Game Help Talk:TS3 Patching:Patch Download/Current

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Revision as of 23:27, 25 July 2011 by FordGT90Concept (Talk | contribs)

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To save you some time, ella :) -whiterider 23:30, 30 November 2010 (UTC)

Added later, I must sleep now.
Thanks, whitey. Info transferred and the rest updated. ~ ellaCharm3d 02:54, 1 December 2010 (UTC)

Changes from SOP starting from 1.22

I would advise to NOT patch for now, especially if you do not have EP4-Generations... The consensus is that only BG and last installed pack need to be at the same level. Therefore, this patch works only if you have purchased Generations. So, patch at your own risk.
~ ellaCharm3d 09:32, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

As mentioned above, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) EA has established since patch 1.5 for WA is that each base game + last-released-installed pack, need to be updated in turn. However, most of us had patched all installed packs in the middle as well, as that procedure appears to reduce crashing and other weird issues. So, MTS staffs' advice has always been to keep all your games on the same patch level. This is because the patched files are stored in the last-released-installed pack's folders as well as each pack's own folders.
In 1.22 however, the patched files are stored in base game's folders and it does appear that games with unpatched packs can be started just fine even if one does not have the last-released pack that goes with that patch version (eg Base Game on 1.22 minus Generations on 8.0). But reports I've read have been mixed with myriad of stories. I believe this is true if you start the game via TS3W.exe in /Game/Bin or via Launcher, and the unsuccessful reports are from those who start their game from TS3?P0#.exe. Still, time will tell...
~ ellaCharm3d 02:15, 4 June 2011 (UTC)


It seems that the servers are taking a ton of abuse and/or can't keep up demand. That is why those links only work sporadically. It should improve as time passes.

The main reason for posting here is that I recommend not using/offering the incremental updates. The incremental updates will only work if you got all those little patches released between 1.22 and 1.24. If you missed one, the incremental patch will not work (RT Patch: Invalid File or File Missing error). It's kind of pointless to download a 90 MiB update just to realize you missed something previously so might as well have done the 600+ MiB update in the first place.

Anyway, that's my two-cents. Do with it what you will. --FordGT90Concept 22:21, 25 July 2011 (EDT)

The invalid error is why I think they're yanked, instead of server/traffic overload. I'm not keen myself to wait or waste my bandwidth cap (if my ISP has one) on big files, so I decided to reinstate the incremental versions, but just up to the previous one. It has been MTS Staff's recommendation to update all the games to the same level from the start (which seems to fix WA Photography issues for most people, when on 2.17), so up to you...which file you want. I'm offering choices, not restrictions. ~ ellaCharm3d 22:57, 25 July 2011 (EDT)

There is still a major bandwidth issue. I'm downloading at ~70 KB/s (should be ~380 KB/s).
All the URLs work for me (they were slow to respond before but never gave 404):
--FordGT90Concept 23:25, 25 July 2011 (EDT)
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