Tutorials:Creating A World That Doesn't Suck - CC

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Creating A World That Doesn't Suck

Planning | Compatibility | Basics | Roads and Sidewalks | The Grid | Lots | Buildings and Road Layouts | Sculpting | Objects, Bridges and Effects | Terrain Painting | Distant Terrain | CAW and S3PE | Custom Content | Glossary


As important as this section is to this guide, it needs to be noted that there are some content and terrain paints that I will be leaving out, simply because they aren't great. For terrain paints this might be because they glow, repeat, react wierdly to ingame lighting, or any other sort of reasons like those. For custom objects the reasons are perhaps more obvious. Bad mapping, bad meshes, glitches that happen when ingame, shiny objects. PLEASE make this a good resource and do not add to this section without permission from TVRdesigns, QBuilderz or armiel at MTS.info.

Installing CC Framework

Installing the CC framework is the first step to allowing CAW to use custom objects. The below information was figured out by GilanG at MTS.info

Step One

Inside CAW program folder, there is already Resource.cfg created by CAW installation. Copy it into another folder, then edit it using Notepad or your desired text editor. Leave all content that already in Resource.cfg! Only append the text below in the end of Resource.cfg file.

Priority 501
DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate
Priority 500
PackedFile Packages/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package

After you finish appending those text above, replace the original CAW's Resource.cfg with the edited one. Don't forget you should back up the original file.

Step 2: Create Packages Folder

You may choose between these two methods to create Packages folder for CAW.

Step 2a: Create "Normal" Packages Folder

Just create a folder named Packages inside the CAW program folder. You need to put all custom content inside this folder in order to be recognized by CAW

Step 2b: Create a Symbolic Link to Packages folder in The Sims 3 Framework

This method is slightly advanced but useful, which you will not need to maintain redundant copy of Packages folder inside your computer. This method only works with Windows Vista, 2008, or 7.

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt , right click the icon then chose Run As Administrator)
  2. Type MKLINK /D "[CAW Program Folder]\Packages" "[The Sims 3 Framework/Packages Folder]" then press enter. In example if you have the old framework style where your packages located in The Sims 3 program folder: MKLINK /D "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create a World Tool\Packages" "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages". Remember that if you use Ambitions style of framework, the Packages folder should be located inside your Documents folder.
  3. If step 2 is succeed, it will says "The symbolic link created ..."

After that the program will recognize that Packages folder is exist inside CAW program folder, which actually linked to The Sims 3 package folder. It works so much like a shortcut but slightly different. All the CC you installed inside The Sims 3 package folder will be linked automatically to CAW package folder. So you will need to maintain only one Package folder, the The Sims 3 one.

Quality CC Links

This section, unlike most sections in this guide is NOT open for editing. The reasoning behind this is that the name is Quality CC Links, and if people were to add any random links, there would be a lot of crappy, unpretty objects circulating, which is not great. If you have an object or set you would like to add to this section, seek permission from either armiel or TVRdesigns on MTS.info. To do this, simply PM them.

Road Signs for CAW with Ambitions by Moria at MTS.info

Criquette's Airport from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 with Extras by Moria at MTS.info

CAW Criquette's Ocean Liner from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 by Moria at MTS.info

CAW Mix and Match "Bridge" that gap by Moria at MTS.info

EA Objects Enabled for World Creation

Various In-Game Objects enabled for World Creation by simsample at MTS.info

Twinbrook Objects in World Editor Catalog And Create-A-World by GiLaNg at MTS.info

Quality Texture Links

This section, unlike most sections in this guide is NOT open for editing. The reasoning behind this is that the name is Quality Texture Links, and if people were to add any random links, there would be a lot of crappy terrain paints circulating, which is not great. If you have a terrain paint you would like to add to this section, seek permission from either armiel or TVRdesigns on MTS.info. To do this, simply PM them.

Road Textures

Extracted Bridgeport Roads by Emmies

Extracted Twinbrook Roads by drowssap at TS3 Forums

Extracted World Adventures Roads by Regina at bogsims.com

English Road by MrCrumplebottom1 at TS3 Forums

CAR: Create A Road Urban Pack by ashillion at MTS.info

Normal Custom Textures

Create-A-World Textures Megapack by Martine at MTS.info (Contains extracted base game textures, and some WA textures as well)

Game Extracted CAW textures by Regina at bogsims.com (Contains ALL base game textures and ALL WA textures)

Ambitions CAW textures by drowssap at TS3 Forums

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