Content List:Food
From SimsWiki
Edible and decorative food and food-related items to make your sims' mouths water.
Decorative Foods

Featured Set: Antique Bakery by mdhttr323 at MTS2, an incredible, beautiful set full of all sorts of decorative foods for a bakery. Sellable in OfB but not edible.
Not foods your sim can cook or eat but still useful for pictures, stories, and suchlike.
- Afternoon Tea Set (teacakes, finger sandwiches, etc.): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Antique Bakery Set: mdhttr323 at MTS2
- Apples - Autumn Apple Basket, plus recolours: Bowl of Green Apples: Fanseelamb at MTS2 and Bowl of Red Apples: Fanseelamb at MTS2
- Apples - Plate of Green Apples: Sims2Ellis
- Bagels in Basket: Dincer Hepguler
- Bakery Set (Pre-OFB): Retail Sims
- Bottled Water/Soda: jpaugh78 at MTS2
- Bottled Soda (2 liter bottle): teknofil at MTS2 with many brand recolors by 01----Anne at MTS2
- Bread Basket: Sims2Me (ep objects, page 5)
- Breadbox: Dincer Hepguler
- Butcher Items (Pre-OFB): Retail Sims
- Candy Jars: SimplanX
- Candy Shop (Pre-OFB): Retail Sims
- Canned Food (also "edible" with no animations): frillen7 at SS2 with recolour pack by frillen7 at SS2 (1) and frillen7 at SS2 (2)
- Canned Food with Vintage Labels (also "edible" with no animations):
- Cereal Boxes: Cazkiwi at MTS2
- Cheese and Cutting Board: Dincer Hegpuler, SimplanX
- Chicago Pizza Set (full pizza restaurant set): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Chocolate Cake Under Glass: Dincer Hepguler
- Chocolate Truffles Shop Set: SimsConnection ($$$)
- Cookies: Sims2Me (ep objects, page 2)
- Cotton Candy Machine: SimsConnection ($$$)
- Cooking for Dummies. 30 new dishes: bienchen83 MTS
- Fish Market Set: Birgit43
- French Bakery Set (breads, cakes, etc.): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Frozen Food Carton (also "edible" with no animations):
- frillen7 at SS2 with recolours by frillen7 at SS2 (1) and frillen7 at SS2 (2)
- frillen7 at SS2 with recolours by frillen7 at SS2
- Fruit Baskets: Linda's Sims 2
- Fruit Bowl: Sims2Me (ep objects, page 3)
- Fruit Plate: Bienchen83
- Goulash: Dincer Hepguler
- Ice Cream Shop: SimsConnection
- Lemon and Cherries on Plate: Simplan X
- Milk Carton (also "edible" with no animations): frillen7 at SS2 with recolour pack by frillen7 at SS2
- McDonald's Set: SimsConnection ($$$) (1), SimsConnection ($$$) (2), SimsConnection ($$$) (3)
- Plate with Christmas Cookies: bienchen83 at MTS2
- Popcorn Machine: Cazkiwi at MTS2, SimsConnection ($$$)
- Pop Tarts: Cazkiwi at MTS2
- Salad Dressing Bottle (also "edible" with no animations): frillen7 at SS2 with recolour pack by frillen7 at SS2
- Supermarket Items: Chi-Sa-Go
- Sushi Bar Set (full restaurant set): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Sushi Lounge Set (full restaurant set): SimsConnection ($$$)
- Watermelon Crate: Meshkiste
- Wine Bottle (also "edible" with no animations): frillen7 at SS2 with recolour packs by:
- Wine and Cheese Shop: SimsConnection ($$$)
Edible Foods
- Baked Alaska - Strawberry, Bubblegum and Chocolate: fireflies at MTS2
- Baked Beans: nicvncnt at MTS2
- Blueberry Chocolate Muffins: Abstract at Missing Studios
- Brain Food: fireflies at MTS2
- Breakfast Sandwich: Morague at MTS2
- Broiled Beef au Jus Meal: FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Brownies With Ice Cream: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Cakes:
- Banana/Dutch Chocolate/Strawberry Creme Cakes (with custom plates): fireflies at MTS2
- Bengal Tiger (with custom plate): tish85 at MTS2
- Bundt: crocobaura at MTS2
- Cassata Siciliana: mscalzi at MTS2
- Colorful Cakes for Kids: topetto at MTS2
- Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Heart: fireflies at MTS2
- Halloween Cakes (with custom plates): smithycpl at MTS2
- Holiday Mini Cakes: fireflies at MTS2
- Rose (with custom plates): tish85 at MTS2
- Strawberry Shortcake (with custom plate): simotized at MTS2
- Torrone - Christmas Italian Cake w/ Almonds and Hazel-Nuts: sims2cri at MTS2
- Torta Caprese (Italian cake): mscalzi at MTS2
- Tronchetto di Natale - Christmas Log Cake: sims2cri at MTS2
- White Tigers (with custom plates): tish85 at MTS2
- Yummi Bears (with custom plates): tish85 at MTS2
- Cereal:
- Booberry: simotized at MTS2
- Cinnamon Grahams: tomthedude at MTS2
- CocoPops: mscalzi at MTS2
- Cyndaquil Spice: animagic4u at MTS2
- Golden Grahams: tomthedude at MTS2
- Gremlin's: simotized at MTS2
- Hunny B's: simotized at MTS2
- Nature Valley: simotized at MTS2
- Pikachu Pieces: animagic4u at MTS2
- Smurf-Berry Crunch: simotized at MTS2
- Cookies:
- Snowflake Cookies: fireflies at MTS2
- Cheese Sub: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Chazuke (Japanese food - bowl of rice and greentea): rosetea at MTS2
- Cheesecake (Blueberry): fireflies at MTS2
- Chicken:
- Baked Chicken Legs: fireflies at MTS2
- CocoSims
- Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Fried Chicken: Morague at MTS2
- Chicken Patties: simotized at MTS2
- Chicken Pot Pie: fireflies at MTS2
