Interaction Tuning Resource

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The fields defined in an interaction tuning resource

This table is a list of all possible fields found in an interaction tuning resource.

Field Name (name[XMLType]) Description Types (t)
_saveable[V] Unknown Purpose enabled, disabled
outcome[V] Instructions on what to do after an interaction succeeds or fails single, test_based
outcome.single[U].actions[U] Specifies actions to take for the outcome None
outcome.single.actions.continuation[L] Specifies an interaction to queue after this interaction completes None
outcome.single.actions.continuation.[U].affordance[T] The decimal identifier of an interaction to queue None
outcome.single.actions.continuation.[U].si_affordance_override[T] The decimal identifier of a super interaction to queue an interaction under None
outcome.single.actions.continuation.[U].target[E] Which sim the interaction is queued for (TargetSim, Actor) None
outcome.single.actions.force_outcome_on_exit[T] Species whether an outcome is forced or not upon the interaction completing (True, False) None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].potential_outcomes[L].[U].outcome[U] Specifies a potential outcome for this interaction None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests[L].[L] Specifies tests that must pass in order for this outcome to occur None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score_threshold[U] Specifies a value must be greater than, less than, or equal to some value None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score[T] The decimal identifier of something with a value a commodity, statistic, etc. None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score_threshold.threshold[U] Specifies the threshold needed to be met None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score_threshold.threshold.comparison[E] Specifies the check type (GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL) None
outcome.test_based.tested_outcomes.[U].tests.[L].test_based_score_threshold.test_based_score_threshold.threshold.value[T] Specifies the value to meet None
progress_bar_enabled[U] Enables/Disabled the progress bar on the interaction None
progress_bar_enabled.bar_enabled[T] Enables/Disabled the progress bar on the interaction (True, False) None


Header Example:

Resource Header(class(c), itemType(i), module(m), stringId(s))

<I c="ImmediateSuperInteraction" i="interaction" m="interactions.base.immediate_interaction" n="ExampleSuperInteractionOne" s="12345">
Property Name Description
class(c) The python class that will run the interaction
itemType(i) The resource type, in this case interaction meaning it is an Interaction Tuning Resource
module(m) The python namespace to the class
stringId(s) The tuning resource identifier, for usage within python. It should be the resource Key in decimal notation.

Field Examples:

NOTE: All elements below have both type(t) and name(n) (A few elements can omit the name).

_saveable(type(t), name(n))


  <V t="enabled" n="_saveable">
    <Unknown Code>


  <V t="disabled" n="_saveable" />

outcome(type(t), name(n))


  <V t="single" n="outcome">
    <U n="single">
      <U n="actions"> <!-- List of actions to perform on sims -->
        <L n="continuation">
            <T n="affordance">10451411205084654091</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the interaction to push in the queue of this sim -->
            <T n="si_affordance_override">9553480838726705593</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the Super Interaction to make this interaction a sub of -->
                                                                     <!-- If the interaction is between two Teen/YA/Adult/Elder sims use sim_chat) -->
                                                                     <!-- If the super interaction has the field "visible" set to "false" this interaction 
                                                                          will interaction will be invisible -->
            <E n="target">TargetSim</E>    <!-- The target of this outcome (Actor/TargetSim) -->
            <T n="affordance">10451411205084654091</T>
            <T n="si_affordance_override">9553480838726705593</T>
            <E n="target">Actor</E>
        <T n="force_outcome_on_exit">True</T> <!-- If True, one of the above outcomes WILL be picked when the interaction ends -->


  <V t="test_based" n="outcome">
    <U n="test_based">
      <L n="tested_outcomes">
          <L n="potential_outcomes">
              <U n="outcome">
                <E n="outcome_result">FAILURE</E>    <!-- The type of this outcome (FAILURE, SUCCESS) -->
                <L n="continuation">
                    <T n="affordance">17979319336372264984</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the interaction to push in the queue of this sim if this outcome occurs -->
		<V t="enabled" n="cancel_si">    <!-- Indicates if the Super Interaction should be cancelled upon picking this outcome, and which participants for -->
		  <L n="enabled">    <!-- In this case, the Super Interaction will be cancelled for both the initiator sim 
                                          and the sim they are performing the interaction on -->
                <V n="animation_ref" t="enabled">
                  <U n="enabled">
                    <T n="factory">164587</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the animation to play upon performing this interaction-->
                    <U n="overrides">    <!-- Any animation overrides -->
                      <V n="balloons" t="enabled">    <!-- In this case we are overriding the balloon that appears above the target sims head and setting it to pick an image
                                                           from the DISTRESS category of balloons -->
                        <L n="enabled">
                            <L n="balloon_choices">
                                <V n="item" t="balloon_icon">
                                  <U n="balloon_icon">
                                    <E n="balloon_type">DISTRESS</E>
                                    <V n="icon" t="participant">
                                      <U n="participant">
                                        <L n="participant_type">
                            <L n="balloon_target">
                      <V n="reactionlet" t="enabled">
                        <U n="enabled">
                          <V n="selector" t="single_ref">
                            <U n="single_ref">
                              <T n="factory">161076</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of a reaction animation to play upon picking this outcome -->
                              <U n="overrides">
                                <V n="balloons" t="enabled">
                                  <L n="enabled">
                                      <L n="balloon_choices">
                                          <V n="item" t="balloon_category">
                                            <T n="balloon_category">159031</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of a reaction balloon category to show upon the sim reacting -->
                                      <L n="balloon_target">
          <L n="tests">    <!-- These determine whether or not to choose this outcome -->
              <V t="test_based_score_threshold">    <!-- This can be used to check commodities, statistics, relationship levels, anything numbers related. -->
                <U n="test_based_score_threshold">
                  <T n="test_based_score">13299080933458659880</T>    <!-- The Decimal Identifier of the resource being checked (i.e. statistic tuning, commodity tuning, etc.) -->
                  <U n="threshold">
                    <E n="comparison">LESS_OR_EQUAL</E>
                    <T n="value">14</T>
              <V t="sim_info">    <!-- This checks the sim info of the sim looking for an interaction outcome -->
                <U n="sim_info">
                  <V n="ages" t="specified">    <!-- This checks age, all valid ages are listed here, default value is (TEEN, YOUNGADULT, ADULT, ELDER) -->
                    <L n="specified">
                  <V n="species" t="specified">    <!-- This checks species, all valid species are here -->
                    <U n="specified">
                      <L n="species">
                  <E n="who">TargetSim</E>    <!-- Which sim is this being check for? (Actor, TargetSim) -->

TS4PR Tuning Resources by Name

Interaction | Buff | Trait |

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