Game Help:Seasons
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You can add and control weather events, revel in seasonal activities and celebrate the holidays in style. Have fun all year round.
- Experience a wide variety of weather types - Hot, blustery, cool, freezing, thunderstorms, snow. Every world's climate is unique. Summon thunderstorms, clear up overcast skies or jump between seasons. You can change the length of the seasons in the Game Options menu under seasons.
- Revel in seasonal activities - swimming, roller or ice skating, make snow people.
- Celebrate Holidays like Love Day and Winterfeast or create your own custom holidays.
- Get a work at home job with the Gardening Career Grow your gardening career - Become an artful florist or sell your plants directly from the garden. Your sims can also use homegrown flowers for the Flower Arrangement Table and sell bouquets. If you own Get To Work open a florist shop and sell your arrangements.
- Become genius botanist and join the Botanist Career which has several levels.
- There is also a Botanist Aspiration that helps with gardening.
- Death Flower - graft Pomegranate to an Orchid - A sim must give the death flower to the grim reaper to bring a different dead sim back to life.
- Bee Box - The bees will pollinate your garden and provide honey to eat or sell.
- Change the duration of each season from 7 days up to 4 weeks.
- Gardening Career
- Botanist Career
- Purchase a Flower Arranging Table
Flower Arranging Table
Make sure your sim is in the Inspired mood when creating floral arrangements. They will earn skill gains and create better arrangements.
- Level 1 - Your sim can make arrangements with Tulips, Holly, Daisy, Dahlia, Chrysanthemum, Bluebell, and Begonias.
- Level 2 - Create arrangements with Roses, Snapdragons, and Crocuses
- Level 3 - Additional arrangements can be made with Begonias, Dahlias, and Tulips. Add Scents
from Snowdrop and Crocuses to make excellent-quality arrangements.
- Level 4 - Create arrangements with Snowdrops, Lilies, and Christmas Roses. Add Scents with Daisies and Bluebells for excellent-quality arrangements.
- Level 5 - Create arrangements from Orchids and Birds of Paradise. Add scents from Roses and Dahlias.
- Level 6 - Excellent-quality arrangements can be scented with Snapdragons and Chrysanthemums.
- Level 7 - Add scents with Tulips and Christmas Roses.
- Level 8 - Excellent-quality arrangements can now be scented with Begonias and Birds of Paradise.
- Level 9 - Add scents with Lilies and Death Flowers for excellent-quality arrangements.
- Level 10 - Excellent-quality arrangements can be scented from Orchids.