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(uncategorized for now)
(Skill Cheats)
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: [[Image:RightArrow.gif]] ''See: [[Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear]]
: [[Image:RightArrow.gif]] ''See: [[Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear]]
==To Use Cheats==
First, bring up the cheat console by holding down the CTRL, SHIFT, and C keys on your keyboard at the same time.
==Origin Cheats==
This will bring a small dark blue box up at the top of your screen. This box is generally called the "cheat box" or the "cheat console."  Type the cheat text in there and hit ENTER.
If you don't get the cheat box when you do CTRL, SHIFT, C, then see: [[Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear]]
To enable these cheats in Origin...
* In your Origin client, click on your Sims 4 and click the "i" button
* Click on "Game Properties"
* Type cheat in the "Command Line Arguements box
* Click "Apply"
Don't enter the brackets around the variables when you enter the cheat.
|name= '''-nohovereffects'''
|desc=Removes object and sim outline
|name= '''--no_tutorials'''
|desc=Turns off tutorials
===Example of entering a cheat:===
==Command Console Cheats==
Let's say you want to use the constrainfloorelevation cheatYou'll see that it's listed as:
'''NOTE:''' Some cheats use the command console while others are activated when you shift-click on a sim or object while others only work in the neighborhood viewThese cheats are categorized by activation type.
:'''constrainFloorElevation [true/false]'''
The [ ] brackets mean that you ''pick one option'' - in this case true ''or'' false.  So, to activate the cheat you would type:
:'''constrainFloorElevation false'''
: First, bring up the cheat console by holding down the '''CTRL''', '''SHIFT''', and '''C''' keys on your keyboard at the same time.
:: This will open a box up at the top of your screen. This box is generally called the'''cheat box''', '''command or cheat console'''.  Type the cheat text in the box and hit '''ENTER'''.
: If you don't get the cheat box when you do '''CTRL''', '''SHIFT''', '''C''', then see: [[Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear]]
:: Don't enter the brackets around the variables when you enter the cheat.
Remember that you never type the [ ] brackets and only choose one option within them.  
: '''Example of entering a cheat:'''
:: Let's say you want to use the constrainfloorelevation cheat.  You'll see that it's listed as:
:::'''constrainFloorElevation [true/false]'''
:: The [ ] brackets mean that you ''pick one option'' - in this case true ''or'' false. So, to activate the cheat you would type:
:::'''constrainFloorElevation false'''
:: Remember that
you never type the [ ] brackets and only choose one option within them.
==uncategorized for now==
|name=death.toggle [true/false]  
|desc= '''TestingCheats True'''
|eps= Base game
To get these cheats to work, from within your game...
* Open the cheat console [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
* Type: '''testingCheats true'''
* Then enter the whichever cheat you want to run from the list below.
* [Shift] + [CTRL] + [C] Will toggle the command window closed when you are finished entering the cheats.
===Career Cheats===
|name=fire.toggle [true|false]
|name= bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires.
|desc= Unlocks career related objects.
|name= careers.add_career [CareerName]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Gets you into entry level for whichever career you name
|name=sims.Spawn -  
|name= careers.demote [CareerName]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= spawns sim and adds them to your household
|desc= Demotes Sim 1 level in that career path.  If Sim is at entry level your Sim gets fired.
|name= careers.promote [CareerName]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Promotes Sim 1 level in that career path.
|name= careers.remove_career [CareerName]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Decide that you don't want your Sim to be in that career path?  Get them out without penalty.
|name= careers.retire [CareerName]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Retire from your job and receive a pension check every day.
'''Force promotions with these cheats.  Select your Sim and run the cheat in the command console.'''
|name= careers.promote Astronaut [1 through 10]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= spawns sim and adds them to your household
|desc= Astronaut career
|name= careers.promote Athletic [1 through 10]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Athletic career
|name=sims.Spawn -
|name= careers.promote Business [1 through 10]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= spawns sim and adds them to your household
|desc= Business career
|name=sims.Spawn -  
|name= careers.promote Criminal [1 through 10]
|eps= Base game
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= spawns sim and adds them to your household
|desc= Criminal career
|name= careers.promote Culinary [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Culinary career
|name= careers.promote Detective [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Detective career
|name= careers.promote Doctor [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Doctor career
|name= careers.promote Entertainer [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Entertainer career
|name= careers.promote Painter [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Painter career
|name= careers.promote Scientist [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Scientist career
|name= careers.promote SecretAgent [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Secret Agent career
|name= careers.promote TechGuru [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= TechGuru career
|name= careers.promote Writer [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Writer Career
====Teen Career Cheats====
Add Career
|name= careers.add_career [careername]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Add the career to the active sim, then promote them
|name= careers.promote Babysitter [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Teen babysitter
|name= careers.promote Barista [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Teen Barista
|name= careers.promote FastFood [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Fast Food Teen job.
|name= careers.promote Manual [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Teen manual labor job.
|name= careers.promote Retail [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Teen retail employee job.
===Commodity (Needs) Cheats===
Needs cheats.
stats.disable_all_commodities | stats.enable_all_commodities
|name= objects.consumables_infinite_toggle [true/false]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= This makes all consumables have infinite quantities (i.e. cake that never ends.)
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Changes Needs to none
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Changes Needs to full
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Fills  Needs for the entire household
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Fills  Needs for the just one Sim
sims.remove_all_buffs - Removes all moodlets
===Fire Cheats===
Fire cheats.
sims.get_sim_id_by_name - gets simID, may be good for other commands.
|name=fire.toggle [true/false]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires.
|name= fire.kill
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  might kill the sim or put fire out.
|name= fire.singe_sim
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= - probably adds negative moodlet or kills sim
money <amount> - sets money to exact amount.
===Household Cheats===
Household cheats.
sims.modify_funds <(-)amount> - adds or subtracts from funds.  
|name= households.toggle_bill_notifications
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= households.autopay_bills
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= households.fill_visible_commodities_world
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  This is the best cheat to use to fill the entire family's needs.  Very helpful when your sim is off somewhere and the family elsewhere is running low on needs. The household does not need to be on the same lot to use this cheat.
sims.hard_reset = forces user to default position.
===Misc. Cheats===
Misc. cheats
autonomy.show_queue - prints to console but doesn't seem to show anything useful.
|name= aspirations.complete_current_milestone
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= autonomy.ambient [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= autonomy.household [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= autonomy.show_queue
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= - prints to console but doesn't seem to show anything useful.
|name= bb.showhiddenobjects
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Sims in the Scientist Career have a higher chance of '''being abducted by Aliens'''.  For players who don't want to be a scientist and want to be abducted use this cheat.- Control + Shift + C,  bb.showhiddenobjects,
