Sims 3:0x025ED6F4
From SimsWiki
DWORD version --if Version < 0x08 (yes, really completely different) DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD Age DWORD Gender DWORD --0x0354796A - Skin Tone resource key (IGT) QWORD skinInstance DWORD skinGroup DWORD skinType --0x03555BA8- Hair Tone resource key (IGT) QWORD hairInstance DWORD hairGroup DWORD hairType DWORD DWORD BYTE caspCount --repeat caspCount --0x034AEECB - CAS Part resource key DWORD CASPType DWORD CASPGroup QWORD CASPInstance BYTE txtcPairCount --repeat txtcPairCount --0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor resource key #1 DWORD Txtc1Type DWORD Txtc1Group QWORD Txtc1Instance --0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor resource key #2 DWORD Txtc1Type DWORD Txtc1Group QWORD Txtc1Instance DWORD Part Type WORD // Could be "byte ZERO; count of face parts in V7 format", I guess? --else // Version >= 0x08 DWORD // Offset (from after this DWORD) to table of resource keys --if Version >= 0x10 // Xml Presets DWORD XmlPresetCount --repeat XmlPresetCount BYTE DWORD length char16[length] // xml preset --else if Version >= 0x09 // I am not convinced this is the same list as above but zero length XMLs... // List of DWORDs DWORD DwordCoust --repeat DwordCoust DWORD --if Version >= 0x0E DWORD DWORD FLOAT weight slider (heavy) 0 if slim, 0.0 - 1.0 for heavy FLOAT strength slider [0.0 - 1.0] FLOAT weight slider (slim) 0 if heavy, 0.0 - 1.0 for slim --if Version >= 0x09 DWORD DWORD Age //Age DWORD Gender //Gender DWORD Species //Species --if Version >= 0x09 DWORD Handedness //??Handedness?? --if Version >= 0x15 WORD // 0x0354796A - Skin Tone index --else BYTE // 0x0354796A - Skin Tone index --if Version == 0x08 // Well, < 0x09 I guess is more accurate... BYTE // 0x03555BA8- Hair Tone index FLOAT Skin Tone Slider // Now a longer conditional chunk... --if Version >= 0x09 --if Version >= 0x0E --if Version >= 0x11 FLOAT (male & female - muscle slider) --if Version >= 0x12 FLOAT (female only - breast slider) DWORD HairBaseColor //ARGB Color DWORD HairHaloHighColor //ARGB Color DWORD HairHaloLowColor //ARGB Color --if Version >= 0x13 FLOAT NumCurls FLOAT CurlPixelRadius --if Version >= 0x14 --Fur Map TGI DWORD Type DWORD Group QWORD Instance --else // Version < 0x0E BYTE // You'd have thought "hair tone index" as there is one to reference but // the value here is not right... --else // Version < 0x09 DWORD // CAS Parts BYTE CASPartCount --repeat CASPartCount --if Version >= 0x15 WORD index // of 0x034AEECB - CAS Part --else BYTE index // of 0x034AEECB - CAS Part --if Version >= 0x0E DWORD //Part Type BYTE TxtcPairCount --repeat TxtcPairCount --if Version >= 0x15 WORD index // of 0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor WORD index // of 0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor --else BYTE index // of 0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor BYTE index // of 0x033A1435 - Texture Compositor BYTE // zero // Face Parts BYTE FacePartCount --repeat FacePartCount --if Version >= 0x15 WORD index // of 0x0358B08A - Face Part --else BYTE index // of 0x0358B08A - Face Part FLOAT --if Version <= 0x0A DWORD //TGI (I64GT) list (includes resources referenced in preset xmls) --if Version >= 0x15 WORD count --else BYTE count --repeat QWORD Instance DWORD Group DWORD Type
Thanks to mscsims for the Island Paradise update.
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