- Chicken Teriyaki with Rice: FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Chicken With Broccoli (Chinese Food): FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Chinese Cuisine: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Chocolate Pudding (with crystal dishes): Morague at MTS2
- Chrismas Special - Glühwein Lethe_s at MTS2
- Cinnamon Raisin Toast: fireflies at MTS2
- Cream Cheese Bagels (with custom plate): pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Cupcakes: Exnem at The Sims Vault ($$$)
- Doughnuts/Donuts:
- Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Original Flavoured: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Vanilla Sprinkle & Apple Cider Brown Sugar: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- EasyMac: TS2Lover at MTS2
- Eggs and Sausage: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Eggs Benedict (with custom plate & serving platter): -NYX- at MTS2
- Falafels: CocoSims
- Filet Mignon: Morague at MTS2
- FlapJacks: fireflies at MTS2
- French Garlic Snails (with custom plate): AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2 and Abstract at Missing Studios
- French Pastry: bibidoublezero at MTS2 (1), bibidoublezero at MTS2 (2)
- French Toast: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2 and Abstract at Missing Studios
- Fried Spring Rolls: Piktor at MTS2
- Fruit Salad: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Fruit Sponge Cakes (with custom plates): AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Gelatin Replacements: fireflies at MTS2
- Greek Cuisine: simaddict99 at TSR
- Greek Salad: FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Hot Fudge Eclaires: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Ice Cream: Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$),
Simaddict99 at TSR (sundaes)
- Italian Cuisine: Simaddict99 at TSR
- Italian Traditional Christmassy Cakes: MaryLou & Numenor at MTS2
- Japanese Cuisine: simaddict99 at TSR
- Korean: Asamo
- Lamb Chops with Potatoes and Spinach Leaves: bienchen83 at MTS2
- Lasagna: -NYX- at MTS2
- Linguine al Pesto: mscalzi at MTS2
- Mac & Cheese (White Cheddar): simotized at MTS2
- Milk (Chocolate): fireflies at MTS2
- Miso Soup: CocoSims
- Muffins:
- Breakfast (microwaveable): Morague at MTS2
- Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Nutty: pasionflower at MTS2
- Nachos: Ogularama
- Pastries: Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Paw Treats: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwhich: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Pies:
- Crostata Alla Nutella: mscalzi at MTS2
- Pastiera Napoletana: mscalzi at MTS2
- Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Pineapple Surprise: fireflies at MTS2
- Pizza:
- FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Morague at MTS2 (microwaveable slice)
- pacotacoplayer at MTS2 (frozen microwaveable personal pizzas)
- simaddict99 at TSR
- Popsicles (Cherry and Ice Blue): fireflies at MTS2
- Pretzels: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Profiterolles (with custom plates): MaryLou at MTS2
- Russian Food Pack Part1 (5 meals in bowls): Jasana_BugBreeder at MTS2
- Russian Food Pack Part2 (6 new meals on plates): Jasana_BugBreeder at MTS2
- Sandwiches:
- Peanut Butter & Jelly: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Tomatoes & Mozzarella: bibidoublezero at MTS2
- Scramble Eggs On Toast (with custom plate): AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Seafood:
- Crab Legs: pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Fish & Chips (with custom food holder and ingredients tray): AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Fish Fingers with Salad and Mashed Potatoes (with custom plate and serving platter): bienchen83 at MTS2
- Seafood Assortiment Hollandaise: smithycpl at MTS2
- Shrimp: Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$)
- Sushi: Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$), FoxieRoxieNYC at MTS2
- Slurpees: comedy711 at MTS2
- Souffle (Raspberry): smithycpl at MTS2
- Soups:
- 4 Gourmet Favorites: Ebbe at MTS2
- Homestyle Pair O' Soups: ayshala at MTS2
- Tuscan Bean Soup: smithycpl at MTS2
- Spooky Food (Eyeballs and Brains, Witch's Brew, Finger Cookies): Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- St. Nick Candy: Lethe_s at MTS2
- Steak: Exnem at The Sims Vault (18+, $$$), CocoSims
- Stuffed Tortilla Wraps: simotized at MTS2
- Subs: (Cheese) - pacotacoplayer at MTS2
- Tartlettes:
- Nectarine Tartlette: Morague at MTS2
- Tartlette Supremes: fireflies at MTS2
- Toddler Foods:
- Valentine Holiday Brownies: fireflies at MTS2
- Valentines Day Special (5 meals, 3 milkshakes, biscuits & a dessert (with custom plates)): AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS2
- Vegetarian Food Replacements: gwillewyn at MTS2
Many more various foods available in the Edible Foods area at MTS2.
Hacks and Hacked Objects
- For hacks and hacked objects relating to this category, see: Hacks and Hacked Objects: Food.