Game Help:World Routing Lags/How

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World Routing Lags

The What  | The Why  | The Where  | The Downloads  | The How  | Guide:DIY in CAW  | Guide:Edit with s3pe  | Guide:Download .world file  | The Conclusion

The How

Make a choice: choose an option on which guide you want to follow. You can based this on
  • your knowledge of the tools
  • your requirements of the world(s) you want to fix. Is it a default EA world or user-customized-version of EA's default worlds?
  • your ISP's download cap, if there is one.

When you've analyzed your choices and have made your decision, download and install all the tools needed to follow that Guide and read any other pre-requisite FAQs linked. When you're ready, click on the Guide's link in the Navigator, or the header of one column below to be brought to that page.

Option 1 : Do-It-Yourself Option 2 : Import Resources Option 3 : Download .world
  • This is the choice if
    • you have an EA world that you have already started editing, for example to add your own Lots or move things about in edited CAW file.
    • you're pretty handy in CAW and do not like to wait for others or simply like to do things yourself.
  • Choose this option if
    • you have a user-customized EA world, where the World has already been uploaded and shared in a .Sims3Pack file, and the world creator is either no longer active or not interested to go back and edit their work to incorporate the fixes.
    • you cannot use CAW (for hardware or other reasons) or Option #3 failed, this method is guaranteed to work, no matter the circumstances. This method is also the fallback method.
    • your ISP impose a download cap.
  • You need to download the resources (@10MB) and edit the .world files in s3pe. Would need to ensure you download and import the correct resources for the world you're editing. For instance, importing Sunset's resources into is a Very Bad Thing!
  • Download the .world files - this is simplest way of having fixed worlds, BUT you have to
    1. rely on someone to do the "DIY-ing in CAW" & the "Editing in S3PE",
    2. have a fast Internet connection to download a huge file (@100MB) for each world, and
    3. know what to do with multi-part files.
  • This option is most ideal for the untouched EA default/store worlds that your Saved games are based on.
Knowledge needed for DIY Knowledge needed to Import Resources Knowledge needed to Download .world
  • Willingness to read the guide carefully and following instructions to the letter.
  • The knowledge to use s3pe.
  • Willingness to read the guide carefully and following instructions to the letter.
  • Downloading files, and basic operations like copy+paste & rename a file, among other things.
  • Unzipping/Un-archiving multi-part files.
  • How to decrapify (for Store worlds).
Tools needed for DIY Tools needed to Import Resources Tools needed to Download .world
  • A machine capable of running CAW.
  • Create-A-World tool.
  • S3PE.
  • Additional tools covered in other 2 options, if any.
  • S3PE.
  • Additional tools covered in Option 3, if editing Store Worlds.

Default Worlds

  • A program that handles multi-part 7z/zip/rar files.

Store Worlds

World Routing Lags

The What  | The Why  | The Where  | The Downloads  | The How  | Guide:DIY in CAW  | Guide:Edit with s3pe  | Guide:Download .world file  | The Conclusion

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