This filetype is used by Edith for drawing and positioning the various BHAV nodes (ie Instructions). It is not used by the game itself and can safely be ignored.
64 - Filename (always null?)
4 - Null (this field never used in Sims 1 or 2 formats)
4 - Version (5 for Sims2 - Sims1 was 1)
4 - TypeCode/TypeHandler (EERT)
4 - Window Horizontal Display Offset (How far from the left the window was when saved)
4 - Window Vertical Display Offset (How far from the top the window was when saved)
4 - Horizontal Workspace for Flowchart
4 - Vertical Workspace for Flowchart
4 - Number of tree nodes
4 - Object GUID (what this is for)
- - - for each tree node - - - 4 - Block Type (0 = Normal, 1 = True Block, 2 = False Block, 3 = Comment, 4 = Label Block, 5 = Goto Block) 2 - Width 2 - Height 2 - X Co-ordinate (Left edge of control) 2 - Y Co-ordinate (Top edge of control) 2 - Display Code (Display parameters for node. used in 0-2 only. 5 is standard) 4 - True Pointer (0: True Node,Goto Block, 1-2: Unused, 3: Comment For Node, 4:Node to point to, 5: label to point to) 4 - False Pointer (node,goto to point to on False) 1 - Name Length X - Name (only if name length > 0, obviously) 4 - Reserved (0x00000000)