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< TS3PR | Sims3GameplayObjects
Revision as of 03:32, 29 January 2021 by Gamefreak130 (Talk | contribs)
This Page is currently simply a stub, if you have information to contribute on any of these classes, please create the page and add info about it to this page.
Please ensure you give separate headings for classes, enums, interfaces and other object types
Contents |
- ActorTrailer -
- AdoptPetNewspaper -
- AltarStageProp -
- AncientPortal -
- AppleBobbingContestTank -
- BackDropPropBase -
- BackDropSculpturePropBase -
- BakeSaleTable -
- BakeSaleTablePublic -
- BearInTutu -
- BishopChessStageProp -
- BringInNewspaper -
- BubbleBar -
- BubbleBath -
- BuffetTable -
- CactusStageProp -
- CandelabraStageProp -
- Candle -
- CandyCupcakeBackdrop -
- CandyFoodscapeBackdrop -
- CatShredNewspaper -
- ChairLion -
- ChairLivingPropBase -
- ChairPropBase -
- CheckCurrentEvents -
- CheckLitterNewspaper -
- CheckTheChocolateReport -
- CheckWeatherNewspaper -
- CheckWeeklyEvents -
- CityBuildingsBackDropA -
- CityBuildingsBackDropB -
- ClamShellStageProp -
- ClipCoupon -
- ClockBackDrop -
- ClothingPileDry -
- ClothingPileDryNonPurgeable -
- ClothingPileWet -
- CloudScreenBackdrop -
- ClownCannon -
- CoffeeTablePropBase -
- CollectionDisplayMultiItem -
- CollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- ColumnCollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- ColumnLEDStageProp -
- CoralStageProp -
- CouchPropBase -
- CrystalBall -
- CupcakeTowerStageProp -
- DEBUG_MakeFlattenUnflatten -
- DebugClipCoupon -
- DEBUGMakeOld -
- DebugPlaceOnSurfaceWithChair -
- Deodorant -
- DogDestroyNewspaper -
- DollStageProp -
- EatingContestStand -
- EclairCoffeeTable -
- EffectsMachine -
- EffectsMachineBase -
- EndTablePropBase -
- Ep6EffectsMachine -
- FairyBungalow -
- FairyCastle -
- FairyDust -
- FairyGold -
- FairyHouse -
- FestivalTicket -
- FindActiveCareerNewspaper -
- FindJobNewspaper -
- FirecrackerRocket -
- FirecrackerRomanCandle -
- FireCrackersBase -
- FirecrackerSmokeBomb -
- FirecrackerSnake -
- FirecrackerSpinner -
- FireplaceToolRack -
- FireRubblePile -
- FirewalkPit -
- FireworksBase -
- FireworksBigBooms -
- FireworksBundle -
- FireworksCandy -
- FireworksSeasons -
- FlamingBarrel -
- FlyingShipStageProp -
- FoggyForestBackDrop -
- FreezerBunnyChair -
- GadgetStageProp -
- GargoyleOnPedastal -
- GetNewspaper -
- GetNewspaperChooser -
- GiftPile -
- Glass05x05CollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- Glass1x1CollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- Glass2x1CollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- Glass2x2CollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- GlobeStageProp -
- GoldBackDrop -
- GravestoneStageProp -
- GraveyardBackDrop -
- GreetingCard -
- GreetingCardPhotoBooth -
- GreetingCardPhotoBoothFall -
- GreetingCardPhotoBoothSpring -
- GreetingCardPhotoBoothSummer -
- GreetingCardPhotoBoothWinter -
- GumDropTable -
- GummyBearChair -
- Hamper -
- HauntedHouse -
- HayBaleCoffeeTable -
- HeldNewspaperInteraction -
- HolographicTree -
- HorseEatNewspaper -
- HotdogEatingContestStand -
- IceCreamConeStageProp -
- IceCreamParlorBackDrop -
- ImaginaryDoll -
- ImprovedProtestHelperObject -
- InActorTrailerPosture -
- InteriorCircusTentBackDrop -
- IntersectionStreetSign -
- KingChessStageProp -
- KissingBooth -
- KissingBoothFemale -
- KissingBoothMale -
- KnightChessStageProp -
- LargeCollectionDisplayMultiItem -
- LedDiamondStageProp -
- LEDLoveseat -
- LieOnNewspaper -
- LightColumn -
- LightCube -
- LitGiantCandle -
- LookForClasses -
- LoveseatPropBase -
- LoveTesterMachine -
- LowLargeCollectionDisplaySingleItem -
- MagicianNightBackDrop -
- MarqueeSign1 -
- MarqueeSign2 -
- Megaphone -
- MeteorMagnet -
- MilkshakeGlassStageProp -
- MysticalSymbolsBackDropA -
- MysticalSymbolsBackDropB -
- NeonCircuitBackDropA -
- NeonCircuitBackDropB -
- NeonOrb -
- Newspaper -
- ObeliskStageProp -
- PanCakeStackChair -
- PawnChessStageProp -
- PetDestroyNewspaper -
- PetStone -
- PetVoucherCloneMe -
- PhotoBoothPictureFrame -
- PickUpAndPutInInventory -
- PictureFrame -
- PieEatingContestStand -
- PlanetStageProp -
- PowerCell -
- PretzelBench -
- PromPictureFrame -
- ProtestBanner -
- PutNewspaperDown -
- QueenChessStageProp -
- Recognizer -
- RecycleNewspaper -
- RegisterAsSelfEmployedNewspaper -
- ReservedTile -
- RibbonCandyCouch -
- RocketStageProp -
- RookChessStageProp -
- RubberDucky -
- SawBox -
- ScaryCave -
- SciFiBackDrop -
- SculpturePropBase -
- SeahorseStageProp -
- SeaUnderwaterBackDrop -
- ServoBotOilPuddle -
- ShooCatOffNewspaper -
- SimNeonRobot -
- Sims4DreamPodProgram -
- Sims4VideoWallProgram -
- SingerGraffitiBackDrop -
- SittableDrum1x1 -
- SittableNewspaperBundle -
- SixRingTower -
- SmallCollectionDisplayMultiItem -
- SnackBowl -
- SnackBowlInitParameters -
- SocialBunnyStatue -
- SofaPropBase -
- SparklerBase -
- SparklerRainbow -
- SparklerWhite -
- SprayCanStageProp -
- StageBackdropWithEffectBase -
- StagePropUtils -
- StagePropWithEffectBase -
- StainedGlassSculpture -
- StandingElephant -
- StatueofLibersim -
- StuffedAnimal -
- SubwayBenchWithPoles -
- SubwayGrate -
- SuperSpiceBottle -
- TanningBooth -
- TheatreSandwichBoard -
- TimePortal -
- TntBoxesStageProp -
- TopHatStool -
- TrashCompactor -
- TreasureChestEP10 -
- TreasureChestEP10Data -
- TreasureChestEP10Land -
- TreasureChestEP10Water -
- TrunkWithExoticStickers -
- UnderwaterCave -
- UnderwaterCaveSurfaceDestinationMarker -
- UniversityWelcomeKit -
- VelvetRopes -
- VelvetRopes1x1 -
- VelvetRopes2x1 -
- VisualEffectSpawner -
- VisualEffectSpawnerFog -
- VomitPile -
- Voucher -
- VoucherCloneMe -
- WesternBackDrop -