Game Help:Sims 3 Professions

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A firefighter sim in middle of duty.

Now with Ambitions, sims can enter the exciting world of firefighting. From extingishing small household fires to rescuing lifes from a quake demolition.

Sims with the Brave or Daredevil trait will have an easier time when facing off the blazes. Also a high level of Athletic and Handiness skills will help your sim at field work and equipment maintenance.

Firefighter levels

Level Title Weekly salary Start Time Day Length Days Reward
1 Water bearer? $276 9:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F
2 Soot collector? $340 9:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F
3 Fire prevention instructor $400 9:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F
4 Hose manipulator? $520 9:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F
5 Firefighter $640 10:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F
6 Firefighter sergeant $840 10:00 AM 8 hours M,T,W,R,F Firefighter coat
7 Firefighter captain $1132 11:00 AM 6 hours M,T,W,R,F
8 Explosion specialist? $1480 11:00 AM 6 hours M,T,W,R,F
9 Firefighter boss' helper? $1840 12:00 Noon 5 hours M,T,W,R,F
10 Firefighter boss $2480 12:00 Noon 5 hours M,T,W,R,F


Emergencies show themselves suddenly while at the fire department, and should be attended by clicking on one of the fire alarms that are evenly distributed there. Once an emergency arises, time starts counting, and depending on how much time do you spend at taking over it, you get a different grade. Getting a better grade grants a big increase in your profession performance.

Grade Time interval
A 0 to 3 hours
B 3 to 4 hours
C 4 to 6 hours
D 6 to 7 hours
Fill Special: When not attending or aborting current job, or all the affected sims die.

Small household fire

Breaking thru a door.

In this type of emergency, your sim must go to another household and extingish a small fire, usually centered around the oven. If got there early, the fire normally doesn't extend more than six floor tiles. This should'n be a big deal, even by sims without the brave trait.

Large household fire

This is more serious than the above. The fire usually starts at a household more than one floor high and with two or more sims trapped in.

The fire now extends though the multiple floors and even over windows and doors, and you must enter in and convince the scared sims to run out of the house (screaming still 10 inches from flames isn't very intelligent)

In this type of fire, most the doors are usually stuck. This is indicated as a pair of axe icons swinging around the affected door. If the firefighter sim has a low Athletic skill, he or she will usually do several worthless tries in breaking it.

Community fire

Equipment maintenance

Fire truck

The fire truck has a performance value that slowly drops over time. Your sim should take care of it regularly by selecting the appropiate interaction on the truck. If the truck's maintenance percentage is very low, its speed will drop notably.

If the sim has a high Handiness skill, he or she can be ordered to upgrade the truck. Upgrading it makes it faster, so the grades you get can be better from start.

Fire alarm

As with the truck, the alarm has a performance or quality percentage that slowly diminishes over time. A bad mantained alarm takes more time to "detect" an emergency, making your firefighter to get a bad grade from start, and also will ring like smashing scrap.

Ghost Hunter

Private Investigator


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