Enter Buy Mode (F2), Type 'satellite' into the search box, Satellite in misc electronics will appear - place it, Now you may either stop abductions for 24 hours by clicking it, or make a Sim more likely to be abducted by selecting 'Contact Aliens'. The satellite on your lot also gives access to the Alien Channel on TV.
|name= cas.fulleditmode
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= '''Set Sim Age''' - Testing cheats must be enabled. Select the active SIM. Run the'''cas.fulleditmode''' cheat, go into CAS and select the age. You can also bake a cake and put candles on it and make your chosen sim interact with it to age up. This cheat allows for full CAS editing
|name= crafting.shorten_phases [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  This speeds up crafting while your Sim is doing them.  It speeds up painting and woodworking.
|name= death.toggle [true/false]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  When death is '''false''', death is disabled and no sims will die.  When set to '''true''' your sims will resume kicking the bucket due to typical game circumstances.
|name= debug_outcome_style [success/fail/alternate/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= - Forces conversation and/or job responses to whatever option you've selected.
|name= environment_score. [disable / enable]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=disables environment moodlet effects.
|name= fps [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= displays the frames per second in the lower left corner
|name= fullscreen
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Toggles between full and windowed screens
|name= headlineeffects [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Toggles the headlines on or off
|name= help
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Returns all available commands in the command console.
|name= households.autopay_bills
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Automatically pays Bills.
|name= hovereffects [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Disables object & sim highlighting.
|name= Sims.add_buff
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
* Sims.remove_all_buffs”–Removes all moodlets/emotions
* Sims.add_buff [buff, low/high]”–Adds a particular buff to the sim (spelling is very important)
debug.enable_woohoo [true|false]
'''Values for buffs:'''
** sims.add_buff confidenthigh  OR 
** sims.add_buff e_buff_confident (This enables the cowplant essence effect, powerful and longer lasting)
debug.enable_wedding [true|false]
***Energized: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Inspired: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Focused: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Playful: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Sad: SadLow or SadHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
***Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful (these all stack)
***Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy (these two stack)
***Uncomfortable: e_buff_uncomfortable
***Embarrassed: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself (these two stack)
'''NOTE:''' e_buff is the same mood effect granted by cowplant essence, strong and lasts 12 hours
|name= service_npc.toggle_auto_scheduled_services
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= NPC Services - Toggles them on and off
|name= resetSim [FirstName] [LastName]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  Resets the named Sim
|name= sims.hard_reset
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc = forces user to default position.
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Spawns random Sim and adds them to your household
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Spawns random Sim but does not add them to your household. Great when you need extra Sims for parties and events.  They'll stay until you tell them to go home.
|name= sims.get_sim_id_by_name
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= - gets simID, may be good for other commands.
|name= tutorial.deactivate_tutorial_tip
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Deactivates tutorials
|name= venues.set_venue
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Should be able to set a lot to public using this.
|name=  walkby.toggle
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= debug.enable_wedding [true/false]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Enables weddings
|name= debug.enable_woohoo [true/false]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Enables or disables WooHoo
autonomy.ambient [on|off] / walkby.toggle
===Money Cheats===
Money cheats
autonomy.household [on|off]
|name= kaching
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Gives 1,000 simoleons to the selected household's funds
|name= freeRealEstate [on/off]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Only works when in neighborhood/world. Real estate is ''Free'' when toggled on.  When toggled off, ''normal'' prices resume.
|name= Money [x]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= '''X''' is the amount of money you want your household to have.  Beware that it will subtract funds if the '''X''' amount is less than the current household amount.
|name= motherlode
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Gives 50,000 simoleons to the selected household's funds
|name= rosebud
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= This is an Achievement that is gained when the household reaches $1,000,000 simoleons.
objects.consumables_infinite_toggle [true|false] - This makes all consumables have infinite quantities (i.e. cake that never ends.)
===Build Cheats===
Cheats helpful for building lots.
cas.fulleditmode [true|false] (already known but in case someone didn't know)
|name= '''bb.enablefreebuild''' to enable and '''bb.disablefreebuild''' to disable
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc=Edit the hospital, police station, Science Lab, etc.  
fire.kill - might kill the sim or put fire out.
Info thanks to http://simsvip.com/2015/04/02/the-sims-4-editing-hidden-lots/ ...  
fire.singe_sim - probably adds negative moddlet or kills sim
'''Hospital''': must have at least: 1-2 surgery tables, exam beds, 1 front desk with computer and chair, 1-2 treadmills, 1-2 chemical analysers, 1-2 x-ray machines, 1 snack machine, extra computers away from front desk, 1 toilet and sink, 1 microwave and counter.
pregnancy.clear - cancel a pregnancy?
'''Police Station''': must have at least: 1 front desk with computer and chair, 1 interrogation table with 2 chairs adn 1 one way mirror object, 1-2 chemical analysers, 1 crime map, 1 booking station, 1 snack machine, extra computers away from front desk, 1 toilet, sink and shower, 1 microwave and counter.  Cell Doors and cell walls, 1 table and 2 chairs.
'''Science Lab''': A few Planters, 1 Rocket Launch Pad, 1 Invention Constructor, 1-2 Chemistry Lab, 1-2 Chemical Analyzers, 1 Observatory, Computers, 1 Bonsai Tree, 1 Punching bag, 1 Treadmill, 1 Shower, Toilets, Sinks, 1 Vending Machine Fridge
|name= bb.moveobjects
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Type “bb.moveobjects on”. Use the '''9''' and '''0''' keys to adjust the object you are holding. Be aware this can cause some unusual visuals as you're placing items in an area they weren't originally meant to go.
|name= bb.showhiddenobjects
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Shows hidden object like fishing ponds, etc.
|name= ALT key
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=You can move an object off grid
===Pregnancy Cheats===
Cheats for pregnancy
|name= pregnancy.clear
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=cancels a pregnancy?
|name= pregnancy.roll
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=doesn't seem to do anything
|name= pregnancy.seed
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=doesn't seem to do anything
===Relationship Cheats===
Cheats for relationships
|name= Friendship/Romance_Main [ActiveSimName] [TargetSimsName] [-11 though 100]
crafting.shorten_phases [on|off] doesn't appear to work.
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
venues.set_venue Should be able to set a lot to public using this. I'll check into it.
|name= modifyrelationship [ActiveSimName] [TargetSimsName] [-11 though 100]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=not sure of parameters for these.
|name= relationship.destroy
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|name= relationship.introduce_all_sims
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
===Skill Cheats===
You can max out skills using the cheats listed below. You need to set the level for each skill cheat by placing a '''1''' through '''10''' after the cheat.  If you don't set the level, the cheats won't work.
relationship.create not sure of parameters for these.
'''example:  stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 5''' sets the Bartending or Mixology skill to 5.
debug_outcome_style success|fail|alternate|off - might force either conversation responses or job situations to always have a certain outcome.
environment_score.disable/enable - disables environment moodlet effects? -->
<!-- Commented out template
==Build Cheats==
Cheats that are helpful in building on lots.  For specific tutorials on using these cheats to create your dream lot, see: [[Tutorials:Build Mode Tutorials]].
