booths, a love tub, awnings, and a rental booth(for the park).


Vacation introduced Vacation lots that could be visited for a fee of 500 simoleons. The vacation lots were of 3 types: Snowy (Mountain/Arctic), Forested, or Beach. Each type of lot had a mascot: the Land Shark was a Beach lot mascot, for instance. Vacation trophies could be received if the Sim family had a good enough time on vacation. New objects included the circular pool slide, and Vacation-Lot-only objects such as tents, igloos, an archery range, a fishing dock, and carnival games.


This expansion pack's emphasis was on pets and gardening. Garden plots now became available for planting, and seeds or Sim pets were now available for purchase from certain new community lots. These community lots could be visited by the whole family: Adults, children, and pets. NPC animal characters added were the racoon, the skunk, and Clair the Bear. The racoon would always come at night and knock over the trash can, waking Sims up, unless shooed by an adult Sim or chased by a dog. Animal control could be called to pick up and remove stray skunks or racoons, but not Clair the bear. Clair the Bear would raid the garbage can day or night, and leave a mess of trash outside the can.


Superstar featured the new Fame career track, Studio Town, and new NPCs to go with it: the Obsessed Fan, and the Paparazzi. The Butler was also introduced in this expansion pack for about 700 simoleons per day to hire him. Superstar lots featured new Spa objects, retail outlets for Fame clothes, and set objects that could increase a Sims fame from Nobody to Somebody to Superstar.

Makin Magic

Makin Magic introduced Magic Town, a place of carnivals and magic vendors. There were two ways to get to Magic Town lots, either through a hole in the ground (a cross between Beetlejuice and Alice in Wonderland), or a magic balloon(if travelling with other Sims). Magic was available to both adult and child Sims, though using different objects to create charms based on age. Three components were used in each magic or charm recipe. With a new cauldron and new vines and planting plots, magic nectars could be made. To go with the carnival theme, new carnival games, mini putt putt golf courses, and even roller coaster parts were added. There was also a new oven that could be used to create baking recipes. Some of these recipes included honey, which could be produced with a new beekeeping kit.


rosebud - 1000 simoleons added to household.
move_objects on - Move any object.
move_objects off - Turn off move-cheat mode.
water_tool - Create moat or streams
grow_grass <0-150> - set grass growth
autonomy <0-100> - set free will level
draw_routes <on or off> - display or hide selected Sim's path
music - toggle music
sound - toggle sounds
Personal tools

game select