Content List:Historical and Ethnic/Medieval and Renaissance
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Featured Set: Midsimmernights Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS2, a truly awesome set spanning all areas of the game, a perfect start for your medieval neighborhood.
This is content, generally European in nature, from the periods circa 1200-1600 AD. For more content that may be of use to you in building a medieval theme, see some of the objects listed at Historical: Victorian and Regency and Fantasy.
Body Shop Content
More tiaras and crowns can be found at Body Shop Content: Tiaras and Crowns.
- Bow and Arrow: RoseSims
- Cap (Adult Male): Bipsouille
- Cape: GeneralZoi at MTS, and recolors by GeneralZoi at MTS2, recolors at All About Style
- Circlet (Forehead Jewel) Simple: sanatory at MTS
- Crowns/Tiaras (Small): All About Style
- Crown/Tiara (Small, Gold): All About Style
- Crown/Tiara (Gold, Male/Female): Sims2 Fashion
- Hooded Cloak: GeneralZoi at MTS
- Hood for Cloak: Bipsouille at MTS
- Knight's Lance: RoseSims
- Necklaces and Earrings: Fanciful Sims
- Nun Wimple & Veil: Cynnix at MTS
- Silver Crown: Saracentner at MTS
- Swords (MANY!!!): RoseSims
- Sword: q3tbo at MTS
- Tiaras & Hair Jewelry: Pronupsims
- Tricorn Hat: GeneralZoi at MTS
Sites and Users
These are sites or users that offer lots and lots of clothing in this theme - too much to list individual items.
- Alexasrosa at MTS
- Alexasrosa's Yahoo Group
- All About Style Themes - includes outerwear
- The Dark Project by The Guild Masters - BIG set including clothing for all ages, both genders - Recommended!
- EnblithTheFair at MTS
- Fanciful Sims (Medieval) - including nice peasant clothing
- Fanciful Sims (Renaissance)
- Fashion 2 Sims
- GARA Boutique
- IamLiz13 at MTS
- Ancient Sims - Viking and peasants, also stoneage and bronzeage clothing.
- Medieval Village at Elegantsim Enough to dress a whole village
- Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS - BIG set including clothing for all wealth levels and ages, both genders - Recommended!
- NeptuneSuzy at TS2 Creations
- Parsimonious (Medieval 1)
- Parsimonious (Medieval 2)
- Parsimonious (Renaissance)
- Pico's Multiwear Sims 2 Fashion - Many, including male nightdresses
- Sapphire Sims 2 (Back in Time - Medieval Theme)
- Sussi's So Good Sims
- Tabala at MTS2
- Tarox (under Skins - several pages)
- Mirkwood Sims (Under Fashion - Medieval, Fantasy, Gothic)
- Zoej at MTS2
- Ballgown (Adult Female): Sims2 Fashion
- Bell Sleeve Gown (Teen Female): besen at MTS
- Black and Silver Queen's Gown (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Cream Dress with White Apron (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Cream Satin and Burgundy Gown (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Green and Gold Queen's Gown (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Gold and White Medieval Gown (Adult Female): Eowyn1 at MTS
- Green Maid Marian Gown (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Jeweltone Dresses (Toddler Female): bunds at MTS
- Laced Sleeve Gown (Teen/Adult/Elder Female): Cynnix at MTS
- Long Bell Gown (Child Female): tiggerypum at MTS
- Margarete's Dress from Shadow of Destiny (Adult Female): Voltin_jr at MTS
- Medieval Gown (Adult Female): Kaitshi at MTS
- Medieval Gowns (Adult Female): Mellisenda's Sims 2
- Medieval Maternity Wear Replacement (Adult Female): tommytiger at MTS
- Medieval Shift and Dresses (Adult Female): SimDreams
- Orange Maid Gown (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Pale Blue and Cream Medieval Dress (Adult Female): matildarose at MTS
- Peasant Dress with Apron (Adult Female): Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Puff Sleeve Jeweltone Formal Dresses (Child Female): juttaponath at TSR ($$$)
- Puff Sleeve Jeweltone Formal Dresses in Velvet (Child Female): juttaponath at TSR ($$$)
- Queen of Old (Adult Female): child_of_air at MTS
