Content List:Fantasy
From SimsWiki
Fantasy, elves, fairies, magic, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc.
The items in this section are specifically non-historical fantasy items. If you are looking for other items to flesh out a fantasy theme, try the Historical and Ethnic: Medieval and Renaissance, Historical and Ethnic: Victorian and Regency and Sci-Fi lists.
Harry Potter
- For everything related to the world of Harry Potter, see: Fantasy: Harry Potter.
Lord of the Rings
- For content relating to hobbits, Lord of the Rings, and Middle Earth, see: Fantasy: Lord of the Rings.
Other and Miscellaneous
Body Shop Content
If you are looking for Body Shop content to make animal/beastly/furry sims, please see: Animals: Body Shop Content.
- Elvish clothing: By various artists at Parsimonious
- Elven gowns: Mirkwood Sims
- Fairytale clothing: By Various artists at Parsimonious
- Nature themes clothing: By Various artists at Parsimonious
- Winter themed clothing: By various artists at Parsimonious
- Animated Sparklies: HystericalParoxysm at MTS2
- Antennae (twitching & 'waterproof'): boblishman at MTS2
- Buffy's Scythe: q3tbo at MTS2
- Bone Accessories Pack: darkfae3 of MTS2
- Crowns/Tiaras:
- Crown Mesh for every hairstyle (males): saracentner at MTS2
- Laurel crown | Couronne de laurier: beosboxboy at InSIM, with recolors by: kathy at InSIM
- Rose Crown: beosboxboy at InSIM
- Tiara Ice: Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Tiara Fire: Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Tiara Nature: Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Tiaras: Sims2 Fashion
- Tiaras and Rose Crowns, Wands: Pronupsims - Accessories --> Tiaras, Flowers, and Scepters and wands
- Celtic Jewellery: MysticVelvet at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Ears:
- Chobit Ears: rosesims2 - page 3
- Elf/Faerie Ears:
- Elf Ear Recolors (matches Enayla's skintones):
- generalzoi at MTS2
- Long: faeriegurl at MTS2
- Sim Cribbling Elf Ears (rar) - only match the sim cribbling skins, found at Shiny Sims (Body --> Louis #7 Skintone Lin's Edition)
- Fantasy Colored: Dove the Unoriginal MTS2
- Forked Tail based on Atreya's Cat Tail: generalzoi at MTS2
- Earrings:
- Dragon: Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Witch Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Pentagram Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Dwarf's Warhammer: q3tbo at MTS2
- Halo: LordDragonstone at SS2
- Horns:
- dvoid at MTS2
- rosesims2
- Various Satyr Horns: marvine at InSIM
- Generalzoi at MTS2
- Masquerade or Magic: pickpock at MTS2
- Necklaces:
- Dragon: Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Witch Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Pentagram Svealyn at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Pixie As An Accessory: q3tbo at MTS2
- Vampire Fangs for All: generalzoi at MTS2, Bloody recolor by: SynapticSim at MTS2
- Voodoo Doll: Bipsouille's Sims 2
- Wands/Staffs:
- Baby Dragon/ Dragon Rider Magic Wand/Staff: q3tbo at MTS2
- Magic Staffs/Wands: q3tbo at MTS2
- Necromancy Wand/Scepter: q3tbo at MTS2
- Oblivion's Magician Staff: Bipsouille at MTS2
- RoseSims
- Staff: RoseSims
- Weapons (Many swords & fantasy weapons): RoseSims
- Wings:
- Angel Wings:
- Archangel Type: Nano_Nona at MTS2 with a recolor by: lilsweetiecori at MTS2
- LordDragonstone at SS2
- Small: LordDragonstone at SS2
- Ankle Wings: generalzoi at InSIM
- Ankle Wings + Loincloth: generalzoi at MTS2
- Bat Wings: SaraCentner at SS2
- Blue Sims - under Fantasy
- Butterfly:
- q3tbo at MTS2 (1)
- q3tbo at MTS2 (2)
- With Long Elf Ears: LordDragonstone at SS2
- Demon or Bat Wings: saracentner at MTS2
- Demon Wings: q3tbo at MTS2
- Fairy Wings: dollface at SS2, Emma_Barrett at MTS2
- Fantasy Wings: XM Sims2
- Firey Wings: LordDragonstone at SS2
- Glasses Fairy Wings: SaraCentner at SS2
- Hosted Meshes at SS2
- Insect Wings: Generalzoi at MTS2
- Large Alpha wings Accessory Mesh: LordDragonstone at SS2
- Little Wing Collection: LordDragonstone at SS2
- RoseSims
- Spider Wings: q3tbo at MTS2
- "StayOn" Demon Wings (Male): q3tbo at MTS2
- Teen Alpha Wings: LordDragonstone at SS2
- "Tinkerbell" Wings and 'Dust' (animated and 'waterproof'): boblishman at MTS2
- Variety of Colors: Glam Sims
- WingFolk Wings: DBCAB at MTS2
- Wings/Horns/Demon Tail: q3tbo at MTS2
- RivkahSims
- Without a Halo: Rose at SS2
- Wizard of Oz Monkey Wings: SaraCentner at SS2
- Angel Wings:
- Spectacular Fantasy Clothing Artists:
- All about Style : Under Victorian or Themes-Medieval
- Sherahbim at MTS2 : Nymph clothes, fantasy dresses, Pirates and more
- Various People at Parsimonious : faerie, medieval, and much more under Themes in the clothing section
- Centaur with Bow: RoseSims
- Centaur with Rainbow Wings: RoseSims
- Centaur women kwillag at MTS2
- Dark Sorceress: RoseSims
- Elf Wear (Teen - Elder): KnightSkyKyte at InSIM
- Fantasy Clothing: Tarox (under Skins)
- Female Fantasy-Medieval Clothing : Sherahbim at MTS2
[One of Sherahbim's Outfits
- Leaf Dress:
- Mermaids (and Mermen, Merchild, etc):
- Mythic Carnival Costumes (4 themes): Bubbleeye at MTS2
- Nymph Outfits : Sherahbim at MTS2
- Pegasus Body Mesh: ROSE-SIMSTV at MTS2
- Recolour of Maxis Fairy Mesh (Child Female): StaceyV10389 at MTS2
- Robin Hood Movie Clothing: Pico's Multiwear Sims 2 Fashion
- Satyrs:
- Female (Teen, YA, Adult and Elder): SapphireSims2
- Male (Satyr Project): Insim
- The Warriors: Rivald and Rihanna (Adult male and female): alexasrosa at MTS2
- Wheel of Time Whitecloak and Questioner Outfits (Adult male): alexasrosa at MTS2
- Fairy and mermaid costumes using bieneĀ“s meshes (Adult female): [1]
- 18 White Hairstyles for Male Drow + Eyebrows: HystericalParoxysm at MTS2
- Long black hair with blue design and ribbon: Fanciful Sims
- Elvish Forehead Jewelry:
- Fern Fantasy Makeup Set: Fanciful Sims

Featured Creator: Enayla at MTS2, talented and well-known fantasy artist, Enayla has put her incredible talents toward creating the most gorgeous skintones in the community, including a wide line of fantasy, horror, and downright jaw-dropping demonic skins. If you want to see the best there is, get Enayla's skintones.
