Difference between revisions of "Tutorials:Body Shop Meshing Starter Tutorials"

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===General Grounding===
* [[Tutorials:I'm new, where do I start??]]
* [[Tutorials:Everything You Wanted to Know About Meshes But Were Afraid to Ask]]
* [[Tutorials:General - Tig's Editing Suggestions]]
===Specific tasks===
* [[Tutorials:Beginning Clothing/Body Meshing Tutorial - Using Unimesh/Milkshape]]
* [[Tutorials:Beginning Clothing/Body Meshing Tutorial - Using Unimesh/Milkshape]]
* [[Tutorials:Unimesh/Milkshape Level 2, Editing and UV Maps]]
* [[Tutorials:Unimesh/Milkshape Level 2, Editing and UV Maps]]

Revision as of 14:29, 18 April 2007



If you have never made a Body Shop mesh before, you MUST start with these tutorials.

What you will need

  • SimPE
  • A 3D modeling program - we HIGHLY recommend Milkshape with the Unimesh plugins. Free programs are available but simply will not do what Milkshape will do for its low price.
  • Prerequisite for ALL Body Shop Meshing Projects: You MUST be an experienced creator of Body Shop recolours - that is, changing textures and alphas for clothing, hair, accessories, skintones, etc... These tutorials will not tell how to use Body Shop or make textures for your meshes... and the skills you learn through becoming extremely adept at making recolours/retextures/reskins of Body Shop content are -crucial- to being successful at creating new Body Shop meshes.


General Grounding

Specific tasks

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Tutorials by Category

Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims  Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring  Building: Building | Landscaping | Walls & Floors | Other: Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods

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