Tutorials:Landscaping Introduction
Tutorials by Category | |
Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring Other: Building | Walls & Floors | Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods |
Build Mode Tutorials by Category | |
Basements & Cellars | Roofing | Garages | Landscaping | Stairs | Split Level | Cheat Free Building | Decorations | Walls, Floors & Terrain | Miscellaneous |
Your gardens looking lifeless and dull? Well use this section to help spruce up your garden with a variety of techniques from interesting pools to gazebos and more, anything you are having trouble with in your garden can be resolved here!
Where do I start?
The beauty of this section is that all of the tutorials require a minimum level of knowledge of in game tools, it is advised you read some of the build mode tutorials first if you want to advance quicker in this area instead of having to learn as you go along, the CFE section would be a great place to look at.
See: Building Tutorials.
What will I need?
These tutorials are very simple and all you will need is your game and some prior building knowledge, if any specific programs and tools are required the tutorials will state what is needed.
Frequently Asked Questions (Read the FAQ!)
Still have questions? Try our FAQ...
See: Landscaping FAQ.
Tutorials by Category | |
Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring Other: Building | Walls & Floors | Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods |
Build Mode Tutorials by Category | |
Basements & Cellars | Roofing | Garages | Landscaping | Stairs | Split Level | Cheat Free Building | Decorations | Walls, Floors & Terrain | Miscellaneous |