|name=allowObjectsOnRoofs [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level major_archaeology x [1 through 10]
|eps= Late Night
|eps=[[Image:JungleAdventure-Icon.PNG|25px|Jungle Adventure]]
|desc= Usage: moveObjects [on/off]. Removes limitations for placing objects on roofs
|desc= Archaeology skill
|name=AlwaysAllowBuildBuy [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking [1 through 10]
|eps= all
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= When enabled, build mode and buy mode objects won't disable themselves during fires and burglary. Default is "false" - set to "true" to enable this behavior.
|desc= Baking skill-Comes with the Cupcake Factory, Requires Get To Work
|name=constrainFloorElevation [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending [1 through 10]
|eps= all
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them.  Walls, floors, and objects will move with the terrain, allowing you to create sloped walls and floored hills.  However, placing new walls/floors will still flatten terrain, and placing objects will still require the terrain to be flat initially if the objects normally require it.  Default is "true" - set to "false" to enable this behavior.
|desc= Bartending/Mixology skill
|name=Build Mode Tips
|name= stats.set_skill_level skill_bowling [1 through 5]
|eps= Island Paradise
|eps=[[Image:BowlingNightStuff-icon.PNG|25px|Bowling Stuff]]
|desc= Bowling Skill level
* Holding down the '''ALT''' key while building a foundation, deck, or stilted
foundation will create a foundation with a height of one step (normal
foundations start at a height of four steps).
* Holding down the '''ALT''' key while building stairs on a foundation, deck, or stilted foundations will place two or three step stairways depending on the level of the terrain.
|name=EnableLotLocking [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= enables toggling lot locking in the Edit Town Info Panel.
|desc=Charisma skill
To build on a locked lot like a tomb you can use enablelotlocking or testingcheatsenabled. You use this cheat from Edit Town mode.
By using enablelotlocking: Type ''enablelotlocking TRUE''. Why true? Because it enabled locking in the description of the lot. Press the little lock close to the "edit lot" button, it will unlock the lot and you can edit it.
By using testingcheatsenabled:
Type testingcheatsenabled true and while playing on a sim, hold shift and press the ground of the lot. It will give you the option to edit the lot.
|name=moveobjects [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Comedy [1 through 10]
|eps= all
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Also allows you to pick up sims.
|desc=Comedy skill
|name=placeFriezes [on/off]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Sets the deck foundation product to type frieze.
|desc= Creativity skill for kids
|name=removeFloorCutout [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing [1 through 5]
|eps=[[Image:GetTogether-Icon.PNG|25px|Get Together]]
|desc=Usage:removeFloorCutout id
|desc= Dancing skill
|name=RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [true/false] or rbbb [on/off]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ [1 through 10]
|eps= Late Night
|eps=[[Image:GetTogether-Icon.PNG|25px|Get Together]]
|desc=Usage:RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [on/off] Removes restrictions for build/buy in buildings
|desc= DJ Skill
'''Requires ''testingCheatsEnabled true''.'''
|name=setFloorCutout [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level skill_dogtraining [1 through 5]
|eps=[[Image:Cats-and-Dogs-Icon.PNG|25px|Cats and Dogs]]
|desc=Usage[float]:setFloorCutout centerX centerZ sideLength id
|desc= Dog training skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Usage: setImportedTerrainOffset [value]. Allows fixed terrain offset to be applied on import
|desc= Fishing skill
|name=Hidden Room Markers
|name= stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode. Any room that these markers are placed in will be fogged unless RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings or BuyDebug cheats are on. Any room that contains one of these has the same Build/Buy restrictions as public rooms. Doors leading into rooms with these markers do not have the Go Through
|desc= Fitness skill
|name=Level Skip Marker
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Usage:Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode. Any floor level that this marker exists on is skipped with floor up / floor down actions, unless the RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings cheat or BuyDebug cheat is active.)
|desc= Gardening skill
|name=Front of Lot Marker
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking [1 through 10]
|eps= Island Paradise
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Only available in Build/Buy mode.  To override the current front of the lot and set a particular side as the front of the lot, CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK on the ground and select "Set Front of Lot."
|desc= Cooking skill - Gourmet
|name=Public Room Markers
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar [1 through 10]
|eps=Late Night
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=For Residential Lots with Buildable Shells. Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode or if RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings or BuyDebug cheats are on. A Public Room Marker must be placed in all rooms that are supposed to be public except
|desc= Guitar skill
for the "outside room."
==Career Building==
Must have '''TestingCheatsEnabled''' '''''true'''''  turned on to use these cheats. Then use '''<SHIFT>''' and use your mouse to ''click'' on the sim's career building to bring up the menu.
|name= Force All Events
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Click on career building to display all events for the career consecutively.
|desc= Handiness skill
|name= Force Event
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Click on a career building to give you a random career event.
|desc= Herbalism skill
|name= Force Opportunity
|name= stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_HomestyleCooking [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Click on career building you work at to force an opportunity
|desc=Homestyle Cooking skill
==Mailbox Commands==
Must have '''TestingCheatsEnabled''' '''''true'''''  turned on to use these cheats. Then use '''<SHIFT>''' and use your mouse to ''click'' on the mailbox to bring up the menu.
|name= Force NPC...
|name= stats.set_skill_level Adultminor_localculture [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:JungleAdventure-Icon.PNG|25px|Jungle Adventure]]
|desc= Force a specific Service Sim to show up.
|desc=Selvadorada Local Culture Skill
|name= Force Visitor
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Force a neighbor to show up.
|desc= Logic skill
|name= Make All Happy
|name= stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Set the mood/moodlets of everyone in the house to perfect. Remove all negative moodlets.
|desc= Mental skill for kids
|name= Make Friends For Me
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Make a few random friends for the selected Sim.
|desc= Mischief skill
|name= Make Me Know everyone
|name= stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Make the selected Sim know everyone in town.
|desc=Motor skill for kids
|name= Make Needs (motives) Static/Dynamic
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Make motives static/dynamic for the entire household.
|desc= Painting skill
|name= Set Career
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Parenting [1 through 10]
|desc= Give the selected Sim any career at any level.
|desc= How to be controlled by children
|name= Supernatural Population Control
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography [1 through 10]
|eps=[[File:Sims3EP07 icon.png|24px|From patch 1.38 onwards]]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= ''Add Supernatural Sim to/Remove Supernatural Sims from'' the World.  ''Add Supernatural'' will bring up the type of supernatural you want to add and will change 2 Sims in the world to this supernatural type except for the Sims in your household.  The ''Remove Supernatural'' works the same way except it will remove all of the supernatural types you selected from the world except for supernaturals in your household.
|desc= Photography skill
==Movie/Picture Taking Cheats==
Cheats that are helpful in taking pics and making movies.
|name=fadeObjects [on/off]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
|desc= Piano skill
|name=hideHeadlineEffects [on/off]
|name= stats.set_skill_level PipeOrgan [1 through 10]
|desc=Hides all Sim overhead effects such as thought balloons and speech balloons.
|desc= Emulate your best 'Phantom of the Opera' skill
|name=slowMotionViz <level>
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Puts the visuals of the game in slow motion. Entering a "level" value is optional.  Valid values range from 0 = normal speed to 8 = slowest.
|desc= Programming skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=If Tab is pressed in live mode, the UI will disappear, allowing you to move around freely on the lot. Useful for taking pictures of insides of lots. You do not need to press Ctrl-Shift-C for this to work. You do NOT enter it into the cheat console.