- Drow/Dark Elf:
- Blue Midnight: Enayla at MTS2
- Genensims (1)
- Genensims (2)
- Fantasy Skins: rosesims2 (free & $$$)
- Mermaids, and more: XM Sims2
- Pixie Demonic: Enayla at MTS2
- Pixie Forests: Enayla at MTS2
- Pixie Realms: Enayla at MTS2
Build Mode Content
- Elven Arched Fence: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Elven Modular Stairs: Lethe_s at MTS2
Walls and Floors
- Easter Bunny Mural - Any Order - These mural panels can be used in any order, mix it up any way you like and it still looks great and tiles perfectly. SIMcredible!
- Garden Murals - Any Order - These mural panels can be used in any order, mix it up any way you like and it still looks and tiles perfectly. SIMcredible!
- Mermaids - Walls and Floors SIMcredible!
- Mermaids - Walls RiosMom @ MTS2
- Mermaids - Walls underwater mosaic RiosMom @ MTS2
- Runed Stone Wall and Floor Set: The Sims 2 Download
- Summer Garden Mural - Any Order - These mural panels can be used in any order, mix it up any way you like and it still looks great and tiles perfectly. SIMcredible!
- Queen of the Fey: Sherahbim at MTS2
- Earth Fairy: HoneyDukes33 at MTS2
- Tinkerbell: PinkSapphire at SS2
- Ms Bones: Bink13y at MTS2
- Ice Queen: Vampire_of_Death at MTS2
- Bridge Castle: Vita Sims 2
- Gnome Village: Happymoonbelly at Parsimonious
- Magick Market: Happymoonbelly at Parsimonious
- Old Sector Docks: The Guild Masters at MTS2
- The Clock Tower: The Guild Masters at MTS2
- Witchy Academy: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS2
- Wizard Castle: Midsimmer Night's Dream by the Magick Modders at MTS2
- Wizard's Holt: The Guild Masters at MTS2
- Bannock Village series: Galilea at TSR ($$$)
- Actual working little garden faeries: By Jasanabug Breeder at MTS2
- Alice in wonderland **Quality** giant plant set: By Lethe s
- Anatolian Civilizations (ruins): Dincer Hepguler
- BlackBoards: Ailias at MTS2
- Book of Magic: bootsbrisket at MTS2
- Castle Kitchen: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Cauldron:
- Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast): Elephant at MTS2
- Divination Deco: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Elven Bedroom Set: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Elven Dining Set: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Elven Teen Bedroom Set: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Fay Willow Bathroom: By KAte at Parsimonious
- Incantation Station (with spells): bootsbrisket at MTS2
- Invisible Secret Door: pfish at MTS2
- Occult Shop: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast): Elephant at MTS2
- Magic Circle: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Magic Book Case: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Magic Kitchen: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Midsimmer Nights Dream (Community set): Magick Modders at MTS2
- Mushroom table and chairs: By Smithycpl at MTS2
- Mural Set - Dreams of Fantasy: Hafise25 at InSIM
- Prettier potions: By Kate at Parsimonious
- Once upon a time nursery: By Kate at Parsimonious
- Roman Garden Seat: Boblishman at MTS2
- Rosewood Set: Dincer Hepguler
- Scroll in a box telephone: By HystericalParoxysm
- Sim sourcery working wand: By Echo at MTS2
- Simstones (Community Project): The Mod Squad at MTS2
- Themed Sets: Japanese, Moroccan, Chinese, Chinese Garden (Objects/Themed Sets): Dincer Hepguler
- Torches: wintermuteai1 at MTS2
- Torches: The Mod Squad at MTS2
- Tom Thumb Nursery: By -maylin- at MTS2
- Tree Stump Seat: Boblishman at MTS2
- Tree Table: Boblishman at MTS2
- Weirdo Zone-(Community Project): The Mod Squad at MTS2
- Wizard's Sanctum Set: SimsConnection ($$$)
- Wizard's Study:Lethe_s at MTS2
- Wood Recolors (phone, trash, mailbox, more): BillySims139 at MTS2