The French Sim

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Revision as of 16:32, 18 March 2007 by The French Sim (Talk | contribs)

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The_French_Sim joined S2C in October 2005 after he followed a link on MTS2. Which he joined after discovering a tutorial about making new careers there. After giving a go to creating a few viewable movies for SimTV, he slowly learnt to make more and more content, eventually creating his own accessories (thanks to HystericalParoxysm).
At the same time, he started to write a story first called "The story of Earth Neebtadrizk", then renamed Come down to Earth. After persuading Lollipop_Girl to post Undead: Serene's story in the forums, The_French_Sim wrote Children of Xk'krylg'hnreblv, the prequel to his previous story. Just because he has a twisted mind. He also created the wiki's Stories section.

He is currently dating Lollipop_Girl and is part of Nouk's team at Noukiesims2.


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