|desc= Reaping skill
|name=moviemakercheatsenabled [true/false]
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:CityLiving-Icon.PNG|25px|City Living]]
|desc= singing skill
This adds four additional menus to the Sim with ctrl+shift+click:  
*Animation - Plays specific game animations on Sim
*Turn off Look Ats 
|name= stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social [1 through 10]
*Disable Autonomy 
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
*Edit Sim in Create a Sim
|desc= Social skill for kids
* Sim Shutdown:Prevents all Sims from doing anything other than player initiated interactions. EP - Island Paradise
  • Set Looping On/One-Off: Sets animations to be looped or to one-off. EP - Island Paradise
|name= stats.set_skill_level Vampire Lore [1 through 10]
|desc= Vampire lore skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Veterinarian [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:Cats-and-Dogs-Icon.PNG|25px|Cats and Dogs]]
|desc= Veterinarian skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Video Gaming skill  
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Violin skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Violin skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= Wellness skill
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing [1 through 10]
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Writing skill
'''Requires ''testingcheatsenabled true''.'''
====Get To Work Skill Cheats for Employees====
|name= stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance [1 through 5]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= How well a sim maintains the retail space
|name= stats.set_skill_level retail_sales [1 through 5]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= How good a salesperson a sim is
|name= stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic  [1 through 5]
|eps=[[Image:GetToWork-Icon.gif|Get To Work]]
|desc= How well a sim works
==Mouse Cheats==
====Vampire Cheats====
When '''TestingCheatsEnabled''' '''''true''''' (is turned on), shift-clicking on things will give you additional interactions. All these cheats are activated by holding shift and clicking on something.
=====Turn Sim into Vampire or Cure Vampirism=====
|name= stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 
|desc= Change your sim into a vampire in a few days
|name= Add To Active Family
|name= traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire 
|desc= ''(Target: Any Sim not in Family)'' Immediately adds targeted sim to the family. Does not bring in money like moving or marriage does. Has no effect if the current family is already full.
|desc= Change your sim into a vampire immediately
|name= ageuptonpc
|name= traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire 
|eps= Late Night
|desc= ''(Target:toddler)'' Toggles option for toddler who is aging up to be a non-player-controlled Sim in the household.
|desc= Change your vampire back into a regular sim
=====Increase Vampire Rank=====
|name=Force NPC...
|name= stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Opens a menu showing all the NPCs that can come visit, such as a Babysitter and Repairman. Also includes the special ones like the Grim Reaper and Social Worker Child Protection.
|desc= Minor Vampire
|name= Force Visitor
|name= stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Forces a random sim to come visit.
|desc= Prime Vampire
|name=Make All Happy
|name= stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Fills all motives of all sims in the family to 100%. Does not affect visitors. Affects all family members, even if they are not currently at home. Useful for topping off motives for that all-night fishing session.
|desc= Master Vampire
|name= Make Friends For Me
|name= stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486 
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Increases relationships with all sims that the active sim knows, and adds a few new acquaintances as well.
|desc= Grand Master Vampire
|name= Make Me Know Everyone
|name= stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Makes the active sim know all other sims in town.
|desc= Max the vampire rank bar
=====Vampire Power Points=====
|name= Make Needs Static
|name= stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Freezes motives for all sims in the family. Like 'Make All Happy', this does not affect visitors but does affects family members even if they are not at home. Also freezes the workout timer, so this is great for leaving a sim on the treadmill until they reach level 10 in Athletics. Be aware, this also freezes moodlets, so if your sim Hates The Outdoors and has a negative moodlet because she's Beset By Nature, it won't go away if she goes outside. This also means that her wish to Go Inside will not be fulfilled while Make Needs Static is turned on.
|desc= Max vampire lore skill
|name= Modify Traits for Active Sim
|name= stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10
|desc= ''(Target: Active Sim)'' Works like the Midlife Crisis award: you can edit all 5 traits of your sim.
|desc= Max out Pipe Organ skill
=====Vampire Skill Cheats=====
|name= Set Career...
|name= traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity
|desc= ''(Target: Mailbox)'' Opens a menu showing all careers. Choose one, and the active sim will join that career.
|desc= Regained humanity, still a vampire, but s vampires seem safer and kinder.  Sims more likely to give permission to drink.
|name= Teleport
|name= traits.equip_trait TheMaster
|desc= ''(Target: Ground)'' Shift-click on the ground to open a menu with the option "Teleport me here". This will teleport the active sim to that location.Comes in handy for getting around fast.  
|desc= Grants supernatural control  Command powers used on offspring always succeed.
|name= Trigger Age Transition
|name= traits.equip_trait TrueMaster
|desc= ''(Target: Active Sim)'' Causes your sim to age up immediately. (Elder sims will die.) Note: Although this menu appears when you click on any sim, it only works on the active sim. It does nothing to other sims.
|desc= True Master - Excels at Mind Control and has greater stores of vampire energy.
=====Vampire Death Cheats=====
|name= Modifying Individual Needs
|name= traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun
|desc= ''(Target: Need Moodlet)'' If you Ctrl + Click any negative need moodlet in your sim's moodlet panel, the related motive is automatically set to maximum.
|desc= Instantly turn your sim or vampire into a ghost which died by the sun.
|name= stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100
|desc= Kill your vampire by sunlight
==Miscellaneous Cheats==
=====Unlock Vampire Powers=====
Cheats that don't fit into any other category, or would be appropriate in multiple categories.
Note: “bucks.unlock_perk {perkname} true”  will not show up properly in the Vampire Powers panel.
Instead, use the full command. Get the Sim’s ID using the sims.get_sim_id_by_name cheat.
|name= buydebug [on/off]
|desc= Makes Debug objects available for placement in buy mode.  You can make your own tombs and triggers and fishing holes with the goodies. You'll see them in the (?) question mark panel in Buy Mode).
'''Requires ''testingCheatsEnabled true''.'''
There are some constraints, for example if you have a sun weakness equipped, adding a sun resistance will not work.
This cheat can be turned off by typing ''buydebug off''.
|name= RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [true/false]
|desc=Allows unrestricted building in the properties marked as public spaces (e.g. lobbies, entrance halls, etc.).
'''Requires ''testingCheatsEnabled true''.'''
* The vampire rank required for the reward must be unlocked first.
* 40961 tells the game it’s a Vampire Power Perk.
* {targetsim} is the Sim ID of the sim you’d like to unlock the perk for.
This cheat can be turned off by typing ''RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings false''.
|name= bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Bat Form
|name=DiscoTags [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Makes the tags that mark venues, rabbitholes and homes in the neighborhood view different colors.}}
|desc= Beyond The Herd
|name= bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Adds 50,000 simoleons to the household.  Must be in live sims mode to use - does not work in neighborhood view.
|desc= Cast Hallucination
|name= bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|eps= Island Paradise
|desc= Unlocks all Uncharted Islands, which then become Private Lots owned by the selected Sim family.
|desc= Child of the Moon/Creature of the Night/Master of Darkness
|name= enable'''L'''lamas [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Gives a message that says, "Llamas enabled." (This one is actually a joke added by EA. It does nothing).
|desc= Command
|name= EnableLotLocking [true/false]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Enables toggling lot locking in the Edit Town Info Panel.
|desc= Dampened Emotions/Suppressed Emotions/Deadened Emotions
|name=fadeObjects [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not apply to Sims.
|desc= Deprive Needs
|name=familyfunds [Familyname amount]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Give your family as much money as you want. Say you have a family named the Brown family. While you are in their house, go into the cheat window and type:
