Graphics Rules (for The Sims 2)

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This section is dedicated to describing the technical aspects of the Graphics Rules.sgr file for The Sims 2 PC game. The article will attempt to describe each section of the file and how they can be adjusted. Major sections of the Graphics Rules.sgr file include:

  1. Logging Settings
  2. Constants
  3. Identifying GFX Devices
  4. Configuration Overrides
  5. Determining if GFX Device is Supported
  6. Applying GFX Device Specific Workarounds
  7. Printing System Info
  8. UI Options
  9. Options Without UI Access
  10. Hardware Rendering
  11. Software Rendering

Before attempting to adjust any variable in your Graphics Rules.sgr file, always make a back up copy of your original file in case of errors or omissions made from the modified file. ANY INCORRECT ADJUSTMENT OF THE VARIABLES WILL THROW AN "APPLICATION WILL TERMINATE" ERROR DIALOG WINDOW. Also note that understanding of the variables listed here are for advanced users. The article was made to document what they do. It could be used for advanced modders to create tweaked graphic settings that could benefit future users. Do not attempt to modify your game's Graphics Rules unless you read and understand each variable's purposes.

Technical Details

Logging Settings


set logGroup           "ConfigurationManager"
set logLevelWarning    warning
set logLevelInfo       info
set logLevelDebug      debug

log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Parsing configuration script"


seti Off 0
seti On  1

seti Low    1
seti Medium 2
seti High   3

seti MediumButDefaultLow 4

This section reflects the amount of GPU memory that your card can process. The higher the GPU of your card, the higher in processing memory the game will use. If you have a GPU Device with up to 1GB of memory, for example, you may want to change the High setting to "1024" megabytes. If the game cannot find your GFX Device's processing memory, it will be set to unknown.

seti memoryLevelHigh    512
seti memoryLevelMedium  384
seti memoryLevelLow     256
seti memoryLevelUnknown 0 

This section determines what operating system you use. This section says if your computer runs Windows NT 6.0 or Windows Vista, the first 3 batches of cpu levels will be considered by the game. Otherwise, for non Windows Vista computers, the second set of CPU levels will be considered. This section is used under Hardware Rendering later on below in the file when determining how the Simulation, Sound Quality, and Animation Sampling will be set.

if ( match("${osVersion}","*NT 6.0*") )
   seti cpuLevelHigh        3000
   seti cpuLevelMedium      2600
   seti cpuLevelLow         2000
   log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Setting cpu level for Vista."
   seti cpuLevelHigh        2800
   seti cpuLevelMedium      2200
   seti cpuLevelLow         1450
   log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Setting cpu level for non-Vista."

seti cpuLevelUnsupported 0
Identifying GFX Device

This section describes how the game determines your GFX Device. It consults the game's Video Cards.sgr file for the Vendor's & Device's HEX number. It also sets up fallback video cards in the event the game cannot determine the Device.

# set some config variables based on a card table and vendor specific rules
# sets isCardFound, cardVendor, and cardName include "Video Cards.sgr"

# Fallback on the card name text supplied by the card itself.
# Assumes that at least the cardVendor has been matched, since
# vendor name is not contained in some vendor card names.
# Note that specific vendors are overridden to a default card.
#  For ATI    -> Radeon 9800 Pro
#  For NVIDIA -> NVIDIA 4800 TI SE
if (not $isCardFound)
  set cardName $cardNameText
Configuration Overrides

This section tests the unsupported video cards with Software Renderings (see bottom sections) to see what variables the card can and cannot run. ???

