Content List:Pokemon
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Custom content for 'The Sims 2' relating to the video game/anime series 'Pokémon'. For Sims from this series, see: Content List:Character Sims/P.
If you're looking for custom content for Pokémon sims and it is not listed here, it might be included with a Pokémon Character Sim.
Body Shop Content
- Farfetch'd leek/onion: Izayoi at Sims Cave (18+)
- Mew floating near: AkimaSims
- Nurse cap: YelizZ at MTS, FlowerMisty at Garden of Shadows
- Pikachu necklace: slice at TSR, or llamapiccolo at MTS
- Poké Ball (27 different kinds): Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Poké Ball earrings: poke_simmie_ at MTS
- Pokémon jewelry set: mininessie at MTS
- Rose in left hand: daislia at TSR, or Daislia at Forgotten
- Rose in right hand:
- Rose in the mouth: RoseSims2
- Ash Ketchum's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Daigo Tsuwabuki (Steven Stone) Outfit: hkihel at MTS
- Default Gengar and Zubat sweaters (uftopvnecklongsleeve): xjoelbabix
- Denji (Volkner) Clothes: hkihel at MTS
- Drifloon 'afbodyslob' default replacement: Azaya at resurrection failed
- Cynthia's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Elesa's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Espurr AM hoodie: Nyren at Garden of Shadows
- Flannery - Gym Leader outfit: malfoya at MTS
- James' Team Rocket uniform pants: AutumnFantasy at TSR
- James' Team Rocket uniform shirt: AutumnFantasy at TSR
- Jessie's Team Rocket uniform: AutumnFantasy at TSR
- Lorlei - Gym Leader outfits: malfoya at MTS
- May's outfit: malfoya at MTS (removed)
- Mermaid (all ages, both genders): Meshy at Plumb Bob Keep, Meshy's Sims
- Minccino dress: natsukis at The Big Trade-Off
- Misty's shirt: completenutter19 at TSR
- Red protagonist's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Sabrina - Gym Leader outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Silver's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Oba (Flint) Outfit and Hair: hkihel at MTS
- N Harmonia's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Paul's outfit: malfoya at MTS
- Pika dress: Screaming Mustard at TSR
- Pikachu costume for toddlers: Hanako at Sims Islands (Enter > Download TS2 > Project > CostumeCollection) (18+)
- Pokémon Boyz v.1 AutumnFantasy at MTS
- Pokémon Boyz v.2 AutumnFantasy at MTS
- Pokémon Girlz AutumnFantasy MTS
- Pokémon sweater: Azaya at resurrection-failed
- Pokémon sweatshirts (Zubat, Gengar, Ditto): Azaya at resurrection failed
- Team Aqua uniforms: MaidenM at MTS
- Team Rocket workout clothes: AutumnFantasy at TSR
- Wailord AF top: Azaya at resurrection failed
- Ash & Misty's eyes: lovetadraw at MTS
- Hat with spiky hair for Ash (all ages): Raonjenasims2 ($$$)
- James' hair:
- Jessie's braid hair: dustfinger at MTS
- Jessie's bun hair: Flora at XM Sims
- Jessie's school girl hair: Pegy at Peggy Zone (page 10)
- Jessie's side braid: Rented-Space
- Misty hair: Peggy Zone (page 124)
- Nurse Joy hair: Pegy at Peggy Zone (page 14)
- Oba (Flint) Outfit and Hair: hkihel at MTS
- Recolors of medrops Sora hair (Ash Ketchum Style): malfoya at MTS
Build Mode
- Autumn trees and ground covers: Linda's Sims 2 torials
- Big tree: simfantastic2 at MTS
- Bright Japanese maple trees (new mesh) and fallen leaves: Ton Sim
- Bright seasonal bushes: TheNinthWaveSims
- Brighter green trees and plants, rainbow trees, cute flowers and shrubs:
- New meshes: various creators at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- New mesh recolors: various creators at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Recolors, Maxis and others: various creators at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Bushes:
- Cute shrubs and trees: Retail Sims (page 1), Retail Sims (page 2)
- Greener trees and plants recolors:
- HeartDeco's 'Recolourable Breadfruit Tree' & Recolours: Michelle at Plumb Bob Keep, or Michelle at Leefish
- Ice terrain paint, walls and floors: Aucaria at MTS
- Lava terrain paint:
- Pokémon style trees:
- Snow terrain paint:
- Spooky trees:
Walls and Floors
- Cartoon-ish floors: Zx_Ta
- Cartoon-ish walls and floors: isbrealiomcaife at Plumb Bob Keep
- Ice cave walls: Aucaria at MTS
- Lava floors: eriduserpent at TSR
- Lava walls:
- Lava, water, snow, ice, rock, etc. (walls, floors, terrains): StephSim at MTS