|desc= Detect Personality
'''''familyfunds Brown 1000000'''''
'''Requires ''testingCheatsEnabled true''.'''
|name=fps [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Turns the frame rate display in the upper right corner or or off.
|desc= Eternally Welcome
|name= bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Ignores the cost when buying a lot for the current game.
|desc= Garlic Immunity
|name=fullscreen [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Switches to fullscreen when on, windowed when off. Useful for taking screenshots, which are usually too dark.
|desc= Immortal Pleasures
|name=help <cheatname>
|name= bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Typing "help" by itself lists all currently available cheats and a short description of each.  Entering a cheat name after "help" displays just that cheat and its short description. (It does not give you more information than the overall list.)
|desc= Influence Emotion/Alter Emotion/Control Emotion
|name= bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Shows random joke on cheat console.
|desc= Irresistible Slumber
|name= bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Adds 1,000 to active household's funds}}
|desc= Manipulate Life Spirit
|name= bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Adds 50,00 simoleons to the household.  Must be in live sims mode to use - does not work in neighborhood view.
|desc= Mesmerize
|name=moveobjects [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Removes footprint limitation for all object placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed on hand tool for when objects are in use or for objects that normally are not movable. Is known to cause issues with game elements, routing, hidden object generation and manipulation, etc. Note that using this cheat allows you to move and delete objects that normally cannot be manipulated such as Sims. If you delete these objects, there is no way to get them back, so be careful!
|desc= Mist Form
|name= bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Exits the game.
|desc= Occult Student/Disciple/Master
|name=resetsim [full Sim name]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=In the rare case that a Sim gets "stuck" in an interaction or somewhere around town or gets something stuck to it, use this cheat.  It may take a while for the Sim to appear because it is being entirely rebuilt.  Usage example: '''resetSim Mortimer Goth''' 
|desc= Odorless
Note: Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home.
|name= bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Gives 2,500 Lifetime Happiness Points to active Sim.
|desc= Sun Resistance/Greater Sun Resistance/Perfect Sun Resistance
(I've found that it only incremented lifetime happiness by 1 or 2 points every couple of sims seconds.
On other sims, it incremented by 500 points. Results vary by sim.  [[User:Porkypine|Porkypine]] 22:58, 10 July 2009 (CDT)porkypine)
|name=unlockoutfits [on/off]
|name= bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Includes career outfits and service Sim outfits as options in Create a Sim.  The cheat must be entered before going into CAS.
|desc= Supernatural Speed
|name=[up arrow]
|name=bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 {targetsim} 
|desc=Recalls the last cheat typed into the cheat window (per game instance).
|desc= Tamed Thirst
|name=Sim doesn't show up to work cash register?
|name= bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc=Try swapping out the cash register? Use testingcheatsenabled, shift-click the ground and then build here. Cash registers are in community lot objects under build mode. Delete the old one and put in a new one, and then wait a bit for the new register sim to show up.
|desc= Vampire Creation
Works in WA when a shop attendant disappears.
|name=  bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Vampiric Charm/Allure/Fascination
|name=  bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Vampiric Slumber/Greater Vampiric Slumber/Vampiric Trance
|name=  bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}
|desc= Vampiric Strength/Brawn/Might
==Sims Cheats==
=====Reset Vampire Powers=====
Cheats that effect individual sim. Use these cheats when you have '''TestingCheatsEnabled''' '''''true'''''
Requires a Sim ID. Use the sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} cheat to get your Sim ID from your Sims. {simID} is the ID of the sim you want to reset.
|name= Add to Household
|name= bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 {simID} true
|desc=Add the active Sim to the current household.
|desc= Refund vampire power points and reset the power board
|name= Edit in CAS
|name= bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 {simID} false
|desc= Takes the Sim back into Create A Sim and allows you to make physical and personality changes. Requires that Pescado's Awesomemod be installed.  
|desc= Remove weaknesses but keep the rest of your Vampire Powers.
===UI Cheats===
UI cheats
Update November 18, 2012: 
* '''TestingCheatsEnabled true''' must be on.
|name= ui.toggle_silence_phone
* '''Shift-Click''' on your sim to open menu options
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
* Select '''Edit Sim in Create a Sim'''
|name= Lifetime Happiness
|name= ui.dialog.auto_respond
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= If you want Lifetime Happiness points, use '''testingcheatsenabled''' '''''true'''''
ctrl+click between the treasure Chest icon and the total lifetime points displayIt adds 500 points per click.  
===Shift Click Cheats===
:::'''NOTE:''' '''[Shift]''' and '''[Click]''' on the ''Sims'' or ''Objects'' to Unlock the following cheats
:::'''NOTE 2:'''  Whenever you leave your active household and go to neighborhood mode and back, you need to run '''testingCheats true''' again because it reverts to default 'off' when you leave the household.
===="Shift Click" on Sim Cheats====
|name= Select "Add to Family"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Adds the selected Sim to the current household family.
|name= Modify Traits
|name= Select "Cheat Need" and then "Disable Need Decay"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=Interaction to bring up a trait-modification windows. Can set/clear traits.
|desc= Motives/needs freeze
|name=  Select "Cheat Need" and "Enable Need Decay"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=  Motives/needs change normally.
|name= Select "Cheat Need" and "Make Happy"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Fills all motive/need bars and give the Happy Mood.
|name= Select "Modify in CAS"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc=This cheat brings the selected Sim from the game and into edit in CAS. You can fix body issues, make new clothing choices... everything except change the Sim's the name or change inherited traits.
====Shift Click on Objects Unlocks====
Use these cheats when you have '''TestingCheatsEnabled''' '''''true'''''
|name= Mailbox
|name= Select "Reset Object (Debug)"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= The options for the mailbox only shows up if you have TestingCheatsEnabled turned on.
|desc=Resets the object
|name= Modify Traits
|name= Select "Make Clean"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Hold down the Shift key and left click your mouse button on your Sim and you get the option to Modify Sim's Traits.
|desc=If the object is dirty, becomes clean.
|name= Trigger Age Transition  (upwards)
|name= Select "Make Dirty"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Hold down the Shift key and left click your mouse button on your Sim and you get the option to Trigger Age Transition on your Sim. This makes them older, not younger.
|desc=If the object can become dirty, it will.
====Shift Click on Ground Unlocks====
|name= Teleport
|name= Select "Teleport Sim"
|eps=[[Image:TS4BaseGame-icon.gif|TS4 Base Game]]
|desc= Hold the Shift key and left click your mouse button anywhere, you will get a Teleport option instead of the Go Here option. Comes in handy for getting around fast.
|desc=Immediately teleports sim to selected position.
===Moving Your camera around for Screenshots===
There are some keyboard keys you can use when taking pictures.
In play mode, click the '''TAB''' key. That gets rid of all the gameplay control icons. You can move the ''camera'' around using the following keys:
* a = left
* d = right
* s = back
* w = forward
* q = down
* e = up
Press the '''CTRL''' key and the scroll the middle mouse scroll button back or forward to ''stretch'' or ''shrink'' your camera view so you can get fuller room screenshots - It will distort depending on how much you've stretched the camera.
Press the '''TAB''' key to get back to normal screen.
==Credit and Thanks==
End commented out section -->
Thanks to  [https://www.reddit.com/user/TwistedMexi '''TwistedMexi''' at https://www.reddit.com/user/TwistedMexi] and to [http://www.simsglobe.com/the-sims-4/cheats/ '''Simsglobe.com'''] and [http://sims-online.com/sims-4-vampires-cheats-powers-skills/ '''sims-online.com] for cheat explanations.
Thanks to TwistedMexi for starting this cheat compilation
[[Category:Game Help]][[Category:Sims 4]]
[[Category:Game Help]][[Category:Sims 4]]