# Configuration override controlled by command line option -cardConfig.
if (varExists(cardConfig))
  # test unsupported cards using sw rendering
  if ($cardConfig = 1)
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Testing with all devices unsupported."
     set  cardVendor    TestingAllUnsupported
     set  cardName      TestingAllUnsupported

  elseif (($cardConfig = 2) and ($deviceNumber = 0))
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Testing with the first device unsupported."
     set  cardVendor    TestingFirstUnsupported
     set  cardName      TestingFirstUnsupported

  elseif (($cardConfig = 3) and ($deviceNumber != 0))
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Testing with the all devices except first unsupported."
     set  cardVendor    TestingAllButFirstUnsupported
     set  cardName      TestingAllButFirstUnsupported

  elseif (($cardConfig = 100) and ($deviceNumber = 0))
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Testing first device as swvp only part."
     boolProp forceSoftwareVP true
Determining if GFX Device is Supported

This variable says to not use Software Rasterizer. It is set to false by default, unless the following variables occur.

setb useSoftwareRasterizer false

If the GFX Device is from ATI, and the card name contains the string of text 'Mach' or 'Rage' anywhere in its name, the game will use Software Rasterizer.

if (match("${cardVendor}", "ATI"))
  if (match("${cardName}", "*Mach*") or match("${cardName}", "*Rage*"))
     setb useSoftwareRasterizer true

Or else, if the GFX Device is from Nvidia, and the card name contains exactly NV 1, NV 2, or in anywhere of the cards name the string 'Riva', or 'TNT' appear, the game will use Software Rasterizer.

elseif (match("${cardVendor}", "NVidia"))
  if (match("${cardName}", "NV 1") or match("${cardName}", "NV 2") or match("${cardName}", "*Riva*") or match("${cardName}", "*TNT*"))
     setb useSoftwareRasterizer true

Or else, if the GFX Device is from Intel, and the card name contains any of these numbers in its name (810, 815, 740, 752), the game will use Software Rasterizer.

elseif (match("${cardVendor}", "Intel"))
  if (match("${cardName}", "*810*") or match("${cardName}", "*815*") or match("${cardName}", "*740*") or match("${cardName}", "*752*"))
     setb useSoftwareRasterizer true

Or else, if the GFX Device is from S3, and the card name contains the string 'GammaChrome' or 'DeltaChrome' in its name, the game will use Software Rasterizer.

elseif (match("${cardVendor}", "S3"))
  if (not match("${cardName}", "*GammaChrome*") and not match("${cardName}", "*DeltaChrome*"))
     setb useSoftwareRasterizer true

Or else, if the GFX Device completely unknown (e.g. not on the Video Card.sgr file), the game will use Software Rasterizer.

  # unsupported/unknown vendor
  setb useSoftwareRasterizer true 

This section describes how the game will administer the Software Rasterizer to the GFX Device. If the card is identified and supported, the Software Rasterizer will be used. Otherwise, if unsupported, Software Rendering will occur.

if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
  log $logGroup $logLevelWarning "Unsupported video card.  Forcing software rendering on this device"
  log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Supported video card."

If the game does NOT use Software Rasterizer towards the GFX Device (because it could not determine how many megabytes of GPU is available), and the game can't determine the texture memory, then the game will administer a specific set amount of processing memory to be used to render textures, namely 32MB.

if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
  # failed to obtain device texture memory size, force to 32MB
  if ($textureMemory = 0)
     seti textureMemory       32
     setb textureMemorySizeOK false

If the game does NOT use Software Rasterizer & determines that the GPU has less than 28MB of memory available, then the game will force Software Resterizer instead.

  if ($textureMemory < 28)
     log $logGroup $logLevelWarning "Insufficient video memory.  Forcing software rendering on this device"

     # require a card with at least 32MB
     setb useSoftwareRasterizer true

If the game DOES use the Software Rasterizer, set the texture memory to 32MB

if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
  # ignore texture memory reported by gfx device, this is not hardware texture memory
  seti textureMemory 32

If the game does NOTE use the Software Rasterizer, enable Hardware Rendering

if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
  log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Hardware rendering is enabled"
Applying GFX Device Specific Workarounds

This is the largest most specific section of the Graphics Rules.sgr file. It contains tweaks for the game to process itself under different conditions. This section includes notes on:

• Never trusting the driver to manage its own memory
• Not enough texture memory for anti-aliasing
• The 6200 Turbo Cache performing very poorly in CATLAB runs for EP2
• Needing to get around the problem of Z fighting in GeForce4 cards
• Disabling shaders by default for NV3x generation (only enabling for high end cards)
• 5700 cards sometimes having problems with bump mapping so setting default to medium
• "Caps read vs 3.0, but dx9b is returning vs 2.0, once 9c is used this fix can be removed"
• Loops support broken in 6458, but fixed in catalyst 4.9 (6476). Requires 4.10 to be safe.
• Workaround for forced aa crash as of 6458. Fixed in catalyst 4.9 (6476) but requires 4.10 to be safe.
• Avoiding a race condition with color copies and UI
• Radeon 8500 and greater potentially having problems switching between FF and VS?
• X800 based cards exhibiting rendering corruption if turbo rect is enabled
• EP6 CATlab reporting gray screen during all cinematics
...and more.
Print System Info

This is the template information used to create the "HOME-config-log.txt" file in your EA Games\The Sims 2\Logs\ folder. This is a file created/written by your game based.

if ($deviceNumber = 0)
logSystemInfo "=== Application info ==="
logSystemInfo "Name:            ${appName}"
logSystemInfo "Version:         ${version}"
logSystemInfo "Build:           ${buildType}"

logSystemInfo "=== Machine info ==="
logSystemInfo "OS version:      ${osVersion}"
logSystemInfo "CPU:             ${cpuSpeed}Mhz, Name:${CPU}, FPU:${FPU}, MMX:${MMX}"
logSystemInfo "Memory:          ${memory}MB"
logSystemInfo "Free memory:     ${freeMemory}MB"
logSystemInfo "User:            ${userName}"
logSystemInfo "Computer:        ${computerName}"

logSystemInfo "=== Sound device info ==="
logSystemInfo "Name:            ${soundCardName}"
logSystemInfo "Driver:          ${soundDriverName}"

logSystemInfo "=== Graphics device info ==="
logSystemInfo "Number:          ${deviceNumber}"
logSystemInfo "Name (driver):   ${cardNameText}"
if ($isCardFound)
logSystemInfo "Name (database): ${cardName}"
logSystemInfo "Name (database): ${cardName} <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>"
if ($isIntegratedChipset)
logSystemInfo "                 (Integrated Chipset)"
logSystemInfo "Vendor:          ${cardVendor}"
logSystemInfo "Chipset:         ${cardChipset}"
logSystemInfo "Driver:          ${driverName}, Version: ${driverVersion}"
logSystemInfo "Driver version:  ${driverBuild}"
logSystemInfo "Monitor:         ${monitorName}"
logSystemInfo "Monitor aspect:  ${monitorAspect}, ${monitorAspectString}"
logSystemInfo "Screen mode:     ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}x${screenBPP}BPP,${screenRefresh}Hz"
if ($textureMemorySizeOK)
logSystemInfo "Texture memory:  ${textureMemory}MB"
logSystemInfo "Texture memory:  ${textureMemory}MB <<OVERRIDE>>"
logSystemInfo "HW T&L:          Fixed function:${fixedFunctionHWTnL} Programmable:${maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor}.${maxVertexProgramVersionHWMinor}"
logSystemInfo "Pixel program:   ${maxPixelProgramVersionMajor}.${maxPixelProgramVersionMinor}"
logSystemInfo "Texture stages:  ${textureStages}"
logSystemInfo "AppControlledAA: ${appControlledAA}"
UI Options

These options are the specific variables used when the player adjusts it in the game under the Graphics/Performance Options menu. This is the "adjustable" section that the player has control over during gameplay.

log $logGroup $logLevelDebug "Begin parsing option definitions"

This is the "Texture Detail" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option MaterialDetail
  setting $Low
     boolProp bumpMapping false
     intProp  imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 2

  setting $Medium
     boolProp bumpMapping false
     intProp  imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 1

  setting $High
     boolProp bumpMapping true
     intProp  imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 0

