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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at
====Sim Relationship Values====

DWORD - Version (02) DWORD - Number of following dwords (some high values such as 0C are self relationships of some kind) DWORD - Shortterm Relation WORD - Relationship Flags WORD - Relationship State (positive,flat/negative) DWORD - Longterm Relation DWORD - Family Relation DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown DWORD - Unknown (00 or 01) DWORD - Unknown

To assign this values to a Sim you need to look at the Instance ID of the file, the first 2 bytes of the Instance reference the Sim who has that feelings, the other two bytes are the Sim (s)he has the feelings for.

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