Latest revision as of 02:02, 28 February 2019

Sims 4 Game Help Categories:

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MTS Help Q&A Forums

  • Help: Cheat console/cheat box won't appear
RightArrow.gif See: Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear



[edit] Origin Cheats

To enable these cheats in Origin...

  • In your Origin client, click on your Sims 4 and click the "i" button
  • Click on "Game Properties"
  • Type cheat in the "Command Line Arguements box
  • Click "Apply"

RightArrow.gif -nohovereffects

Removes object and sim outline

RightArrow.gif --no_tutorials

Turns off tutorials

[edit] Command Console Cheats

NOTE: Some cheats use the command console while others are activated when you shift-click on a sim or object while others only work in the neighborhood view. These cheats are categorized by activation type.

First, bring up the cheat console by holding down the CTRL, SHIFT, and C keys on your keyboard at the same time.
This will open a box up at the top of your screen. This box is generally called thecheat box, command or cheat console. Type the cheat text in the box and hit ENTER.
If you don't get the cheat box when you do CTRL, SHIFT, C, then see: Game Help:Cheat Box Won't Appear
Don't enter the brackets around the variables when you enter the cheat.
Example of entering a cheat:
Let's say you want to use the constrainfloorelevation cheat. You'll see that it's listed as:
constrainFloorElevation [true/false]
The [ ] brackets mean that you pick one option - in this case true or false. So, to activate the cheat you would type:
constrainFloorElevation false
Remember that

you never type the [ ] brackets and only choose one option within them.

TestingCheats True

To get these cheats to work, from within your game...

  • Open the cheat console [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
  • Type: testingCheats true
  • Then enter the whichever cheat you want to run from the list below.
  • [Shift] + [CTRL] + [C] Will toggle the command window closed when you are finished entering the cheats.

[edit] Career Cheats

RightArrow.gif bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement

TS4 Base Game

Unlocks career related objects.

RightArrow.gif careers.add_career [CareerName]

TS4 Base Game

Gets you into entry level for whichever career you name

RightArrow.gif careers.demote [CareerName]

TS4 Base Game

Demotes Sim 1 level in that career path. If Sim is at entry level your Sim gets fired.

RightArrow.gif careers.promote [CareerName]

TS4 Base Game

Promotes Sim 1 level in that career path.

RightArrow.gif careers.remove_career [CareerName]

TS4 Base Game

Decide that you don't want your Sim to be in that career path? Get them out without penalty.

RightArrow.gif careers.retire [CareerName]

Get To Work

Retire from your job and receive a pension check every day.

Force promotions with these cheats. Select your Sim and run the cheat in the command console.

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Astronaut [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Astronaut career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Athletic [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Athletic career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Business [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Business career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Criminal [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Criminal career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Culinary [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Culinary career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Detective [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Detective career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Doctor [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Doctor career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Entertainer [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Entertainer career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Painter [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Painter career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Scientist [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Scientist career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote SecretAgent [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Secret Agent career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote TechGuru [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

TechGuru career

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Writer [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Writer Career

[edit] Teen Career Cheats

Add Career

RightArrow.gif careers.add_career [careername]

Get To Work

Add the career to the active sim, then promote them

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Babysitter [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Teen babysitter

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Barista [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Teen Barista

RightArrow.gif careers.promote FastFood [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Fast Food Teen job.

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Manual [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Teen manual labor job.

RightArrow.gif careers.promote Retail [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Teen retail employee job.

[edit] Commodity (Needs) Cheats

Needs cheats.

RightArrow.gif objects.consumables_infinite_toggle [true/false]

TS4 Base Game

This makes all consumables have infinite quantities (i.e. cake that never ends.)

RightArrow.gif stats.disable_all_commodities

TS4 Base Game

Changes Needs to none

RightArrow.gif stats.enable_all_commodities

TS4 Base Game

Changes Needs to full

RightArrow.gif stats.fill_commodities_household

TS4 Base Game

Fills Needs for the entire household

RightArrow.gif sims.fill_all_commodities

TS4 Base Game

Fills Needs for the just one Sim

[edit] Fire Cheats

Fire cheats.

RightArrow.gif fire.toggle [true/false]

TS4 Base Game

appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires.

RightArrow.gif fire.kill

TS4 Base Game

might kill the sim or put fire out.

RightArrow.gif fire.singe_sim

TS4 Base Game

- probably adds negative moodlet or kills sim

[edit] Household Cheats

Household cheats.

RightArrow.gif households.toggle_bill_notifications

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif households.autopay_bills

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif households.fill_visible_commodities_world

TS4 Base Game

This is the best cheat to use to fill the entire family's needs. Very helpful when your sim is off somewhere and the family elsewhere is running low on needs. The household does not need to be on the same lot to use this cheat.

[edit] Misc. Cheats

Misc. cheats

RightArrow.gif aspirations.complete_current_milestone

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif autonomy.ambient [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif autonomy.household [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif autonomy.show_queue

TS4 Base Game

- prints to console but doesn't seem to show anything useful.

RightArrow.gif bb.showhiddenobjects

Get To Work

Sims in the Scientist Career have a higher chance of being abducted by Aliens. For players who don't want to be a scientist and want to be abducted use this cheat.- Control + Shift + C, bb.showhiddenobjects, Enter Buy Mode (F2), Type 'satellite' into the search box, Satellite in misc electronics will appear - place it, Now you may either stop abductions for 24 hours by clicking it, or make a Sim more likely to be abducted by selecting 'Contact Aliens'. The satellite on your lot also gives access to the Alien Channel on TV.

