Tutorials:Homecrafter FAQ

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Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims  Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring  Other: Building | Walls & Floors | Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods

Build Mode Tutorials by Category

Basements & Cellars | Roofing | Garages | Landscaping | Stairs | Split Level | Cheat Free Building | Decorations | Walls, Floors & Terrain | Miscellaneous 


Why are my walls coming out black when I made them white?

This is because the purest white in HCP does not work correctly, therefore you will have to use a slightly different shade of white, unless you manually make the walls without using HCP, which is a lot harder and more effort.

How come the roof I made is just a solid color?

Roofs in The Sims 2 are one solid color, and when you edit the roofs image you will see that the texture of roof tiles is put on there, so you can't just smack a solid color on top, you need to put a tile pattern in too!

My wallpapers don't look right when tiled, and there are lines, why?

This is known as not seamless, you need to make them seamless, especially if you are wanting to upload them to MTS, to do this you should read the tutorial on how to make them tile properly here:

RightArrow.gif See: Using Photoshop to Make Walls Tile Properly.

Tutorials by Category

Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims  Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring  Other: Building | Walls & Floors | Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods

Build Mode Tutorials by Category

Basements & Cellars | Roofing | Garages | Landscaping | Stairs | Split Level | Cheat Free Building | Decorations | Walls, Floors & Terrain | Miscellaneous 

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