- Renaissance Wedding Dress (Adult Female): Brother_Raven at MTS
- Simple Earthone Medieval Peasant Dresses (Adult Female): HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- White and Burgundy Medieval Gown (Adult Female): miien at MTS
- King of Old (Adult Male): child_of_air at MTS
- Medieval Man Outfit - Tunic and Trousers (Adult Male): MrPlumbBob at MTS
- Medieval Peasant Outfit (Adult Male): Kaitshi at MTS
- Medieval Peasant Outfit - Brown Tunic and Trousers (Adult Male): MrPlumbBob at MTS
- Medieval Tunica (Adult Male): Besen at MTS
- Renaissance Tunics (Adult Male): lalena2248 at MTS
- Antoinette and Louis (Adult Male/Female): alexasrosa at MTS
- Medieval Sets - 7 sets of color coordinating outfits (Male/Female All Ages!): earendil at MTS
- Robin Hood Movie Clothing (Adult Male/Female, Teen Male): Pico's Multiwear Sims 2 Fashion
- Romeo and Juliet (Adult Male/Female): Alexasrosa at MTS
- Sleep Gowns (Toddler): tiggerypum at MTS
- Swaddled Baby Clothes (baby): FairySims at MTS
- Braids with Ribbons (Female): tabala at MTS
- Horned and Veiled Hats (Female): Magick Modders at MTS
- Long Hair with Chainmail Helmet (Male): All About Style
- Medieval Caps (Male): tabala at MTS
- Medieval Hairs with Decorations (Female): NeptuneSuzy at TS2 Creations
- Plumed Hats (Male): Magick Modders at MTS
- Princess Blonde Long Wavy (Female): Seomi at MTS
- Renaissance Hair Bun (Female): Fanciful Sims
- Tudor Hat/Hair (Female) look in Themes - Chappellerie - 7: Bipsouille
- Circlets (Forehead Jewelry): All About Style
- Face Armor: All About Style
Neighborhood Terrain and Neighborhood Objects
- Cobblestone Roads for Lush Neighborhoods: CurlyRed at MTS
- Dirt Road & Grass: sunni9676 at MTS
- Horse Drawn Neighbourhood Vehicles: Hexameter at MTS
- Medieval Town Wall: Lethe_s at MTS
- Grey Replacement Recolours: sunni9676 at MTS
- Wheel rutted roads: Phaenoh at MTS
CAS Screens
- Medieval CAS (no Uni): Phaenoh at MTS
- Medieval CAS and YACAS: EnbliththeFair at MTS
- Bathroom Sets: Tarox, Sims Design Avenue
- Dark Round Tub: Simsistic at MTS
- Toilet and Wash Basin: Lethe_s at MTS
- Trashed Bathtub: Marylou at MTS
- Water Barrel Shower: jbeach34 at MTS
- Waterbucket Toilet and Sink: Sup@tramp at MTS
- Wooden Bath: NNNNatali at MTS
- Animal Skin Bedding: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Atlanta Bedroom: Kate at Parasimonious
- Bedroom Sets: Tarox
- Canopy Bed (single and double): CTNutmegger at MTS
- Dungeon Single Bed on Chains: Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Haystack Bed: -Maylin- at MTS
- Recolours of Maxis (Uni) Canopy Bed: Sim Estates
- Royal Bedroom Armoire: SixStringSlim at MTS
- Serf Furnishings (Beds, doors, rugs): Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
Dining Room
- Dining Room Sets:
- Camelot Dining Set: -Maylin- at MTS
- Sims Design Avenue
- Lethe_s at MTS
- Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Tarox
- Magnificently Medieval Dining Chair HugeLunatic at MTS
- Antique Cooking Fireplace: -Maylin- at MTS
- Cooking Cauldron only: Serena Moonstone at MTS
- Barrel, Bucket & Sack Set (functional) Sophie-David at MTS
- Brick Oven: Lethe_s at MTS
- Castle Wall Counters: Meshkiste with purple recolours at Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- In-Ground Cellar: Jasana BugBreeder at MTS
- Coal Stove: Numenor at MTS
- Distressed Wood Counters: Aussie Topenders
- Dishwasher, Invisible (use with bucket): Sophie-David at MTS
- With NPC Worker: Sophie-David at MTS
- Fire Alarm, Disguised: GARA's Boutique
- Fire Alarm, Invisible: pfish at MTS
- Hearth Stove: Lethe_s at MTS, edta at MTS
- Fixed Stone Hearth with Recolours sunni9676 at MTS
- Kitchen Sets:
- Lethe_s at MTS2
- Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$) with dark wood recolour by Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$), black wood recolour by Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Tarox