This is the "Sim/Object Detail" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option ObjectDetail
  setting $Medium
     boolProp reduceBoneWeights true
     boolProp useLODs           true
     intProp  lodOverride       35

  setting $High
     boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
     boolProp useLODs           false
     intProp  lodOverride       0

This is the "Object Hiding" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option ObjectHiding
  setting $Off
     intProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 0

  setting $On
     intProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 1

This is the "Snow On Ground" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option SnowOnGround
  setting $Off
     boolProp showSnowOnGround false

  setting $On
     boolProp showSnowOnGround true

This is the "Shadows" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option Shadows
  setting $Low
     boolProp simShadows       false
     boolProp objectShadows    false
     boolProp guob             false
     boolProp heightMapShadows false

  setting $Medium
     boolProp simShadows       false
     boolProp objectShadows    false
     boolProp guob             true
     boolProp heightMapShadows true

  setting $High
     boolProp simShadows       true
     boolProp objectShadows    true
     boolProp guob             true
     boolProp heightMapShadows true

This is the "UI Transparency" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option OpaqueUI
   setting $Off
      boolProp renderOpaqueUI false

   setting $On
      boolProp renderOpaqueUI true

This is the "Reflections" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option Reflection
  setting $Off
     boolProp    reflectionWithExtraViewer  false
     boolProp    nhoodWaterReflection       false

  setting $On
     boolProp    reflectionWithExtraViewer  true
     boolProp    nhoodWaterReflection       true

This is the "Toggle Ceiling" setting on the bottom left user interface console.

option Ceiling
  setting $Off
     boolProp    includeCeilings  false
  setting $On
     boolProp    includeCeilings  true

This is the "Graphic Effects" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option EffectsQuality
  setting $Low
     boolProp  useEffects            true
     floatProp particleDensity       1
     floatProp particleScale         1
     intProp   maxParticlesTarget    2000
     intProp   particleLODOffset     0    # subtracted from the zoom.
     intProp   effectPriorityLevel   1
     boolProp  enableOceanReflection false

  setting $Medium
     boolProp  useEffects            true
     floatProp particleDensity       1
     floatProp particleScale         1
     intProp   maxParticlesTarget    5000
     intProp   particleLODOffset     0    # subtracted from the zoom.
     intProp   effectPriorityLevel   2
     boolProp  enableOceanReflection false

  setting $High
     boolProp  useEffects            true
     floatProp particleDensity       1
     floatProp particleScale         1
     intProp   maxParticlesTarget    10000
     intProp   particleLODOffset     0    # subtracted from the zoom.
     intProp   effectPriorityLevel   3
     boolProp  enableOceanReflection true

This is the "Lighting" setting under the game's Graphics/Performance Options menu.

option LightingQuality
  setting $Low
     boolProp lightingEnabled           true
     boolProp portalLighting            false
     boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping false
     boolProp specHighlights            false

  setting $Medium
     boolProp lightingEnabled           true
     boolProp portalLighting            true
     boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping false
     boolProp specHighlights            true

  setting $High
     boolProp lightingEnabled           true
     boolProp portalLighting            true
     boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping true
     boolProp specHighlights            true

This is the "Audio Quality" setting under the game's Audio Options menu.

option SoundQuality
  setting $Low
     intProp AudioPerformance 0

  setting $Medium
     intProp AudioPerformance 1

  setting $High
     intProp AudioPerformance 2
Options Without UI Access
option DirtyRect
  setting $High
     # no dirty rects
     intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 0

  setting $Medium
     # 4 buffer mode
     intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 2

  setting $Low
     # 2 buffer mode
     intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 1

option FullscreenFadeEffect
  setting $Off
     boolProp enableSnapshot false

  setting $On
     boolProp enableSnapshot true

option Turbo
  setting $High
     boolProp useTurboRect true

  setting $Medium
     boolProp useTurboRect true

  setting $Low
     boolProp useTurboRect false

option SimulatorControls
  setting $High
     intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims   8

  setting $Medium
     intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims   6

  setting $Low
     intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims   2