RightArrow.gif cas.fulleditmode

TS4 Base Game

Set Sim Age - Testing cheats must be enabled. Select the active SIM. Run thecas.fulleditmode cheat, go into CAS and select the age. You can also bake a cake and put candles on it and make your chosen sim interact with it to age up. This cheat allows for full CAS editing

RightArrow.gif crafting.shorten_phases [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

This speeds up crafting while your Sim is doing them. It speeds up painting and woodworking.

RightArrow.gif death.toggle [true/false]

TS4 Base Game

When death is false, death is disabled and no sims will die. When set to true your sims will resume kicking the bucket due to typical game circumstances.

RightArrow.gif debug_outcome_style [success/fail/alternate/off]

TS4 Base Game

- Forces conversation and/or job responses to whatever option you've selected.

RightArrow.gif environment_score. [disable / enable]

TS4 Base Game

disables environment moodlet effects.

RightArrow.gif fps [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

displays the frames per second in the lower left corner

RightArrow.gif fullscreen

TS4 Base Game

Toggles between full and windowed screens

RightArrow.gif headlineeffects [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

Toggles the headlines on or off

RightArrow.gif help

TS4 Base Game

Returns all available commands in the command console.

RightArrow.gif households.autopay_bills

TS4 Base Game

Automatically pays Bills.

RightArrow.gif hovereffects [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

Disables object & sim highlighting.

RightArrow.gif Sims.add_buff

TS4 Base Game

  • Sims.remove_all_buffs”–Removes all moodlets/emotions
  • Sims.add_buff [buff, low/high]”–Adds a particular buff to the sim (spelling is very important)
Values for buffs:
    • sims.add_buff confidenthigh OR
    • sims.add_buff e_buff_confident (This enables the cowplant essence effect, powerful and longer lasting)
      • Energized: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Inspired: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Focused: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Playful: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Sad: SadLow or SadHigh (do not stack, high gives +2)
      • Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful (these all stack)
      • Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy (these two stack)
      • Uncomfortable: e_buff_uncomfortable
      • Embarrassed: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself (these two stack)

NOTE: e_buff is the same mood effect granted by cowplant essence, strong and lasts 12 hours

RightArrow.gif service_npc.toggle_auto_scheduled_services

TS4 Base Game

NPC Services - Toggles them on and off

RightArrow.gif resetSim [FirstName] [LastName]

TS4 Base Game

Resets the named Sim

RightArrow.gif sims.hard_reset

TS4 Base Game

forces user to default position.

RightArrow.gif sims.Spawn

TS4 Base Game

Spawns random Sim and adds them to your household

RightArrow.gif sims.spawnsimple

TS4 Base Game

Spawns random Sim but does not add them to your household. Great when you need extra Sims for parties and events. They'll stay until you tell them to go home.

RightArrow.gif sims.get_sim_id_by_name

TS4 Base Game

- gets simID, may be good for other commands.

RightArrow.gif tutorial.deactivate_tutorial_tip

TS4 Base Game

Deactivates tutorials

RightArrow.gif venues.set_venue

TS4 Base Game

Should be able to set a lot to public using this.

RightArrow.gif walkby.toggle

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif debug.enable_wedding [true/false]

TS4 Base Game

Enables weddings

RightArrow.gif debug.enable_woohoo [true/false]

TS4 Base Game

Enables or disables WooHoo

[edit] Money Cheats

Money cheats

RightArrow.gif kaching

TS4 Base Game

Gives 1,000 simoleons to the selected household's funds

RightArrow.gif freeRealEstate [on/off]

TS4 Base Game

Only works when in neighborhood/world. Real estate is Free when toggled on. When toggled off, normal prices resume.

RightArrow.gif Money [x]

TS4 Base Game

X is the amount of money you want your household to have. Beware that it will subtract funds if the X amount is less than the current household amount.

RightArrow.gif motherlode

TS4 Base Game

Gives 50,000 simoleons to the selected household's funds

RightArrow.gif rosebud

TS4 Base Game

This is an Achievement that is gained when the household reaches $1,000,000 simoleons.

[edit] Build Cheats

Cheats helpful for building lots.

RightArrow.gif bb.enablefreebuild to enable and bb.disablefreebuild to disable

Get To Work

Edit the hospital, police station, Science Lab, etc.

Info thanks to http://simsvip.com/2015/04/02/the-sims-4-editing-hidden-lots/ ...

Hospital: must have at least: 1-2 surgery tables, exam beds, 1 front desk with computer and chair, 1-2 treadmills, 1-2 chemical analysers, 1-2 x-ray machines, 1 snack machine, extra computers away from front desk, 1 toilet and sink, 1 microwave and counter.

Police Station: must have at least: 1 front desk with computer and chair, 1 interrogation table with 2 chairs adn 1 one way mirror object, 1-2 chemical analysers, 1 crime map, 1 booking station, 1 snack machine, extra computers away from front desk, 1 toilet, sink and shower, 1 microwave and counter. Cell Doors and cell walls, 1 table and 2 chairs.

Science Lab: A few Planters, 1 Rocket Launch Pad, 1 Invention Constructor, 1-2 Chemistry Lab, 1-2 Chemical Analyzers, 1 Observatory, Computers, 1 Bonsai Tree, 1 Punching bag, 1 Treadmill, 1 Shower, Toilets, Sinks, 1 Vending Machine Fridge

RightArrow.gif bb.moveobjects

TS4 Base Game

Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Type “bb.moveobjects on”. Use the 9 and 0 keys to adjust the object you are holding. Be aware this can cause some unusual visuals as you're placing items in an area they weren't originally meant to go.

RightArrow.gif bb.showhiddenobjects

TS4 Base Game

Shows hidden object like fishing ponds, etc.

RightArrow.gif ALT key

TS4 Base Game

You can move an object off grid

[edit] Pregnancy Cheats

Cheats for pregnancy

RightArrow.gif pregnancy.clear

TS4 Base Game

cancels a pregnancy?

RightArrow.gif pregnancy.roll

TS4 Base Game

doesn't seem to do anything

RightArrow.gif pregnancy.seed

TS4 Base Game

doesn't seem to do anything

[edit] Relationship Cheats

Cheats for relationships

RightArrow.gif Friendship/Romance_Main [ActiveSimName] [TargetSimsName] [-11 though 100]

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif modifyrelationship [ActiveSimName] [TargetSimsName] [-11 though 100]

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif relationship.create

TS4 Base Game

not sure of parameters for these.

RightArrow.gif relationship.destroy

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif relationship.introduce_all_sims

TS4 Base Game

[edit] Skill Cheats

You can max out skills using the cheats listed below. You need to set the level for each skill cheat by placing a 1 through 10 after the cheat. If you don't set the level, the cheats won't work.

example: stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 5 sets the Bartending or Mixology skill to 5.