- Medieval Food Recolors Part 1 sunni9676 at MTS
- Part 2 sunni9676 at MTS
- Mini Fridge (SupaFridge) Targa/Lord Darcy at MTS
- Invisible Recolour (use with bucket) Sophie-David at MTS
- Mortar and Pestle (Food Processor): Lethe_s at MTS
- Nightlife Chef Stove, Black: Ailias at MTS
- Nightlife Chef Stove, Invisible (use with fireplace): sunni9676 at MTS
- Shiny Tyme Stove, Invisible (use with fireplace): sunnit9676 at MTS
- Stone Counters: Targa at MTS
- Water Barrel Sink: Lethe_s at MTS
- Welsh Dresser: Gromit at MTS
- Wood Sink: GARA's Boutique
- Wooden Counters: edta at MTS
Living Room
- Living Room Sets: Tarox
- All-Wood Toddler Set: sclabean at MTS
- Castle Dollhouse: Meshkiste
- Country Fresh Nursery Set: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Baby Bottle Replacements: sunni9676 at MTS
- Medieval Nursery: Sims Design Avenue (under Bric Brac - Castle), Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Assorted Rooms: Sims Design Avenue (Bric Brac - Medieval)
- Banners/Pennants as Floor Decoration: Meshkiste
- Banners/Pennants: Marina's Sims
- Banner and Tapestry Pack (including two and three story banners): Lethe_s at MTS
- Bayeaux Tapestry: myboo at MTS
- Blacksmith Set: Buntah at Linda's Computer Stop
- Broom: Lethe_s
- Candle Chandelier: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Cart:
- Blackys Sims 2 Zoo with recolours at Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Tarox
- Cart and Stacked Crates: Meshkiste
- Drawstring Pouch Deco: Billysims139 at MTS
- Dueling Swords & Throwing Axes: Paladin at Sims Wardrobe
- Fairgrounds Set: Brasstex at MTS
- Forge & Servo Knight: Phaenoh at MTS
- Furs as Floor Rugs: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Horse and Cart (Car): hexameter at MTS
- Horses (decor): Dragon Slave at MTS
- Riding Gear & Pose Box: Andrea at Feenwald
- Ivy Hanging: Zelia Theb at MTS
- Ivy on Wall: Zelia Theb at MTS
- Lamp - Oil Burning: Dincer Hepguler
- Keg for Wine Cellar: phervers at MTS
- Knight Statue: Gromit at MTS
- Map Wall Hanging: Dincer Hepguler
- Maypole Radio: Retail Sims
- Medieval Wood Recolour: BillySIMS139 at MTS
- Medieval Faigrounds Set (includes tents, outdoor shopping carts and more): brasstex at MTS
- Medieval Planters: sgoobysnacks29 at InSIM
- Medieval Planters, fountain: Marina Sims
- Medieval Set (walls, cannon, gallows, flags, column, sword, well, and more!): UK1967 at MTS2 (Part 1) and UK1967 at MTS (Part 2)
- Recolors:
- Barrel and Dynamite Box: UK1967 at MTS
- "Old Wood" recolor: UK1967 at MTS
- Rusty Cannon & Well with Brushed Zinc Bucket: UK1967 at MTS
- Recolors:
- Medieval Stocks (Decorative): DBCAB at MTS
- Medieval/Peasant Style Produce Set: mistletoesquest at MTS
- Maxis Match Medieval Set: SimsConnection
- Maxis Match Medieval: Ailias at MTS
- Open for Business Castle Shelves and Counters: Meshkiste with purple recolours at Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Party Barrel (based on University beverage keg): jbeach34 at MTS
- Portraits Paintings, Circa 1700 (several series) Galilea at TSR $$$
- Recolours of OfB Knights: Meshkiste
- Savonarola Chair: Avenida Sims
- Serf Furnishings (Beds, doors, skin rugs): Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Sim History Set (suits of armor, swords, helmet, shields): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Skin Rugs: The Guild Masters at MTS
- Skin Rugs: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Spinning Wheel: feeEssen at MTS, DragonArts at MTS
- Use with Invisible Sewing Machine: Sophie-David at MTS
- Tapestries - Horizontal: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Tapestries - Square: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Tent as Changing Booth: Blackys Sims 2 Zoo with recolours at Blackys Sims 2 Zoo
- Thrones:
- Torch for Wall: wintermuteai1 at MTS
- Torches: The Mod Squad at MTS
- Wall Shields: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Warrior Swords: John Brehaut at MTS
