Tutorials:Creating a custom terrain brush in CAW

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Creating a Custom Brush in Create A World


terrainsculpt.ini is a technical file located in the directory:

Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims Create A World Tool>UserToolData>TerrainSculptBrushes

terrainsculpt.ini allows users to define a custom brush for sculpting terrain in Create A World. To function it must be accompanied by monochrome 8-bit TGA files in the same directory. These should be referenced in the field Comp1_Texture and Comp2_Texture.

|'''Terrain Edit Parameters'''
|Brush Profiles
|For each brush, add a section whose name begins with "Brush_".
|ID - a unique ID for the brush
|WiggleAngle - Maximum angle (in degrees) by which the brush wiggles at each step as it is dragged. Set this to 0 for no wiggle
|ComponentCount - Number of components the brush has.
|For each component, the following parameters can be specified. Use the prefix Compi_, for "i" th component;     Comp1_Op
: Operation ID for component. 0 - RaiseLower, 1 - Smoothen, 2 - Level, 3 - Flatten
;     Comp1_Texture
: Name of the profile texture for the component
;     Comp1_BaseTextureValue
: The texture value to be taken as "base". Use of this value is dependent on the operation.
;                              When the opeation is "RaiseLower", a texture value higher than the base value causes the
;                              terrain to be raised and a texture value lower than the base value causes lowering.
;     Comp1_AlignWithMoveDirection
: Specifies whether or not the profile texture should be aligned with the direction of
;                                    of movement of the mouse. 0 for false, 1 for true.
;     Comp1_Width
: Width of the area over which the brush gets applied at each step.
;     Comp1_Strength
: Strength of the brush
Name = Mountain
WiggleAngle = 0
ComponentCount = 2
; First component (Mountain base)
Comp1_Op = 0
Comp1_Texture = MountainBaseBrush.tga
Comp1_BaseTextureValue = 0
Comp1_AlignWithMoveDirection = 0
Comp1_Strength = 0.01
Comp1_Width = 1.0
; Second component (Mountain ridge)
Comp2_Op = 0<br />
Comp2_Texture = MountainRidgeBrush.tga
Comp2_BaseTextureValue = 0
Comp2_AlignWithMoveDirection = 1
Comp2_Strength = 0.01
Comp2_Width = 1.0
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