- Pikachu wallpaper: Filthy Flea Market
- Pokémon wallpaper: Uranium-Z at Radio Gnome, whispered_rumor at Whispers of Things to Come (Radio Gnome's walls with Shasta trim)
- Kanto Pokémon Trainer Career: animagic4u at MTS
- New Pet career: Pokémon with chancecards!: lientebollemeis at MTS
- Pokémon Career: poke_simmie_ at MTS
- Pokémon Service-Worker: lientebollemeis at MTS
- Team Rocket Career: poke_simmie_ at MTS
- New Major: Pokémon (requested): lientebollemeis at MTS
- Pokémon Major: poke_simmie_ at MTS
- Pokémon Trainer Major: animagic4u at MTS
- Team Rocket Training Course: poke_simmie_ at MTS
Default Replacements
- Brighter Leaves for The Fall: joninmobile at MTS
- Colorful bar drinks & glasses with cute stirrers (stars, lightning, hearts, etc.): delonariel
- Cute replacement of dirty entry level job car: BlooM at InSIMenator
- Fruit Juice bar/water bottles: delonariel
- Neighborhood greener grass default and matching terrain paint: mzcynnamon at MTS
- Nintendo DS handheld game replacement (Pokémon Rescue Team): Innagadadavida at MTS
- No traffic in neighborhood view: hexameter at MTS
- Stev84's 'Country Roads for Grassy Neighborhoods' fixed for all seasons: Almighty Hat at Plumb Bob Keep
- Cyndaquil Spice Cereal: animagic4u at MTS
- Pikachu Pieces Cereal: animagic4u at MTS
- Rice balls (onigiri): Japasims Style/Sims2Libido at Sims Cave (18+)
- Pokémon Center & Mart: malfoya at MTS
Neighborhood Objects
- Cruise ship: Criquette at MTS
- Greener gingkos: mammut at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Snow: OoGaBbErZiCkEoO at MTS
- Snowy trees and rocks: OoGaBbErZiCkEoO at MTS
- Actual Pokémon decorations:
- Bicycle (rideable):
- Cages:
- Cave set: Retail Sims
- Clefairy evolutionary family beach chair: Azaya at resurrection failed
- Crystals:
- Farfetch'd leek/onion on sword display: Izayoi at Sims Cave (18+)
- Gengar rug: Currantpoypie at Potpie's Sims
- Giant tree (can live inside): wiccandove at Plumb Bob Keep, rugrat0ne at Plumb Bob Keep (recolors)
- Hot-air balloon (rideable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims, Kate at Parsimonious
- Lava as buyable object: Pixelhate at MTS
- Lava mounds: Rythela at MTS
- Lava rocks grill: Creative Sim at TSR
- Lava rocks hot tub: Creative Sim at TSR
- Lava rocks set (active lava rocks): Creative Sim at TSR
- Litwick evolutionary family painting: Azaya at resurrection failed
- Musical Dancing Pikachu stereo: den123 at MTS
- Pikachu Bunnybear: BastDawn at TSR
- Pikachu plush toy:
- den123 at MTS (removed)
- Luina Sims (site down)
- Shane Gowland at Sims Stuff (18+)
- Poké Ball rug + 6 recolors: Rapsheba555 at MTS
- Poké Palooza! - PokéPillows, Destination Ads, quote wall writings, PokéPlanters: Laura at The Unofficial Sims BBS
- Poké planters:
- Pokémon cards:
- Pokémon poster advertisements: lauraplayssims
- Pokémon room set: Bitzybus at TSR
- Pokémon Simlish travel posters: keoni_chan at Randomness to the Xtreme
- Pokémon TV (ceiling mounted): SuperFly at MTS
- Rice ball (onigiri) with steam animation: Izayoi at Sims Cave (18+)
- Tall grass:
- Tropical fish, coral, underwater plantlife sets:
- Unicycle (rideable): rebecah at MTS
Animations and Interactions
- Rollerskates (skate instead of walking): treeag at MTS
- Special effects:
- Surfing interaction and set: maybesomethingdunno
- Walk style changer: ahaklin at Sims2Cri, treeag at MTS
- Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Furret: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Pichu: mininessie at Sapphire Sims 2 (site down)
- Skuntank: eatatjoe90 at TSR
- Arcanine: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Eevee: Taruto at MTS
- Entei: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Growlithe: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Houndoom: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Houndour: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Mightyena: tubbelubben at MTS, mininessie at Sapphire Sims 2 (site down)
- Miltank: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Poochyena: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Raikou: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Slowpoke: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Suicune: LockeMuhe at MTS
- Tauros: LockeMuhe at MTS