- Waste Bucket: Lethe_s at MTS
- Waste Bucket, Animated: Sophie-David at MTS
- Water Pump: fleabay at MTS
- Wood Recolors (phone, trash, mailbox, more): BillySims139 at MTS
Build Mode
- Arch Pillars: two-story, vaulting (like in gothic cathedral): mio0331 at MTS
- Arches and Corbels: nanisim at MTS
- BIG build set including many windows and doors and buttresses: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Castle Columns, Fences: Marina's Sims
- Castle Roofs, Spires, and More: Brasstex at MTS
- Castle Windows: Dincer Hepguler
- Church Windows: MoonEZ at MTS
- Clear Glass Castle Windows: Sims2Me (ep objects, page 4)
- Cloister Column: Brasstex at MTS
- Dark Medieval Build Set: Lethe_s at MTS
- Dark Medieval Roof Set: Lethe_s at MTS
- Gate and fence in Medieval Stone: nanisim at MTS
- Residential Trash Can, Invisible: Targa at MTS
- Residential & Community Trash Barrel: Sophie-David at MTS
- Ladder Staircase: Targa at MTS
- Ladder with Custom Animations: marvine at MTS
- Pets Animation for Marvine's Animated Ladder Kodiak at MTS
- Open Me Window: Windkeeper at MTS
- Peasant Pack: Lethe_s at MTS
- Rope Ladder: Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Round Tower Wall and Window Set: The Complete Castle by Castle Kits, Inc. at The Sims 2 Store ($$$)
- The Complete Castle Wall Set: paigeturnersims at MTS
- The Complete Castle Wall Set Continued: paigeturnersims at MTS
- Rustic Fence: Sup@tramp at MTS
- Stone Border Door and Arch crocobaura at MTS
- Straw Cottage Roof Object and Building Wall Meshes Ermelind at Sims2Collage
- Two Story Castle Wall with Gate: mia86 at MTS
- Waterwheel: MsBarrows
Walls and Floors
- Castle Wall Wallpaper: mia86 at MTS
- Dark Walls and Floors: [ The Guild Masters at MTS
- Gwrych Walls and Floors (116 textures): StephSim at MTS
- Medieval Wall and Floor Sets: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Medieval Handcrafted Fabric Walls: Galilea at TSR $$$
- Greek Brick-Stucco Walls: greeksim at TSR
- Renaissance Wooden Walls and Floors: royal david at MTS
- Bannock Village series : Galilea at TSR ($$$)
- Benirus Manor: burntogold at MTS
- Beautiford Place, Bexweth Manor, Callen Hall, Carnation Corner, Lost and Found Toys (Home Business), Walnut Chase: Sims2Hut
- Blackstone Castle: simgrl1934 at MTS
- Cathedral Notre Dame: Mairim at MTS
- Cottage on a Hill: VitaSims2
- Geheimnis Dorf: Salixtree at Parsimonious
- Gralilarian Valley Lodge: purplebookworm2 at MTS
- Gralilarian Valley Trading Post: purplebookworm2 at MTS
- Gwrych Neighbourhood (45 lots!) StephSim at MTS
- Supplementary Lots: StephSim at MTS
- Medieval Castle: sarah*rose at MTS
- Medieval Village, Barn, Millmart, Peasant's Hovel: The Guild Masters at MTS
- Moonshire Inn: SimsConnection ($$$)
- Romantic Castle: Vita Sims 2
- Scottish Castle: VitaSims2
- Serf's Hut: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Small Chapel: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Town of Wolfcumbe: The Guild Masters at MTS
- Witchy Academy: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS
- Wolfstain Castle: Vita Sims 2
Careers and other hacks
- 3 Medieval Careers (Knight, Royalty, Worker): Bubby bob at MTS
- 4 Medieval Careers (King, Princess, Hero, Generic Medieval): CaptainRC at MTS
- Arranged Marriage (Polygamy or marriage of convenience): Marhis & Inge at More Awesome Than You!
- Carpool Replacements: FennShysa at MTS
- Knight, Wizard and Wizard's Familiar Careers: FennShysa at MTS
- Marriage Last Name Chooser: Marhis at MTS
- Medieval Default Replacements (many large sets): Almighty Hat at Hat Plays Sims
- Several Sets: sunni9676 at MTS
- Trash Barrels: Sophie-David at MTS
- Medieval Falconer Career: lauratje86 at MTS
- Medieval NPC Replacements (many): sunni9676 at MTS
- Medieval townie name replacements: Carmeekitty at MTS
- NPC Replacement Vehicles: Hexameter at MTS
- Sims Medieval Game Intro Mod: sunni9676 at MTS