option LightingOptimizations
  setting $High
     boolProp optimizedDiffusion        true
     boolProp incrementalLighting       true
     boolProp lerpLights                true
     boolProp useDirtyTiles             true

option AnimationSamplingLevel
  setting $Low
     # sample nearest animation frame
     boolProp animationFrameSampling true

  setting $Medium
     # sample nearest two animation frames and slerp
     boolProp animationFrameSampling false

option LivePIP
  setting $Off
     boolProp livePIP        false
     boolProp livePIPDefault false

  setting $On
     boolProp livePIPDefault true
     # do not override user's choice if the setting is ON

option SpecialEventCamera
  setting $Off
     boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled false
     boolProp CameraSpecialEventEnabled       false

  setting $On
     boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled true
     # do not override user's choice if the setting is ON

option ScreenModeResolution
  setting $Low
     uintProp maxResWidth      800
     uintProp maxResHeight     600
     uintProp defaultResWidth  800
     uintProp defaultResHeight 600

  setting $MediumButDefaultLow
     uintProp maxResWidth      1280
     uintProp maxResHeight     1024
     uintProp defaultResWidth  800
     uintProp defaultResHeight 600

  setting $Medium
     uintProp maxResWidth      1280
     uintProp maxResHeight     1024
     uintProp defaultResWidth  1024
     uintProp defaultResHeight 768

  setting $High
     uintProp maxResWidth      1600
     uintProp maxResHeight     1200
     uintProp defaultResWidth  1280
     uintProp defaultResHeight 1024

option SubjectTracking
  setting $Low
	floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 70

  setting $Medium
	floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 30

  setting $High
	floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 30

option EnableLotImpostersInLot
	setting $On
		boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot true
	setting $Off
		boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot false

option EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot
	setting $On
		boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot true
	setting $Off
		boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot false

option LotSkirtSizeIncrease
	setting 0
		uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 5
	setting 1
		uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 9
	setting 2
		uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 18
	setting 3
		uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 36

log $logGroup $logLevelDebug "Finished parsing option definitions"
Hardware Rendering
# This cannot be defined as a local variable, the if clause is still executed when
#   sw render path is taken and an exception generated that fails the parsing.  Be
#   careful with the use of local variables.
setb usingHighDetail false

if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
  # set a base level of options based on the card rating
  if (($memory >= $memoryLevelHigh) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh) and ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and not $forceLowSettings and not $isIntegratedChipset)
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Selecting High base level"
     setOption OpaqueUI              $Off
     setOption LivePIP               $On
     setOption Reflection            $On
     setOption Ceiling               $On
     setOption EffectsQuality        $High
     setOption LightingQuality       $High
     setOption Shadows               $High
     setOption MaterialDetail        $High
     setOption ObjectDetail          $High
     setOption ObjectHiding          $Off
     setOption SubjectTracking       $High      
     setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot          $On
		setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $On
		setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease             1
		setb usingHighDetail true #use this to test if current level is set to high

  elseif (($memory >= $memoryLevelMedium) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelMedium) and ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and not $forceLowSettings)
     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Selecting Medium base level"
     setOption OpaqueUI              $Off
     setOption LivePIP               $On
     setOption Reflection            $Off
     setOption Ceiling		          $Off
     setOption EffectsQuality        $Medium
     setOption LightingQuality       $Medium
     setOption Shadows               $Medium
     setOption MaterialDetail        $Medium
     setOption ObjectDetail          $High
     setOption ObjectHiding          $On
     setOption SubjectTracking       $Medium
     setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot          $On
		setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $On
		setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease             0

     log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Selecting Low base level"
     # NOTE: don't set forceLowSettings here, because this will force low simulator settings
     # if all you have is a low end video card

     setOption OpaqueUI              $Off
     setOption LivePIP               $Off
     setOption Reflection            $Off
     setOption Ceiling               $Off
     setOption EffectsQuality        $Low
     setOption LightingQuality       $Low
     setOption Shadows               $Low
     setOption MaterialDetail        $Low
     setOption ObjectDetail          $Medium
     setOption ObjectHiding          $On
     setOption SubjectTracking       $Low
     setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot          $Off
		setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $Off
		setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease             0

  setOption LightingOptimizations $High
  setOption SnowOnGround          $On

This section determines the sound quality, animation sampling, and simulation based on your computer's CPU capabilities. The higher your computer's CPU, the higher the options are set.

