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Short name: SLOT
Long name: Slot File



See the Slots 101: An introduction to the mechanics of Slots and their uses for an introduction to slots.

Quick Reference for slot file values

This section will try to summarise all the information around on the various values in slot files. All types of slots have a position, which can either be entered directly from the Slot file or from the Resource Node.

Routing slots

Routing slots can have many parameters including facing direction, and lots of routing flags.

Value Description
Float 1 X Offset
Float 2 Y Offset
Float 3 Altitude (When bone link turned off)
Int 1 Route Preference - Standing Multiplier
Int 2 Route Preference - Sitting Multiplier
Int 3 Route Preference - Ground Multiplier (unused)
Int 4 Controller Flags
Bits Description
bits 1 thru 8 Search Directions (North,North East, East, South East, South, South West, West, North West)
bit 9 Absolute Directions
bit 10-11 unused
bit 12 Stationary Bonus Score ( 0 - True, 1 - False)
bit 13 Snap to Directions
bit 14 Altitude not Required
bit 15 unused
bit 16 Average Object Location
bit 17 Random Scoring
bit 18 unused
bit 19 Ignore Rooms
bit 20 Ignore Walls
bit 21 thru 32 unused
Int 5 Target Container (By Number -)
Float 4 Route Search Parameter - Min
Float 5 Route Search Parameter - Max
Float 6 Route Search Parameter - Optimal
Int 6 N/A for routing slots
Short 1
Short 2 Expect Bone Info
Values: 0=No 2=Yes
If No, then Int 9 is used to find XYZ from the CRES
If yes, then the XYZ offsets are taken from Float 1, Float 2 and Float 3
Float 7 Route Seach Parameter - Gradient
Int 7 N/A for routing slots
Int 8 Facing Direction
Float 8 Route Seach Parameter - Spacing
Int 9 Bone position index into string resource 90. Only when Bone info expected is set (see above)
Int 10 Id in table. Usually starting from 1 and incrementing for each slot.
-1 means read based on order in file.
>0 means read this entry

Container slots

Container slots can have a few parameters other than position.

Value Description
Float 1 X Offset
Float 2 Y Offset
Float 3 Altitude (When bone link turned off)
Int 1 N/A for container slots
Int 2
Int 3
Int 4
Int 5
Float 4
Float 5
Float 6
Int 6 Max Size seems to always be zero
Short 1
Short 2 Expect Bone Info
Values: 0=No 2=Yes
If No, then Int 9 is used to find XYZ from the CRES
If yes, then the XYZ offsets are taken from Float 1, Float 2 and Float 3
Float 7 N/A for container slots
Int 7 Height Type
See Numenor's post on I7 values
Int 8 N/A for container slots
Float 8
Int 9 Bone position index into string resource 90. Only when Bone info expected is set (see above)
Int 10 Id in table. Usually starting from 1 and incrementing for each slot.
-1 means read based on order in file.
>0 means read this entry

Target slots

Target slots have no further parameters other than position.

Value Description
Float 1 X Offset
Float 2 Y Offset
Float 3 Altitude (When bone link turned off)
Int 1 N/A for target slots
Int 2
Int 3
Int 4
Int 5
Float 4
Float 5
Float 6
Int 6
Short 1
Short 2 Expect Bone Info
Values: 0=No 2=Yes
If No, then Int 9 is used to find XYZ from the CRES
If yes, then the XYZ offsets are taken from Float 1, Float 2 and Float 3
Float 7 N/A for target slots
Int 7
Int 8
Float 8
Int 9 Bone position index into string resource 90. Only when Bone info expected is set (see above)
Int 10 Id in table. Usually starting from 1 and incrementing for each slot.
-1 means read based on order in file.
>0 means read this entry
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