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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/TXMT
TXMT (Textured Material - cMaterialDefinition) (Also MATD)
49596978 cMaterialDefinition (TXMT filetype)
7BITSTR block name ; cMaterialDefinition DWORD block ID ; 0x49596978 DWORD block version ; 8,9,10 or 11 REF reference: load a cSGResource block here 7BITSTR Material discription 7BITSTR Material type ; see list below for types ; Material properties DWORD property count LOOP ; repeat "property count" times 7BITSTR property name 7BITSTR property value ENDLOOP ; Texture names IF (block version > 8) DWORD count LOOP ; repeat previous count times 7BITSTR name ENDLOOP ENDIF
Properties inherited from the Material Shaders
Material types
- Null
- StandardMaterial
- SimSkin
- BaseTexture
- SimpleMirrorReflection
Valid Properties and their ranges\values
- baseTexture0 (texture name)
- baseTexture1 (texture name)
- cafHairTone (00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
- cafNumOverlays (0 - 99999?)
- cafOverlay0 (32782ccb-6e46-4168-948c-262b0bc88d7f,)
- cafOverlay1 (32782ccb-6e46-4168-948c-262b0bc88d7f,)
- cafSkinTone (8d536372-49c1-9321-4784-28889d6fd82b)
- compositeBaseTextureName (name)
- deprecatedStdMatInvDiffuseCoefMultiplier (1.0 - 2.0?)
- eyeGizmoEnable (true, false)
- numTexturesToComposite (0-99999)
- paramAge (1-6) 1=infant, 5=elder?
- paramGender (0-1) 0=male 1=female?
- reflectivity (0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatAlphaBlendMode (blend)
- stdMatAlphaMultiplier (0.0 - 100.0?)
- stdMatAlphaRefValue (0 - 255?)
- stdMatAlphaTestEnabled (0,1)
- stdMatBaseTextureAddressingU (tile)
- stdMatBaseTextureAddressingV (tile)
- stdMatBaseTextureAlphaReplicate (0,1)
- stdMatBaseTextureEnabled (true, false)
- stdMatBaseTextureName (name)
- stdMatCullMode (cullClockwise)
- stdMatDiffCoef (0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatEmissiveCoef (0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatEnvCubeBlurFactor (0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatEnvCubeCoef (0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera (0,1)
- stdMatEnvCubeMode (none,reflection)
- Reflective materials should have the "SimpleMirrorReflection" type name and can only be placed on static models apparently.
- stdMatFillMode (solid, wireframe)
- stdMatLayer (0)
- stdMatLightingEnabled (0,1)
- stdMatMinLightRangeHint (0 - 100?)
- stdMatSpecCoef (0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0),(0.0 - 1.0)
- stdMatSpecPower (0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordAnimMode (none, tile)
- stdMatTextureCoordAnimNumTiles (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimOrigin (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotSpeed (0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotStartEnd (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotWaveForm (triangular)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleSpeed (0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleStartEnd (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleWaveForm (triangular)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransEnd (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransSpeed (0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransStart (0.0 - 99999.0?),(0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransWaveForm (triangular)
- stdMatTextureCoordTileAnimSpeed (0.0 - 99999.0?)
- stdMatUntexturedDiffAlpha (0.0 - 99999.0?)