  # adjust simulator based on cpu speed
  # adjust the sound quality based on cpu speed (this may be overridden below for low-end systems)
  # adjust animation sampling based on cpu speed
  if ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh and not $forceLowSettings)
     setOption SimulatorControls      $High
     setOption SoundQuality           $High
     setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Medium
  elseif ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelMedium and not $forceLowSettings)
     setOption SimulatorControls      $Medium
     setOption SoundQuality           $Medium
     setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Medium
     setOption SimulatorControls      $Low
     setOption SoundQuality           $Low
     setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Low


  # turn off fullscreen fade
  setOption FullscreenFadeEffect    $Off
  if ($textureMemory >= 128 and not $isIntegratedChipset)
     setOption FullscreenFadeEffect $On

  # screen res defaults
  if (($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and ($textureMemory >= 128) and not $forceLowResolution)
     setOption ScreenModeResolution $High
  elseif ($textureMemory >= 64 and not $forceLowResolution)
     if (($memory <= $memoryLevelLow) and ($cpuSpeed <= $cpuLevelLow))
        setOption ScreenModeResolution $MediumButDefaultLow
        setOption ScreenModeResolution $Medium
     setOption ScreenModeResolution $Low
  if ($defaultLowResolution)
	setOption ScreenModeResolution $MediumButDefaultLow

  # special event cameras for cinematics
  if (($maxPixelProgramVersionMajor >= 1) and ($supportsSpecialEventCamera))
     setOption SpecialEventCamera $On
     setOption SpecialEventCamera $Off

  # set dirty rect mode
  if ($supportsDirtyRect)
     setOption DirtyRect $Medium
     setOption DirtyRect $High

  # set turbo mode
  if ($supportsTurboRect)
     setOption Turbo $Medium
     setOption Turbo $Low
  if ($forceMediumMaterialDetail and ($memory >= $memoryLevelHigh) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh) and not $forceLowSettings)
     log $logGroup $logLevelWarning "Setting Material Detail"
     setOption MaterialDetail $Medium
  if ($usingHighDetail and not $forceLowSettings)
     if ($forceMediumShadows)
        setOption Shadows $Medium
     if ($forceMediumObjectDetail)
        setOption ObjectDetail $Medium
Software Rendering
# set the options for the software rasterizer
if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
  setOption LightingOptimizations $High

  setOption DirtyRect             $Medium
  setOption Turbo                 $Medium
  setOption OpaqueUI              $Off
  setOption LivePIP               $Off
  setOption SpecialEventCamera    $Off

  setOption Reflection            $Off
  setOption Ceiling               $Off
  setOption EffectsQuality        $Low
  setOption LightingQuality       $Low
  setOption Shadows               $Low
  setOption MaterialDetail        $Low
  setOption ObjectDetail          $Medium
  setOption ObjectHiding          $On

  # adjust simulator based on cpu speed
  if ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh)
     setOption SimulatorControls  $Medium # one lower than hw
     setOption SimulatorControls  $Low

  setOption SoundQuality           $Low
  setOption FullscreenFadeEffect   $Off
  setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Low
  setOption ScreenModeResolution   $Low
  setOption SubjectTracking        $Low
  setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot          $Off
  setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $Off
	setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease             0
	setOption SnowOnGround          $On



This entire section is a work in progress, and several descriptions of each variable is needed and can be updated. The information provided are general examples of each settings and does not reflect any ideal setting for your Sims 2 gaming experience. The descriptions are merely to point out what each variable does and if it can be tweaked or adjusted to improve you gaming experience.


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