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level major_archaeology x [1 through 10]

Jungle Adventure

Archaeology skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Baking skill-Comes with the Cupcake Factory, Requires Get To Work

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Bartending/Mixology skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level skill_bowling [1 through 5]

Bowling Stuff

Bowling Skill level

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Charisma skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Comedy [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Comedy skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Creativity skill for kids

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing [1 through 5]

Get Together

Dancing skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ [1 through 10]

Get Together

DJ Skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level skill_dogtraining [1 through 5]

Cats and Dogs

Dog training skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Fishing skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Fitness skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Gardening skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Cooking skill - Gourmet

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Guitar skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Handiness skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Herbalism skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_HomestyleCooking [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Homestyle Cooking skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Adultminor_localculture [1 through 10]

Jungle Adventure

Selvadorada Local Culture Skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Logic skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Mental skill for kids

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Mischief skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Motor skill for kids

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Painting skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Parenting [1 through 10]


How to be controlled by children

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Photography skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Piano skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level PipeOrgan [1 through 10]


Emulate your best 'Phantom of the Opera' skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Programming skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Reaping skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing [1 through 10]

City Living

singing skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Social skill for kids

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Vampire Lore [1 through 10]


Vampire lore skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Veterinarian [1 through 10]

Cats and Dogs

Veterinarian skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Video Gaming skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Violin skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Violin skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness [1 through 10]

Get To Work

Wellness skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing [1 through 10]

TS4 Base Game

Writing skill

[edit] Get To Work Skill Cheats for Employees

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance [1 through 5]

Get To Work

How well a sim maintains the retail space

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level retail_sales [1 through 5]

Get To Work

How good a salesperson a sim is

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic [1 through 5]

Get To Work

How well a sim works

[edit] Vampire Cheats

[edit] Turn Sim into Vampire or Cure Vampirism

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160


Change your sim into a vampire in a few days

RightArrow.gif traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire


Change your sim into a vampire immediately

RightArrow.gif traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire


Change your vampire back into a regular sim

[edit] Increase Vampire Rank

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202


Minor Vampire

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630


Prime Vampire

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058


Master Vampire

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486


Grand Master Vampire

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593


Max the vampire rank bar

[edit] Vampire Power Points

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15


Max vampire lore skill

RightArrow.gif stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10


Max out Pipe Organ skill

[edit] Vampire Skill Cheats

RightArrow.gif traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity


Regained humanity, still a vampire, but s vampires seem safer and kinder. Sims more likely to give permission to drink.

RightArrow.gif traits.equip_trait TheMaster


Grants supernatural control Command powers used on offspring always succeed.

RightArrow.gif traits.equip_trait TrueMaster


True Master - Excels at Mind Control and has greater stores of vampire energy.

[edit] Vampire Death Cheats

RightArrow.gif traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun


Instantly turn your sim or vampire into a ghost which died by the sun.

RightArrow.gif stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100


Kill your vampire by sunlight

[edit] Unlock Vampire Powers

Note: “bucks.unlock_perk {perkname} true” will not show up properly in the Vampire Powers panel.

Instead, use the full command. Get the Sim’s ID using the sims.get_sim_id_by_name cheat.

There are some constraints, for example if you have a sun weakness equipped, adding a sun resistance will not work.


  • The vampire rank required for the reward must be unlocked first.
  • 40961 tells the game it’s a Vampire Power Perk.
  • {targetsim} is the Sim ID of the sim you’d like to unlock the perk for.

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 {targetsim}


Bat Form

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 {targetsim}


Beyond The Herd

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 {targetsim}


Cast Hallucination

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Child of the Moon/Creature of the Night/Master of Darkness

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 {targetsim}



RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Dampened Emotions/Suppressed Emotions/Deadened Emotions

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 {targetsim}


Deprive Needs

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 {targetsim}


Detect Personality

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 {targetsim}


Eternally Welcome

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 {targetsim}


Garlic Immunity

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 {targetsim}


Immortal Pleasures

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Influence Emotion/Alter Emotion/Control Emotion

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 {targetsim}


Irresistible Slumber

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 {targetsim}


Manipulate Life Spirit

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 {targetsim}



RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 {targetsim}


Mist Form

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Occult Student/Disciple/Master

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 {targetsim}



RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Sun Resistance/Greater Sun Resistance/Perfect Sun Resistance

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 {targetsim}


Supernatural Speed

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 {targetsim}


Tamed Thirst

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 {targetsim}


Vampire Creation

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Vampiric Charm/Allure/Fascination

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Vampiric Slumber/Greater Vampiric Slumber/Vampiric Trance

RightArrow.gif bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim}


Vampiric Strength/Brawn/Might

[edit] Reset Vampire Powers

Requires a Sim ID. Use the sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} cheat to get your Sim ID from your Sims. {simID} is the ID of the sim you want to reset.

RightArrow.gif bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 {simID} true


Refund vampire power points and reset the power board

RightArrow.gif bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 {simID} false


Remove weaknesses but keep the rest of your Vampire Powers.

[edit] UI Cheats

UI cheats

RightArrow.gif ui.toggle_silence_phone

TS4 Base Game

RightArrow.gif ui.dialog.auto_respond

TS4 Base Game

[edit] Shift Click Cheats

NOTE: [Shift] and [Click] on the Sims or Objects to Unlock the following cheats
NOTE 2: Whenever you leave your active household and go to neighborhood mode and back, you need to run testingCheats true again because it reverts to default 'off' when you leave the household.

[edit] "Shift Click" on Sim Cheats

RightArrow.gif Select "Add to Family"

TS4 Base Game

Adds the selected Sim to the current household family.

RightArrow.gif Select "Cheat Need" and then "Disable Need Decay"

TS4 Base Game

Motives/needs freeze

RightArrow.gif Select "Cheat Need" and "Enable Need Decay"

TS4 Base Game

Motives/needs change normally.

RightArrow.gif Select "Cheat Need" and "Make Happy"

TS4 Base Game

Fills all motive/need bars and give the Happy Mood.

RightArrow.gif Select "Modify in CAS"

TS4 Base Game

This cheat brings the selected Sim from the game and into edit in CAS. You can fix body issues, make new clothing choices... everything except change the Sim's the name or change inherited traits.

[edit] Shift Click on Objects Unlocks

RightArrow.gif Select "Reset Object (Debug)"

TS4 Base Game

Resets the object

RightArrow.gif Select "Make Clean"

TS4 Base Game

If the object is dirty, becomes clean.

RightArrow.gif Select "Make Dirty"

TS4 Base Game

If the object can become dirty, it will.

[edit] Shift Click on Ground Unlocks

RightArrow.gif Select "Teleport Sim"

TS4 Base Game

Immediately teleports sim to selected position.

[edit] Moving Your camera around for Screenshots

There are some keyboard keys you can use when taking pictures.

In play mode, click the TAB key. That gets rid of all the gameplay control icons. You can move the camera around using the following keys:

  • a = left
  • d = right
  • s = back
  • w = forward
  • q = down
  • e = up

Press the CTRL key and the scroll the middle mouse scroll button back or forward to stretch or shrink your camera view so you can get fuller room screenshots - It will distort depending on how much you've stretched the camera.

Press the TAB key to get back to normal screen.

[edit] Credit and Thanks

Thanks to TwistedMexi at https://www.reddit.com/user/TwistedMexi and to Simsglobe.com and sims-online.com for cheat explanations.

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